Chapter 18 Hearing Liu Yiyi's words, Lin Yi secretly slandered in his heart.


Want to buy a painting? Go to the Louvre to buy a painting?

Afraid to sell paintings?

Qin Yunuo has a very strong artistic attainments, can make a beautiful knife that can be faked and invite himself to the Louvre?

I'm afraid that the drunkard's intention is not to drink.

But right now, of course, he couldn't just agree to Liu Yiyi's request, not to mention the brilliance in this girl's eyes was not simple.

And if he acts with Qin Yunuo, it means that he has to use this Gao Yi identity all the time, but he doesn't have any knowledge about appraisal right now. It's about to be revealed.

But if you are going abroad...

Lin Yi's mind became somewhat alive.

The identity of "Gao Yi" is too famous now, and he must give up this identity, otherwise the risk is too high.

Then going abroad at this time can temporarily alleviate certain problems without revealing the secrets, and you can also wait until the popularity of "hero captain" decreases before changing your identity.

But Lin Yi still did not agree to this.

After all, according to his current status, if he agrees so bluntly, he will probably arouse suspicion.

So he smiled and shook his head, and said, "If there is anything to be appraised, I think you can find a better appraiser in Bali."

"I just returned home now..."

"Especially after experiencing such a thing, I advise you to repair it for a while."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Liu Yiyi's eyes clearly showed some loss.

The girl's emotions were all written in her eyes, and this innocence made Lin Yi suddenly seem to have gone back to the past.


"I think you should go with us."

Liu Yiyi thought silently for a moment, then she raised her head and looked at Lin Yi and said this.

And Lin Yi had an accident, why did he suddenly say such a thing?

He smiled and asked, "Why?"

Liu Yiyi was silent for a while, and then suddenly said, "Because you will definitely face many interviews in China, I don't think you are someone who is willing to make public appearances."

"Otherwise, at your level, you must have already become famous long ago."

"You must like those works of art very much, so you will be in the business of appraising."

She looked at Lin Yi expectantly.

Before Lin Yi could say anything, she immediately added: "We've already bought your ticket for you..."

"Since this happened just now. Wouldn't it be good to go and relax?"

Liu Yiyi is now very worried that "Gao Yi" will refuse her invitation.

However, for Lin Yi himself, he is sensitive to the key words "have already bought the ticket".

In other words, Qin Yunuo has his own channel to leave immediately?

In this case, it solves another problem of Lin Yi--

How to go back to Zhonghai again.

After all, the matter of the Zhang family has not yet been completely resolved. From now on, if you need to go back to Zhong Hai, you need to take good care of your identity and the timing of going back.

Zhang Angxiong must be helped by experts behind him. If he goes back rashly, the result is likely to be bad.

Now that most of the Zhang family have found out how they left Zhong Hai, it is basically impossible to go back by the original method.

And Qin Yunuo can obviously solve this matter.

In this way, it is imperative to go to Bali this time.

And since this girl is so eagerly looking forward to her nodding, she doesn't need to let this girl down again.

Then, Lin Yi nodded: "That's good."

"I'll go to Bali with you."

"But it was agreed in advance that after I confirm the painting for you, I will return to China immediately."

Hearing this, Liu Yiyi's eyes flashed with light, and she nodded heavily.

"Uncle ok!"


Zhong Hai Ti Criminal Division Municipal Bureau.

Tang Wen was writing an inspection and a written report for his sudden disappearance in Qingcheng Mansion.

There was some noise in the office at this time.

The incident of "Heroic Captain Gao Yi" was naturally discussed even within the Criminal Division.

At this time, the live broadcast was replaying the pictures of those reporters interviewing "Gao Yi".

"Captain Gao Yi, you have saved so many people, are you under pressure when you land?"

Immediately afterwards, the voice of "Captain Gao Yi" came.

"If there is pressure, of course it's not small."

"But in order to save so many compatriots, what I can do is to adjust the pressure into motivation..."

Hearing this voice, Tang Wen's eyebrows jumped when he was at the desk writing his written report.

She raised her head, her eyes quickly locked on the live broadcast screen.

Seeing the unfamiliar face, she frowned, then lowered her head again.

"It sounds exactly like him."

She thought so in her heart, but then she had no other thoughts.

But Tang Wen didn't notice that there was a gaze watching her cautiously behind her.

Wan Qian is observing Tang Wen.

He had just returned from the archives, and nothing unusual was found in Tang Wen's archives.

Tang Wen's resume is unbelievably beautiful, and his grades in the Criminal Division College have always been among the best.

But seeing this file and seeing Tang Wen's graduation time, he suddenly thought of another outstanding talent in the same class as Tang Wen.

In my memory, that person seemed to be called Chen Dongsheng.

But this Chen Dongsheng had an accident and died in an exercise two months before graduation.

Although there is no detailed record, but through the records of the year, it was an accident of firearms misfire.

Of course, Tang Wen was also in that exercise back then.

But how did things like fire escape happen in the exercise?

There seems to be some other tricks here, but of course there is no way to know the truth for a while...

If Tang Wen really has a problem...

Wan Qian's brows were already wrinkled.

It's hard to tell what kind of story there is.

And what the Qin Bureau said before, those analysis of Tang Wen, are now constantly lingering in his mind.

"What secrets does she have?"

"What is the relationship with Lin Yi?"

"Who fired that shot at Qingcheng Building that night?"_

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