Chapter 273: Inside the Department of Instruments and Punishment.

Wan Qian rubbed his temples, feeling that the information he received today was too huge.

Really something unexpected.

In the past, he had never imagined that he would face so many uncontrollable situations.

"The most important thing is that it is also the first time that I have cooperated with such a guy."

"I don't know if they will have some deviations at a critical moment."

"If this is the case, it will be difficult to resolve such a form."

"The most important thing is that the situation they showed is really something worth looking forward to."

Only seeing Bai Changsheng, he clapped his hands at this time.

Expressed that he was very satisfied with the other party and the preparations made.

After all, there is a very important relationship between this situation and his words.

"Looking at it now, what I hope is that there can be a huge run-in between the detective team and the staff."

"In this way, some problems can be avoided during the implementation process."

"It's an impeccable thing."

"It is obvious to all about the strength of these five guys."

"So, we don't need to think too much about it, or care about it."

"I believe that if we reach the back, everyone will be able to have a better harmony."

When Bai Changsheng finished saying this, a deep smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, what he is doing at this moment is easy for people to believe.

At least it has reached an impeccable state.

Otherwise, if it reaches the back, most of it will cause some influence and dangerous birth.

It's not that simple.

More importantly, the six members of their detective team have only arrived.

Chief Liu is not included in it.

So as for the remaining four, he doesn't know the list either.

As for why the other party chose to be late, this is also known to the same extent.

Maybe in the back...they'll get there.

Maybe this thing is already over, right?

"Lin Yi, as far as I know, he seems to want to build himself into an all-around state."

"So, this is also a key issue that we all need to face."

"Otherwise, delaying it will only make the situation extremely complicated."

"According to the current situation, according to the gossip, the returnee appeared at the coast of the coast, as if planning to save someone in the sea of ​​fire..."

Bai Changsheng saw the text messages he received on his mobile phone very much.

The main thing is that now countless news media have begun to report on this matter.

So, because they are in the middle of a meeting.

It was a little too late to receive information on this matter.

I only saw the entire internal inspectors, and after hearing such a situation, they were talking about:

"Won't we all thoroughly investigate the suspicious degree of the identity of the other party in the past? Why is there such a problem now, and it is too sudden?"

"Anyway, these situations are not factors that we can control. Since it has already happened, maybe it will be solved later?"

"But anyway, it's not at all on the surface, it's as simple as it seems."

"The most important thing is that this time there is a problem at the coast. The Zhang family is the biggest beneficiary, because I also received a message here, that is, their entire family will hold a press conference tomorrow."

"It seems that they have been very rampant recently. If all the important evidences were not cleared away, they would not have been allowed to last for so long."

"Cheng Yiyun, have you found a problem, always feel that the boss behind the security company will be the other party?"


Wan Qian obviously heard the voices that everyone was discussing, and for a while he fell into a situation of thinking.

After all, he also understands these issues, and it is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

It is very likely that many dangers will be encountered, which is an uncontrollable factor.

But he is still not clear, which link has the problem?

This guy Lin Yi is completely cunning, he is not afraid at all, and he returns to his original place of residence.

After Wan Qian thought of such a situation, Pan Ran suddenly woke up, only to see him jump up immediately and say loudly:

"Everyone is ready to start immediately. We are going to go out to perform tasks, and no one can be absent."

"The destination is the location of the coast. If we don't understand it right now, I'm afraid it will only cause more impact."

Wan Qian is indeed very clear.

For the current situation, it is necessary to achieve the expected effect immediately.

Otherwise, it will only make the situation worse.

As for everything that happened in Antique Street today, it is very likely that the other party did it on purpose and wanted to show it on purpose.

"From what it looks like now, there is a possibility of donating the picture of Hanjiang's solo fishing, or the famous painting that the other party has harvested today."

"Similarly, he also needs the protection that he has, so the ability of this guy is still very scary."

"It is indeed very rare that he can handle such a problem in such an orderly manner."

"Our primary goal is to find the other party, the evidence left behind, and observe his micro-expressions through professional instruments."

"See if you can make a breakthrough based on the original foundation."

Wan Qian is very clear that Fang Ji is an old fox.

Well, he is a professional hunting dog.

At least, these situations are still within his control.

"And in this afternoon's stage, there is also an anchor who seems to have released some important information."

"We can completely focus on these problems, and I believe that through this level, we can better achieve the expected goals."

"When the time comes, we will analyze it through the live broadcast it recorded."

"The truth about the facts can be better obtained."

Bai Changsheng obviously saw it, and everyone prepared to go out in an orderly manner.

But this time, he did not choose to follow.

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