Chapter 290: Sin Lin Yi didn't care about other things, just said that when his finger touched a certain wrench.

However, an accurate data can be obtained, that is, a certain person's head has been hit hard on it.

Although he was surprised by the appearance of this ability.

It is now that the whole atmosphere has become unusually weird.

Because it is obvious that there are very dangerous things around.

Similarly, it is not as simple as they can understand on the surface that they present an incredible scene.

Although Lin Yi said that he had received such information.

However, on the surface, it remained motionless, showing a state of cautious thinking.

It can be seen that he secretly said in his heart:

"So looking at the current problem, I can completely explore whether it has some dangerous things by touching these items."

"That way, you can find some relevant development clues, usually called cases."

After Lin Yi thought of such a situation, he was suddenly filled with a good mood.

After all, he never imagined that things would go so smoothly.

If it was changed to before, there would really not be a corresponding answer.

Therefore, only now... can have more value and significance.

More importantly.

There was a little golden light in Lin Yi's eyes.

If this is used in the time of exploring the case, or if it is to save the danger in advance.

It is a direction that is difficult to achieve, and it is no wonder that there are so many key points.

It is indeed during this period of time that the corresponding value is shown.

"According to the current situation, there will be bloody things in this wrench."

"Most of them are also the staff here who have done something unspeakable."

"But long ago, why didn't the corresponding situation occur, is it just the neglect we have been doing all the time?"

"If that's the case."

"It seems that only further understanding is the most critical choice."

After Lin Yi thought of this, he immediately started the system detection.

Only in the red scan, there are many dense red dots.

Obviously it is Xiaoxin's camera, and at this moment they are under surveillance.

Fortunately, he mentioned that he was aware of it, so that he could clearly know that their arrival had already been discovered!

A little carelessness will only cause more impact.

Lin Yi obviously saw about the richest woman in this stage, and is constantly taking pictures.

When the other party was about to make a call, she was immediately stopped by her eyes.

When the richest woman saw the strange expression on the other side, she couldn't help but smile.

But in fact, she thought that the other party was joking with herself.

"I didn't expect you to be so humorous. It seems that my previous worries were really overthinking."

"But I haven't found anything dangerous about this location. Could it be just a very simple business location, or just an ordinary mine?"

"Even so, I feel something gloomy, as if no one has come here all the year round, and it has already suffered from exhaust gas."

The richest woman obviously described her most intuitive feelings.

But he also understood.

Such a problem is not a matter of changing the direction at hand.

Otherwise, it would not have encountered so many situations.

But he also felt unusually curious, what kind of problem does this guy in front of him have?

Why does the expression on his face keep twitching.

Lin Yi obviously found the other party and didn't understand what he meant.

So I looked around and found this marker and this notebook.

So after he took a deep breath, he wrote down the truth he needed to tell on it.

"There are many surveillance systems around here. For some important information, please don't tell it, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble."

"If you follow my command now, I believe it will be able to achieve the expected level better."

"The most important thing is that this mine has a very important value to the Zhang family."

"In the past, no matter how we learned about it, it didn't count, so there were many misunderstandings."

Lin Yi really revealed all the thoughts in his heart.

But such an opportunity, once missed, is the best solution.

It will only encounter unnecessary trouble, which is also his most intuitive expression.

At first, the richest woman thought that the other party wanted to show what kind of information.

But then, something was wrong.

Soon, after reading the contents of the notebook, he began to quietly observe the surroundings.

Really found some places with infrared rays.

So he also wrote down what he wanted to say on the notebook.

Obviously, I also felt very helpless, because these things developed too suddenly.

"How could such a problem arise? There is absolutely no sign of it in the past."

"The most important thing is whether this Zhang family has long predicted what kind of things will happen tonight."

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Yi thought for a moment, then took the other party to the back of a slightly hidden storage cabinet, and communicated with him.

"You can rest assured about this situation. Zhangjiakou is afraid of some facts that other enemies have to hide in order to prevent her."

"It's just that we didn't have the opportunity to understand it before, but it doesn't matter at all until now. I believe, we can get more help, right?"

"The most critical situation is that they have just stored all the evidence in this series, and this proves that the mistakes they made may not be forgiven."

Lin Yi can obviously imagine how afraid a person is to expose all these sins to the sun.

The Zhang family knew a lot of killers.

Who knows if they have done any shameful deeds in secret?

"So it will become more interesting to talk about the next development direction."

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