Are Arcane Mages Weak? I Can Write Entries For Everything!

Chapter 72 Return To Ruins King's Scepter! Legendary Entry [Equivalent Exchange] [Invincible]!

As the king of the ruins.


A final damage so high that Qin Feng himself was shocked jumped out!

Breaking 100 million!

140% of the damage of the Profound Truth.

Directly burst hundreds of millions of damage!

The huge Medusa died instantly!

The body exploded in the sea.

slowly disappear.

Qin Feng picked up the dropped pieces of equipment.

Still in shock.

Hundreds of millions of damage values!

The power of Medusa is beyond doubt.

Qin Feng's single crit hit has a maximum damage of more than 30 million.

Medusa persisted for dozens of seconds in a daze.

The increase in life limit and recovery speed provided by the sea.

There were several times in the middle, Qin Feng didn't know what ability she used.

The blood volume is directly locked at 5% and does not drop.

However, under the end of real damage, [Divine Throne·Thunder], and [Profound Meaning Ember].

Force smash!

Blood Harvester!

"Unfortunately, it only takes 3 seconds to fully fire."

"3 seconds, 6 seconds, 11 seconds, these are the duration of several boosting skills."

Qin Feng in full swing.

It is completely Thunder Fort.

Skills have no cooldown.

[God Seat Thunder] is an exclusive skill again.

It can be done without casting guidance.

The speed is extremely fast.

A critical strike is 35 million terrifying damage!

If only it lasted longer.

Qin Feng has the confidence to fuck him in front of a real god!

"However, in this match, there are also many points that need to be paid attention to.

Beginning to be petrified is thrilling.

Purification can only be used once in a short period of time.

If Medusa continues to release the petrified eye.

Eighty percent are gone.

Shake your head slowly.

Look at the career panel.

[Battle reminder: You have successfully leapfrogged to level 108 and killed the king of the abyss, Medusa! You have gained a lot of experience!]

[Level reminder: Your level has been raised to Lv55!]

[You have successfully sacrificed the abyss to return to the ruins king Medusa! Get the "heart of the ocean" and "power of petrification"!】

[Holy Spirit: The activation progress has been greatly improved! The current progress is 40%!】

【You trigger an epiphany! Get the skill 'Fire Spirit Fury'!】

[Your Suqing task progress has been greatly improved! The current progress is 98%!]

[Reminder: "Chapter of Order" successfully smelted Abyss Returning Ruins King Medusa! You get a new page of inscriptions! 】

In addition to several pieces of equipment dropped.

The other gains are equally great.

This time I finally realized the new skill.

[Fire Spirit Fury (Green Level 1): Release 1*1 sea of ​​flames, causing Spirit*1.1*10 damage per second, lasting for 3 seconds! Cooldown time is 60 seconds!】

Just green quality.

Qin Feng glanced at it and stopped looking.

The two abilities obtained by the sacrifice are very interesting.

[Heart of the Ocean (Purple): Passive, when in the sea, being favored by the ocean, HP recovery speed +20%, mana recovery speed +20%! Every 24 hours, you can use the ocean to instantly recover 50% of your HP! Attack power + 10%, Defense +10%!]

[The power of petrification (dark purple): Passive, each attack has a certain probability of petrifying the opponent, and the petrification probability is related to the level, equipment, and comprehensive attributes of both parties. 】

Both are passives that cannot be upgraded.

But pay very well.

Instantly recover 50% HP.

It is estimated that it is the ability that Medusa used before.

Not to mention petrification

One of the typical characteristics.

What Qin Feng didn't expect was that the devouring of the Holy Spirit did not conflict with sacrifice and [Chapter of Order].

All three have also changed.

And the activation of the Holy Spirit skyrocketed.

up to 40%.

Qin Feng is now looking forward to what will happen after the Holy Spirit is activated.

Then Qin Feng opened the thick [Chapter of Order].

The first page is Abyss Dragon Rider Yu Yue.

The second page is Abyss Gorefiend.

On the third page, Medusa quickly appeared.

But it is dynamic, changing between human form and siren form.

[Exemption: You get the nostalgia of Guixu Ocean, and every 24 hours, the 5 fatal damages received will be borne by Guixu Ocean! If the Guixu Ocean is greatly reduced, the effect of the 5 fatal immunity will be reduced. 】

Qin Feng's pupils jumped!

Can you have 5 chances to save yourself from death every day?!

As he kills monsters, his level increases.

The dangers encountered now are a hundred times stronger than before.

The gods are looking for opportunities to kill him!

5 death saves, it's simply too important!

In Qin Feng's view, it is definitely more valuable than [real].

It's not a level thing at all.

"Lethal damage is borne by Guixu Haiyang".

Qin Feng nodded and looked down at the Sea of ​​Return to Ruins.

This skill is linked to Returning to the Ruins Sea.

If the Guixu Sea finally dries up, it is estimated that the [immunity] ability will be gone.

But the sea of ​​returning to ruins is so huge.

I am afraid that only the gods can dry it up.

Medusa drops a total of 4 items.

