Chapter 307: Doubt Wan Qian took a deep breath and gathered up his clothes.

And the reporter who moved forward quietly showed his ID tray.

It is also impossible to take the camera in the other party's hand, and it is made by carrying it on the shoulder.

Next, let everyone around feel surprised and wishful.

That is, he needs to have a good interview with this guy in front of him.

Look at the other party, whether they have been lying about some things before!

If this is the case, I want to draw more dangers on the basis behind.

I'm afraid it's not that easy.

Wan Qian's idea is also in a seamless situation, as long as it is a normal person.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that anyone would choose.

Test in this way.

If we understand it fundamentally, it is an unavoidable problem.

The same will be in the back, causing a big gap.

"In fact, there are already many people in the criminal department. In this way, some suspects can't help but say what they have done."

"It's just that there are problems like this, and it's not an easy way to deal with it."

"There are also a lot of concerns at this moment about acting on a crisis that was difficult to resolve before."

"But now there is an opportunity to change, and there is also a different value."

"That's the main way it's worth... understanding."

Wan Qian clearly agrees with this decision of his own.

Most importantly, he had the same expectations.

Next, I saw the shock on the other's face.

This is the key question he needs to face.

"Lin Yi, it's a pity that I can't get close to him."

"Otherwise, as for his latest disguised identity...the words of a returnee."

"I am afraid that the expected effect can also be achieved by selling famous paintings."

"However, with regard to such a problem, whether it can be as simple as imagined, I am afraid that it can only be checked after waiting for it."

Wan Qian was faced with such a problem.

Knowing better than anyone, the dangers that may exist.

But if you want to deal with it thoroughly.

There must also be other directions in order to be able to better deal with the danger.

Zhang Su obviously did not realize that the danger was gradually approaching him.

Not to mention, he only speaks, and he is also in a state of ecstasy.

The main thing is that he is lying in this aspect.

Obviously very experienced.

Otherwise, there would not have been so many people in the Louvre who were deceived by him.

He will also continue to help him and capture important personnel.

"Although there are questions about everything before, it's just the beginning."

"But for the next step, our Zhang family will also bear all the ideas of everyone and continue to carry forward."

"The countless projects at that time are also our way of giving back to the public."

"At that time, all the real estate will be sold at the lowest price."

"I believe everyone, and you can also accept my kindness."

Zhang Su suddenly took out a tissue from his clothes bag and kept wiping away his tears.

It seemed that they were all moved by their own words.

And he never thought about his talent other than being a killer.

On these issues, it also has a very powerful advantage.

I believe that if there are doubts in everyone's heart, they can also be solved by him in three seconds.

"Just saying, there's something about these impacts so far."

"If you really want to avoid it, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"Those guys in the Tingxing Division are very cunning. If they want to record me at that time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to pass the Mongolian customs."

"So, now we have to increase our efforts to do charity work. In this case, it can also keep my formation busy."

"At least temporarily, I can only rush to play Zhang Tiantian's birthday party in three days."

Zhang Su's original intention was to have all the plans in mind.

face such a problem.

It is difficult to have a higher effect that can handle these situations on his behalf.


It is also the direction that he knows the most in his heart.

"As for journalists in the news media, I believe that in this fire, all dangers can be resolved."

"But these acts of criminals must not be spared!"

"Next, I will go all out to assist everyone and jointly catch the cancer in Zhonghai City, Lin Yi!"

The words Zhang Su said were just and righteous, obviously showing himself above a critical point.

All the people couldn't help but have an idea for him that they were willing to believe.

But at this critical moment.

A crisp applause sounded.

This move directly caused all the people present to turn their heads and look at the man wearing a peaked cap behind him.

"I think Mr. Zhang has a very good understanding of these insights, especially this side's speech."

"It also made me feel very surprised, so I said the next words."

"I also want to ask Mr. Zhang about some important things. I wonder if my doubts can be resolved?"

At this stage, Wan Qian's disguised reporter is obviously very good.

At least for these appearance instruments, it is also very important.

So, before he went out, he was more prepared than anyone else.

Zhang Su was obviously happy at the beginning, but suddenly found out that something was wrong.

He thought it was the presence of friendly troops.

Unexpectedly, there was a reporter who did not follow the routine.

Although, he felt some doubts in his heart.

But... the words that came out of the mouth.

Naturally, it cannot be attacked, and it can only respond indifferently:

"About this reporter, all the doubts in your heart can be said."

"I am here, and I want everyone to understand the importance of this matter."

"It will naturally respond to all the questions in your heart."

After Wan Qian heard this, he was obviously more satisfied than any answer.

Only seeing him, he slowly exhaled a cold breath, and said with a smile:

"Then the answer is, where is the eldest Miss Zhang family?"

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