Chapter 102 Boom!

The loud explosion came from behind them.

When hearing this sound, Lin Yi could even feel a push back...

What a terrible power that is!?

Lin Yi turned his head abruptly, watching the scene in front of him, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"This is......"

What he saw in front of his eyes was a scene he had never even imagined.

He is witnessing the eruption of an active volcano!

On the mountain pass of Mount Fuji, thick black smoke is rolling, mixed with a lot of scarlet and shiny debris, and even some red lightning flashes occasionally!

Lin Yi widened his eyes, marveling at the scene in front of him.

That majestic scene is so shocking to see!

The majesty of nature!

The lava ejected by the volcano is rapidly cooling in the air, and it is smashing into every place in sight like countless meteors!

Exclamations rang out from the entire exile crowd!


The huge volcanic rock smashed into the parking lot, and there was a huge impact sound, and then the high heat contained in the volcanic rock immediately set the smashed car on fire!



Countless huge volcanic rocks like meteorites swept across the sky and smashed down the mountain!

For a time... the black clouds erupted from Mount Fuji quickly filled the entire sky, and the sky darkened in an instant.

The sky was still clear and the sun was shining brightly just now, but at this time it was already full of black clouds, and it was as gloomy as covering the sky and covering the sun.

What borders the black sky is scarlet lava, which is constantly flowing downwards.

It looks like a river of thick blood, which is amazing!

"My goodness......"

Liu Yiyi said in a trembling voice...

Lin Yi understands her mood at this time, but this is not the time to be surprised.

He patted Liu Yiyi's shoulder and said directly, "Let's go, don't be."

"Wait a while... I'm afraid I won't have a chance to leave at all."

Qin Yunuo also nodded, and in the panic, she immediately locked a Porsche sports car.

In order to ensure that you can rush down the mountain as soon as possible, the performance of the car is of course the most important.

But just as Qin Yunuo opened the door to get into the car, she suddenly heard the appraiser named Gao Yi speak very solemnly behind her, "No... Wait a minute."

Qin Yunuo frowned: "Wait a minute?"

"How can there be time to hesitate at this time!?"

Lin Yi did not speak, but turned to look at the top of Mount Fuji behind him.

Looking at the rolling lava, his eyes were lost for a moment.

And just in this moment of daze, [Eagle Eyesight], [Great Nature], and [Thinking Hall] opened at the same time!

After a rough budget, Lin Yi looked down the mountain again.

Then he opened his mouth and said, "The car is going down the mountain."

When Liu Yiyi heard this conclusion, she immediately became anxious: "Can't drive down the mountain? Then what should I do!?"

"Isn't this the only way now!?"

Qin Yunuo's brows furrowed. Although he did not speak, the doubts in his eyes were already born.

Don't drive down the mountain? Are you waiting to die here?

At this time, Lin Yi said directly: "The lava flows down at about 60 kilometers per hour, and the speed is very fast..."

"If you drive, it's too late to go down the mountain, the risk is too great."

Liu Yiyi interrupted Lin Yi's words: "Impossible!"

"It only takes six seconds for this car to accelerate from 100 kilometers to 100 kilometers. Even if the lava flow rate you mentioned is really 60 kilometers per hour, it can leave the lava far behind!"

Liu Yiyi spoke very fast, but she just finished speaking so firmly, Qin Yunuo didn't have time to explain to Lin Yi, she just said directly: "What are you going to do?"

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the airport, and said, "Airplane!"

"Leave by plane!"

"Anyway, as long as the plane can take off, all danger will remain on the ground!"

Hearing this, Qin Yunuo fell into deep thought for a while.

Although the lava is still far away, if you choose to turn back and rush back to the airport...

Qin Yunuo didn't think for long, then nodded immediately.

"Okay, let's go from the airport!"

Hearing the conversation between Qin Yunuo and "Gao Yi", Liu Yiyi was already dumbfounded.

Why did you suddenly decide to go back?

Isn't it more dangerous there?

But whether it is "Gao Yi" or the eldest sister Qin Yunuo, they are all people Liu Yiyi is willing to believe.

So facing the decision made by the two at this time, Liu Yiyi did not have any doubts, but just kept up with the pace.

They had already started walking towards the airport at a quick pace.

But even so, the doubts in Liu Yiyi's heart were not lifted.

As she walked quickly, she asked, "Sister! Why don't you drive?"

Qin Yunuo's tone was hurried, but it just sounded like she knew she was in a hurry.

"Because the winding mountain road is winding, and there are too many cars on the road now."

"The lava goes straight down the mountain."

"Gao Yi is right. If we drive down, we will be courting death."

Hearing this, Liu Yiyi's heart trembled.

She had a good understanding ability and immediately understood what Sister Qin was talking about.

However, just because she understood this, she was even more surprised by the calmness and composure that "Gao Yi" just showed.

The time of the lava flow rate was calculated so quickly, and it was also judged that driving down the mountain was almost courting death...


Liu Yiyi let out a long breath and said, "The path we chose is right."

"I thought this was the dead end..."

Speaking of which, Liu Yiyi's voice was getting lower and lower.

Because she saw that Sister Qin's expression was still very solemn, so solemn that it seemed a little gloomy.


She became a little worried.

But Qin Yunuo said: "Yiyi, the path we choose...the chance of surviving may be higher."

"But if it doesn't take off before lava covers the runway..."

"Then we still have a dead end..."

"The odds of surviving this time...let's see how lucky we are."

"If the aftershocks come early, or if there are no planes that can take off..."

"Then we..."

Qin Yunuo hesitated to speak, but hearing this, Liu Yiyi was shocked.

Only then did she realize that what they were doing at this time was to compete for time with the god of death!

Among these conditions, if there is any problem, the probability that the three of them can survive will be greatly reduced!

At this moment, even Lin Yi felt a little chill in his heart.


Lin Yi thought so.

"This task is extremely difficult...that's what I meant."_

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