Chapter 206: Wrong,

Lin Yi can only think of the only possibility of this now.

Because of his behavior, any girl would probably be unable to escape this charm.

It's just that the Zhang family's power is still very large in Zhonghai City.

But also completely, there is no need to monitor his whereabouts along the way.

Lin Yi could only show a bitter smile.

He doesn't feel too much worry when it doesn't hinder him.

It's just that he doesn't want to show all his charms in advance with regard to such issues.

So it is obviously impossible for me to meet that eldest lady before the birthday party.

Just when he was about to arrive at the restaurant, he received a text message on his mobile phone.

"About the last time, I really have to thank you, but because my brain is very confused, I can't say those words to you."

"When I was at the auction house, what I said was really too much."

"But don't you think so? Recently I received a message that the eldest lady of the Zhang family seems to have an object of admiration."

"That person seems to be your disguised identity, right? Lin Yi."

In the Criminal Division.

Tang Wen was still standing in front of the computer screen, looking at the chat box above, his eyes were a little dazed.

He couldn't imagine it at all. Before, he was able to calm down and regard these problems as good memories.

But at this moment...

With the passage of time, or after the appearance of a rival in love.

However, he found that he was reluctant to hand over the other party to others.

"It's completely unimaginable. It's too scary to be presented in this way today."

"But what does this guy mean? When you come to Zhonghai City, is it possible that there is still someone you are thinking about?"

"Although it is about the appearance of the eldest lady who participated, it is indeed a little weak, which can make some stronger men full of desire for protection."

"But there are developments about all of this, too, that are too incomprehensible."

Tang Wen found that he couldn't understand his ex-boyfriend more and more.

This guy doesn't have the slightest regularity in the development of a series of things.

As if everything he did was out of interest and had such an effect.

Nor is it an understandable range.

"But judging from the recent investigation, he seems to have gone to Antique Street again today. Could it be that he has some other purpose?"

"He gave me an entry ticket before, and it seems that he took Captain Wan Qian to the birthday party of Miss Zhang's family."

"And he also selected some famous paintings today. I always feel that he is planning to do something at that birthday party."

"And the twist of these things is the eldest lady of the Zhang family."

Tang Wen is indeed very clear about these things, and for a while, he is full of emotion in his heart.

He never imagined that this guy would be so bold.

He didn't even look at him at all.

"It's no wonder that such a huge danger has been encountered in the recent period of time."

"It seems that it is really impossible to be in the range that can be understood."

"Lin Yi, why do you feel so uneasy about what you are doing now? The Zhang family is about to throw a storm of business circles in Zhonghai City recently."

"What you are doing now is very likely, it's just sheep into the wolf pack."

After Tang Wen thought of this, he could only shake his head.

But he never thought about the connection between this matter and his girlfriend.

They are very good friends and meet once a week.

Although the occupation or social value status of the two of them is quite different.

But they couldn't bear it, and a very close friendship developed between them because of a case.

At that time, the eldest lady of the Zhang family was kidnapped by the robbers, and he was the first to sneak into the enemy's robbers' den.

Mistakenly thought that the eldest Miss Zhang family would encounter an accident, but she didn't find out at all.

At that time, blood flowed throughout the factory.

The eldest Miss Zhang family held a scalpel in her hand and gave a miserable smile.

Tang Wen could feel at that moment that this eldest Miss Zhang family was as lonely as he was.

But he accomplished what he had never dared to do.

Therefore, it is probably due to the fate that makes them have such a strong girlfriend relationship.

What Tang Wen did not expect was.

Lin Yi, this guy actually eats what's in the pot and thinks about what's in the bowl!

I'm afraid this guy has already made up his mind when he mentioned the other party at first, right?

"If it's him from the Zhang family, I seem to be able to accept it completely."

If Lin Yi was present and heard what Tang Wen said, he would definitely be dumbfounded.

He never imagined that the other person's thinking mode would be so open.

It's just that according to the current development direction, it is really not that simple.

Tang Wen quickly received the message from the other party.

"Actually, the reason for coming to Zhonghai this time is for you."

"Because I can clearly perceive it, at the beginning, there seemed to be some unspeakable secrets in your heart, and it was like a barb in your heart that was constantly hurting."

"So regarding this time, I will definitely lift up the Zhang family from the entire Zhonghai City."

"Then, I want to take you to the warmest place in the world, which is at the top of the tower of the World Tree."

I have to say that just four lines of words are enough to fill Tang Wen's heart with warmth.

This is indeed an unimaginable thing.

Could it be that I have wrongly blamed this guy before?

But he has so many ex-girlfriends, and he doesn't know where these coaxing words come from.

Although Tang Wen said that he had some complaints in his heart, his complexion also showed a seductive red glow.

There are questions about this.

Although it is a bit sudden, if you really want to solve it, it is not beyond imagination.

"Looks like I really have to help him this time."

"In the beginning, I always wanted to take revenge, but my justice in my heart drove me, and I couldn't do that."

"If the truth of the case was true, it is true that the criminals did not receive justice."_

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