Chapter 172: Avoid Tang Wen's very excited and complicated heart at this moment.

Although he was let go half an hour ago, after learning what happened, he chose to forgive Lin Yi.

He should not have come to this city.

This place no longer belongs to him.

They don't know why there is an idea in their hearts that wants to push the other person away.

Although the heart is cut like a knife.

Soon, under the leadership of the staff, he pushed open the dark red door.

He is also the first time to come to this kind of auction.

Lin Yi turned his head slowly, showing his signature smile.

He has long lost the sand sculpture attributes he had before.

After going through so many things, there was a hint of calmness and vicissitudes in his face.

Tang Wen didn't know why, but he still wanted to touch the other's face for a while.

But she just stood at the door, and when the staff closed the door, she was the first to say:

"The Zhang family's power is very large. It is completely the leader. If he is angry, it is very difficult for you to escape."

Lin Yi obviously changed back to his original appearance.

After all, he is not sure whether Tang Wen will be suspected by thousands.

Therefore, the specific face of that identity cannot be revealed in advance.

"I haven't seen each other for so long, and there is no hug. Instead, it is this cold."

"Okay, I know that we are on opposite sides now. If you accept me, there will always be some psychological barriers."

"I want to ask you what happened many years ago, can you think of the people present?"

Lin Yi is obviously very clear when faced with such a problem.

It is necessary to grasp the key points of many problems in order to avoid the occurrence of some crises.

If Tang Wen has been in such a dazed state, it would not be a very good thing.

Only seeing each other, after hesitating for a while, he raised his head and smiled:

"I haven't congratulated you on being successful and coming back alive."

"But I am the one who brought up the criminal department, so you are now a criminal."

"We have crossed this very big chasm. During the time you left, I thought about a lot of things."

"You can completely use another brand new identity and live in a corner of the world, but people who know you well, such as me, can't do this."

"It seems that there can be no emotion between criminals in the Criminal Division."

Lin Yi was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then showed a helpless smile:

"I think most of you have misunderstood."

"The reason why I want to reach the end or meet you is also because of your previous situation."

"But that's all, so now that I can get some things about the Zhang family from that mouth, it will also allow me to deal with the Zhang family faster."

Lin Yi is obviously very clear about these situations.

If it can't reach a good level, I don't know what kind of danger it will face.

Tang Wen would have the idea of ​​​​resisting, and it was actually within his own expectations.

"Those memories at the time have become a little fuzzy, but Captain Wan Qian is there."

"And a girl from the Zhang family."

"There were a lot of people at that time, and they seemed to be visiting that place and discussing their opinions..."

Lin Yi nodded after learning what the other party said.

"Okay, I know about this situation, but if you don't leave, you will meet Wan Qian."

When Tang Wen heard this, he obviously knew that the other party had ordered the expulsion, his expression was a bit complicated, and finally raised his head to look at the other party.

The purpose of his coming here is very obvious, and he cares about Lin Yi very much in his heart.

He also understands that his heart is already toward the other side.


Wan Qian directly took the fully armed team members and kicked the gate open.

I only saw the two bodyguards in Chuan at the entrance of the auction, and they were so frightened that they were about to run away, but they were thrown over the shoulder and fell to the ground.

Wan Qian is resolute.

He quickly asked, and there was a strange man holding a picture of Mona Lisa smiling.

After Wan Qian learned of such a situation, Lei Ting was obviously furious:

"It seems that guy can really sway people's thinking."

"There have been so many comments on the Internet before that he will hand over to the relevant departments."

"But now that I see it, I have kept my hand!"

"This guy is completely making things difficult for us on purpose!"

Wan Qian quickly led everyone into many small key teams, entering from various entrances.

All the people inside must be arrested and returned for investigation.

Soon the people in the auction seemed to have received such news, and they were all shocked and crowded to leave.

At this moment, Chief Liu, after seeing this scene, said in surprise:

"Is it the news that you reminded me that the criminal department is here? But it seems a little too early now."

I only saw that when the white crane youth heard this, he was also in a very dazed state.

That's not what he did at all.

"I think this situation is very bad for us."

"This guy Lin Yi is probably hiding somewhere, quietly watching all this."

"If the Criminal Division is notified by him, it will be a powerful blow to the Zhang family, which will reduce their economic income by a large part."

"The only thing that seems to be right now is... wait, isn't that Tang Wen?"

The white crane boy's keen eyes directly told him important information, and he appeared in the escape channel in front of him.

Chief Liu had heard about it and turned his head in the same way.

"According to the current situation, I probably understand something."

"If there is an eyeliner in the criminal division, Lin Yi has a lot of road-oriented plans, as well as avoiding danger and turning good fortune."

"Everything is because of the existence of Tang Wen, which can bring such great help."

Lin Yi obviously heard the sound from outside.

But I don't know why, I feel a little worried about Tang Wen, afraid that he will be followed by other guys.

However, in the previous stage, he had already obtained the ticket, and the time was set in a week.

At this stage, he has to thoroughly master the ship's driving skills.

Because the criminal division will only become more cautious!

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