Chapter 24: Salvation,

The richest woman stood on the most prosperous tower in Zhonghai City, watching the feasting and feasting below.

The continuous flow of vehicles shuttles on the viaduct, and the waters along the river are even more beautiful with sparkling waves.

It has to be said that after experiencing the incident of being hijacked, his heart has also become stronger.

It just means that now he has been feeling some headaches all the time.

That was at that time, what kind of danger would that man in a suit seem to encounter?

After the richest woman drank the red wine in her hand.

I only found a secretary walking slowly behind me, only to see that the other party opened the document in his hand and said:

"The returnee has been investigated more than 100 times by the Zhang family's personnel within today's time, and a 2 million yuan suspension was officially issued in the black market."

"So according to the current situation, this man is likely to fall into a crisis situation. The Zhang family is not a soft persimmon."

"The question about that auction has also involved a huge chain of interests today, and their gray income reaches 40% every year."

"So this time, the Zhang family will probably also use thunderous anger, and we also received news tonight that the supplies that were handed over to the security company for escort seemed to be ignited..."

When the richest woman heard this, her fingers trembled slightly. But the wine glass did not fall to the ground and was placed on the table by him.

I only saw that after he looked at the clock on the wall, he found that it was 11 o'clock in the night at this moment.

"According to the current situation, I felt something was wrong with the project that the Zhang family cooperated with us half a year ago."

"I didn't expect that this time I would refuse to continue to cooperate with them, and I would use such a method."

"It seems that most of them will also know that there is a behemoth like me, but in Zhonghai City, they want to extract more profits, and most of them are not so easy."

"So, I want to get rid of me together with this grievance, so the materials this time are very important."

"But it's also the target they're going all out to destroy."

"It's just that that security company will betray my trust."

When the female secretary saw the boss's displeased look, she could only show a bitter smile.

"Boss, I'm really helpless about this matter."

"Cheng Yiyun's reputation in the neighborhood can be said to be well-known, and I didn't expect such a flaw in these issues."

"That's one thing I've overlooked."

"It just means that the Department of Criminal Justice has already sent people to dare to go, but since the security company was also attacked, it is difficult to send support immediately."

When the richest woman heard this, she pressed her temple.

It seems that this guy in the Zhang family has awakened the beast in his heart.

Before myself, although Xiao Jiujiu, who was right to my heart, was now in tatters. - And I knew it was going to be taken away.

I am afraid that these problems are not so simple in the entire business chain of Zhonghai City.

At this time, the richest woman said slowly:

"If that's the case, then this Zhang family must be dealt with in advance."

"Cheng Yiyun was a very powerful woman at the beginning, but she couldn't imagine it at all..."

"He has to make mistakes on such a key issue, so this time is also completely intolerable."

When the richest woman said this, although she was full of disappointment, her eyes were full of coldness.

After seeing the boss's words and expressions, the female secretary obviously understood it, and immediately edited a text message.

It was sent to the Chief of the Court of Justice.

The content of the email is obviously the legendary criminal.

Cheng Yiyun!

This woman is like a scorpion.

Although it is said that it can be done with ease on the land where one lives, no one dares to touch the danger of it.

But once it leaves the soil and reaches the flames.

No one in the family can protect her!

The decision made by the richest woman now is to give out the contribution of Cheng Yiyun.

Because she was very angry inside.

Since the other party has not fulfilled the promise between them, there is absolutely no need for him to continue to help her hide where she lives.

I only saw the female secretary, and suddenly answered a phone call at this time.

After learning the content of the news, he was immediately shocked.

Hang up and report:

"The boss has one thing, and the big thing is bad!"

"It's about the uncle in the suit who saved you. He seemed to be surrounded by the Zhang family on the ninth floor of Hairy Crab."

"According to this situation, even if the owner of the restaurant comes forward, it seems that there is absolutely nothing to do."

"Because the eldest young master of the Zhang family seems to be determined and wants to make the uncle in the suit kneel and admit his mistake..."

Before the female secretary had finished saying these words, she could see the richest woman put on her windbreaker and a purple-blue top hat directly and resolutely.

Although the boss has reached the ranks of thirty years old.

But the years have left no trace on his face, and the slightest trace is still wonderful.

Not to mention that for the boss's age, there is naturally an extra charm that young women cannot achieve.

It just means that this is a famous person in Zhonghai City.

How could he be so emotionally fluctuated by the news of a returning man?

"It's just too scary."

"Could it be that the boss pays so much attention, or is he a little full of admiration?"

"But didn't that video of an uncle in a suit on the Internet save a certain staff member of the Criminal Division?"

"When the boss was kidnapped by two robbers, how did the uncle in the suit save him?"

The female secretary may never know that her boss was directly treated as air and ignored at that time.

It just means that the richest woman's ability to observe people is very keen.

Under the circumstances at that time, I felt a wild aura that was not afraid of danger.

It was indeed able to bring a lot of turbulence to his heart.

Lin Yi, maybe this your true identity!_

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