Are Food Cells Invincible? Liuku Immortal Thief Teaches You How To Be A Good Person!

67 Make A Deal You Can’T Refuse, I’Ll Give You The Soup Of The Century

In Bai Zhu's room, Zaiba tried his best to appear calm, but there was no way to calm down his rapidly beating heart.

"You went to IGO's first courtyard, right?

"I remember that your GT robot was completely hairless and was stepped on by a woolly mammoth. During the process of self-repair, it was completely stepped on and scrapped by one of your own GT people. That person must be you."

Zaiba started to sweat on his head, he was so aware of his actions.

"I think the purpose of your visit this time is the soup of the century, right?

"After your boss gave the order, your targets are only ingredients from the food world, and ingredients from the human world are no longer available.

“But at Bishokukai, the only people who can enter the food industry now are the chief cook, three deputy chief cooks, and the head of the first branch. The bartender has reached the threshold.

“Although the remaining ones are strong, they are still close to entering the food industry.

“If you want to enter the food industry, your food cells must evolve again, so you are eyeing Soup of the Century.

"But why don't you send a few inconspicuous ones? Your image is too conspicuous."

Zaiba is no longer sweating coldly, now he is sweating profusely. It feels like he has no privacy at all. Even the people inside Bishokukai may not be so clear about these things.


"Don't be nervous, I'm just saying a few words. You are from Bishokukai. This should not be lawless. You are embarrassing Bishokukai too much.

“We can work together, I’ll help you get the soup of the century.

“Not only century soup, but I can also get other ingredients that can make gourmet cells evolve.

"Look, the opportunity for us to cooperate has just come."

cooperate? Zaiba's mind didn't react for a while. Shouldn't we both be enemies? Can we also cooperate?

"Sir, can you please make this clearer?"

Zaiba had no choice. Bai Zhu's idea was so wild and unfathomable that there was no way to grasp it.

Bai Zhu smiled kindly.

"Don't you understand this? Although I know you very well, this is only limited to intelligence. As for where you are, I don't know about your daily life.

"You tell me all this and I'll give you the soup of the century. Isn't this a fair deal?"

Zaiba's expression changed completely, and he knew it was not a good thing!

Bishokukai's base is a secret. No one knows about it except senior members of Bishokukai, and Bishokukai's daily affairs are very confidential.

Having said all this, even if he goes back with the soup of the century, it will be a dead end.

"This is impossible!

"This seems to be a transaction, but sir also knows that it has nothing to do with the transaction, and our ability will also get the soup of the century."

Zaiba finally got tough and there was no room for change in this kind of thing.

"Well, no one has stopped me from doing what I want to do, so what should I do?"

Zaiba looked determined. Loyalty to the organization was the foundation of their existence. Meetings were not a place to be unreasonable, and this was one of them.

This is something you must abide by, otherwise you will be doomed.

"I don't know, but I, Zaiba, will never agree to any deal because of Soup of the Century."

Bai Zhu smiled and was very determined, but there was no such thing as willingness or unwillingness to know the news he wanted to know.

"In this case, I can only do it myself."

Zaiba clenched his fists. As the high-end combat power of Bishokukai, his combat power is also quite strong, and his combat skills are fists and kicks. This kind of place is also very suitable for him to display.

Zaiba punched hard and struck first, the people in Bishokukai understood it best and practiced it with all their strength.

But Zaiba noticed something was wrong as soon as he punched him, and he couldn't move.

Bai Zhu stood up from the chair and walked towards Zaiba step by step: "Even if the current Luanjin Tuo is used to suppress Yilong, he will lose his mind for a second.

“You’re like this, now you’re still trying to calm yourself down.

"But you are very honored to experience the power of Luanjin Tuo."

Zaiba was desperate. The person who almost hacked to death the deputy head chef was indeed very strong. He couldn't be his opponent at all!

"Relax, don't resist!"

A ball of blue Qi appeared on Bai Zhu's hand, both hands full!

Zaiba's face turned red, but he couldn't break free even with all his strength. He could only watch the blue gas getting into his head.

"I told you to relax so you won't be in pain."

Lan Qi entered his mind and began to explore Zaiba's memory. Under his hands, everything in his memory was clearly visible.

Bai Zhu searched everything in Zaiba's mind and checked everything about Bishokukai. This thing is indeed hidden.

But even so, Bai Zhu knows it now.

Midora is indeed a wild man, and his headquarters is not very particular.

After searching the memory, Bai Zhu erased all the information about himself in Zaiba's mind. It was better to be a little confused.

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