Qin Feng's gaze instantly fell on the scepter.

This is definitely no ordinary scepter!

Bronze, full of mysterious lines.

A series of blue lines converge when the handle rotates.

At the top is a blue gemstone, like the sea of ​​returning to ruins.

[Return to the Ruins King's Scepter (Epic Level)]

【Usage level: LV100-LV200】

【Entry: Inactive (2/2)】



【Power +1000】

[Additional attribute 1: crit, crit rate +10%, crit damage +40%]

[Additional Attribute 2: Manipulate the sea, to a certain extent, you can control the sea and fight for yourself]

[Additional attribute 3: Guixuhai Eye, summon a Guixuhai Eye anywhere, all other units in the Guixuhai Eye will receive -50% of all attributes, and the self will get a 20% increase in all attributes!】

[Additional attribute 4: skill damage +50%, hit rate of hit skills +100%, the first daily stun, imprisonment, paralysis and other characteristic skills must hit! 】

[Additional attribute 5: cooling -40% ignores defense +50%]

[Additional attribute 6: Wrath of the Returning King, summoning the Returning King Medusa, which lasts for 15 seconds. 】

[Additional attribute 7: Zilian enslavement, which can enslave three monsters not exceeding level 30 of its own level, and does not occupy the space of beast pets! 】

【Score: 690】

Qin Feng swallowed his saliva.

This is definitely a god-level scepter!

Not to mention the attribute increase.

The 7 additional attributes are even more powerful.

Once the Sea Eye of Guixu is summoned, all attributes -50%, who can resist it?

When the tenth step comes, you have to cry.

It's a pity that attribute 5, ignoring defense is basically useless to Qin Feng.

But the purple lotus enslavement at point 7 at the end is very interesting.

Qin Feng thought of the purple air flow and lotus stand.

This ability is very abrupt, obviously not like Medusa's own.

Nor is it a thing of the abyss.

But Qin Feng didn't think much about it.

Does not occupy the position of pets.

3 forcibly enslaving monsters that are no higher than their own level 30.

If the opponent's price is not high, Qin Feng does not want to waste 3 pits.

"Unfortunately, the minimum level requires level 100 to use.

Qin Feng frowned.

This scepter, the bonus is really good.

10,000 points of attack, Hita point of spirit.

But this is based on the high level of use.

The level 60 Dragon Hidden Robe only adds one hundred and five.

"I don't know if there is a way to lower the usage level.

Then he looked at the other pieces of equipment.

【Eye of Petrification (Golden)】

【Usage level: LV100-Lv200】

【Entry: Inactive (2/2)】

【Accessories: Pendants】

【Spirit +800】

[Defense +100]

[Additional attribute 1: petrification, petrification target unit, defense +200% after petrification, duration 5 seconds, cooldown time 1 hour]

[Additional Attribute 2: Toughness +100%]

[Additional Attribute 3: Ocean Current Barrier, which can absorb 30w damage, and can be reactivated after 1 hour after being broken. 】

【Score: 340】

It's a nice pendant.

Absorbing 300,000 damage is almost comparable to the holy

But Holy Shield is a growth ability.

There is room for more.

【Return to Ruins Gem (Pale Gold)】

【Strength +300】

【Agility +100】

【Score: 290】

There was actually a gem.

Very rare indeed.

Go back and find Master Han to inlay it.

When you see the last piece of equipment.

Qin Feng looked shocked.

【Deep Sea Ancient Mud (Purple)】

【Special Items】

[Effect: After use, the use level of any equipment can be increased by 10, and various attributes can be slightly increased! 】

【Score: 149】

Purple items that are close to full marks.

It's still very weird that it can increase the use level!

Equipment use level restrictions.

Almost Qin Feng's maximum limit.

Now he's level 55.

At level 60, several pieces of equipment cannot be used.

If you change to new equipment, you may not be able to have those special attributes.

But if you can use this [Deep Sea Ancient Mud] to improve.

Naturally, these problems do not exist.

Although this is purple quality.

But if it is sold, Qin Feng believes that there will definitely be people willing to spend the price of gold quality equipment to buy it!

There are many professionals, for a 5% crit rate equipment.

Everyone is willing to go bankrupt!

Special attributes are the most valued by professionals.

Not used directly.

Qin Feng cleared all the entries for today.

"Ding! Do you want to refresh the entry?"


"Ding! Entries refreshed successfully!"

A vast number of entries emerged.

A large area is all white.

Qin Feng's eyes fell on the [Deep Sea Ancient Clay] in his hand.

Today's most dazzling entry was born!

[Equivalent Exchange: Legendary Quality! Freedom Improves Item Quality!]

The highest other entries are just boutiques.

"Fixed entry!"

"Ding! The entry is fixed successfully!"

Qin Feng finally saw the effect of this weird entry.

【Deep Sea Ancient Mud (Purple)】

【Entry: Equivalent exchange】

【Special Items】

[Effect: After use, the use level of any equipment can be increased by 10, and various attributes can be slightly increased! 】

[Equivalent exchange: You can put various equipment items into this item, and the rank of the exchangeable items can be improved, and the highest quality can be upgraded to legendary level! 】

【Score: 149】

No effect boost.

Just one more way to change?

And you need to put something in to exchange for equivalent value.

The more you invest, the more promotion you get in exchange.

And the highest can reach the legendary level.

Qin Feng tried to throw in a white quality dagger.

It was absorbed immediately.

At the same time, a progress bar is added.

tiny fluctuations.

[Equivalent exchange is activated! Do you want to exchange now?]

[Reminder: After a successful exchange, the entry will become invalid. If you do not exchange it, you can continue to invest in it, with no time limit, until the progress bar reaches 100%!]

Qin Feng was startled when he saw the prompt.

Almost wasted a good entry!

"No exchange yet."

"Refresh the entry for the second time!"

"Ding! Entries refreshed successfully!"


Legendary again?!

Today is a blast!

The god of luck has come!

It actually appeared on the [Returning King's Scepter]!

Qin Feng didn't know whether it was good or bad.

【Invincible: Legendary! Gain invincibility for 3 seconds! Any attack cannot cause damage!】

Qin Feng took a deep breath.

This entry does not increase equipment attributes.

But it provides 3 seconds of invincibility!

For Qin Feng, it directly makes up for his biggest shortcoming in survival!

Invincibility in the world is not without it.

But any one is priceless!

The only thing he saw was the archer Tie Wuqing.

Tens of millions may not be able to buy invincible skills and equipment.

Fix the entry directly.

The other entries are average, let’s take a look at the remaining two fixed times.

【You have successfully killed the epic boss, and the national notification is about to be made. Do you want to hide the information?】

"hide. "

【Hidden Success!】

[National Announcement: Tier 3 Arcanist** successfully killed the Epic Boss Abyss Return King Medusa! Reward the Epic Treasure Box!]

The golden font and the voice of heaven echoed.

Qin Feng knew that this place would probably become lively soon.

I glanced at the legendary mission.

There is still a little progress left to complete.

Directly summon both the Black Dragon of Despair and the Succubus Hiertina.

"Hurry up, find more monsters and kill them."

Without talking much, one person, one monster and one dragon quickly searched for monsters.

Tomorrow is the National College League that has received much attention recently.

All major forums and news media are reporting the recent situation of various college students.

Qin Feng's theory of the dark horse came after the initial high attention.

He was quickly overwhelmed by other sequence geniuses.

However, when the finals were being discussed in full swing across the country.

Tiandao's nationwide announcement stunned them.

"I am super?! Tier 3 Arcanist?"

"Epic boss! What the hell!"

"Oh my god, is this a group of bosses recently? Why are there so many of them!"

"Third-rank Arcanist, isn't Nima a stigmata again?"

"Isn't the stigmata the second level? It's only been a few days, how could it be the third level!"

"It's definitely not a stigmata. If it's a stigmata, I'll be shitted yesterday!"

"Guixu King? I remember there is a sea area, is it called Guixu Ocean?"

"That place is so big, I heard that the level of monsters is ridiculously high, it's insane!"

"(Nuomo's) What level of boss is this? How can you say it is level seven or eight?"

"It's too awesome, another strong man comparable to the stigmata!"

Cherry Blossom Country.

Emperor Society.


There were bloody corpses everywhere.

There is still blood on the corner of the president's mouth.

The whole person is completely different from before.

Cruelty beats in the pupils.

A cherry blossom imprint appeared between the eyebrows.

"You actually killed King Guixu, the kid is really strong."

"There must be a big secret in your body. When I find it, I will swallow you directly."

"Those old fellows in Shenyu, who can control me!"

He licked his lips bloodthirstyly.

"President" walked out of the basement.

beautiful country.

The largest guild life court.

Secret video connection.

Several heads shook.

The specially processed sound is loud.

"There has been a lot of movement in Huaxia Kingdom recently, who is cultivating the strong?"

"Stigmata, Qin Feng, and several other young people should not be underestimated."

"Epic-level bosses and legendary-level bosses have been hunted a lot, and their strength is estimated to be greatly improved. Be careful in the national killing battlefield."

"Just them? Giving them a hundred epic bosses will not change the situation in the global killing field."

"Pay more attention. In addition, the presence of evil gods has been detected in Sakura Country, and there are also people in God's Domain who are dishonest.

"It's probably caused by the fluctuation of the Holy Spirit last time, right? Low-level is low-level, and you dare to descend in a clone."

Xuanfeng City.

City Lord's Mansion.

Today is very lively.

The city lord Feng Yunzhi is receiving the city lord of the secondary main city.

Bai Qi is also there.

If Qin Feng is here.

You can definitely recognize Fatima, who is sitting to one side.

Nephew of the Princess of Persia.

The moment the national announcement sounded.

The voice suddenly fell silent.

Feng Yunzhi asked in surprise, "Medusa, the king of the ruins?"

"Sea of ​​Return to Ruins actually has an epic boss?"

"Could it be another stigmata?"

Fatima on the side covered her mouth and exclaimed:

"It must be Lord Stigmata!".

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