
Yang Xiaohu reminded in a calm tone.

When Lu Wei heard this, he turned around and looked around. He looked around but didn't see what Yang Xiaohu said was coming.

Just when he was about to turn around and ask, he suddenly noticed a white figure in the distance, running towards this side at a very fast speed.

Those people were all so strong that even when they were running on thick snow, they felt like they were walking on flat ground.

You can tell at a glance that they are all advanced warriors.

Don't underestimate the warrior who has just entered the rank. Just like Lu Weiyi, even if he has just entered the rank, he is still a warrior, and his status is extraordinary.

After all, martial arts resources are monopolized by major forces, and there are very few practitioners. A top-notch martial artist has a high social status.

And the other party was able to send so many high-grade warriors at once, which showed that their strength was extraordinary.

Lu Wei's expression gradually became serious.

There are 200 high-grade warriors, which is twice as many as their caravan.

Moreover, looking at the auras in front of them, they are obviously warriors who have surpassed the first realm.

"Miss, don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will hurt you even if you risk your life."

Lu Wei took out a sword that was as sharp as clay. He had never used this sword, just waiting for this day.

Holding a long knife in his hand, Lu Wei stood guard in front of the car with a loyal look on his face.

It's time for me to perform. If I don't increase my favorability now, how can I wait?

However, Yang Xiaohu was not someone who was easily fooled. He glanced at Lu Weiyi and ignored him.

Lu Wei was a little embarrassed. This girl was too smart to be fooled.

It would be better for him to be his little wife. If he had said that, she would have been so moved that she would have agreed to him.

However, Lu Wei seemed to have forgotten one thing. His carriage was not far from the Zhou family's motorcade.

With Zhou Muxue's cultivation in the four realms, nothing that happened here at Lu Wei could escape her eyes.

Moreover, as soon as the battle began, Zhou Muxue kept an eye on this side because he was worried about Lu Wei's safety.

Hearing Lu Wei's words at this time, Zhou Muxue felt a little sour and a little angry.

You idiot, that eldest lady is not who you are, you are working hard for her, what should I do if something happens to you?

Lu Wei didn't know it yet, but his little wife was already jealous and angry.

Because those men in white had already reached the caravan.

The caravan's divine crossbow fired at them. However, although this kind of divine crossbow posed a threat to advanced warriors, it was limited.

Especially since they had been prepared for it, except for some unlucky ones who were shot to the ground, most of them only suffered minor injuries.

The next moment, the two sides began to fight hand to hand, and shouts and screams resounded throughout the canyon.

When the refugees behind saw this scene, they immediately hid far away for fear of being affected.

However, they did not know that if the caravan was lost, they would not survive.

Seeing this, Lu Wei didn't rush forward in a hurry.

His purpose was to protect his family, and at the same time improve his favorability in front of Yang Xiaohu, and rush forward to fight with all his strength. Only a fool would do it.

Lu Wei immediately pulled the carriage close to the Zhou family's motorcade. The two families were in one place, which made it easier for him to protect them.

"Muxue, you and your uncle and aunt hide inside and don't come out. I'm outside. Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you."

When Yang Xiaohu in the carriage heard these words, why did he feel so familiar?

By the way, I heard that Lu Wei has a fiancée.

However, for someone like him, this guy's fiancée must be ugly.

With curious thoughts, Yang Xiaohu looked at Zhou Muxue.

When he saw it, he was immediately stunned.

There was only one thought in my mind: "How much incense did this guy burn in his previous life? How could he find such a beautiful fiancée?"

Zhou Muxue also felt a strange gaze and immediately looked in the direction of the gaze.

The two women's eyes met for the first time.

At this moment, the caravan guard was already showing signs of becoming unsustainable.

Some men in white had already ran to the caravan center and started searching.

The first target is naturally the most luxurious carriage.

As a result, Yang Xiaohu had already expected this and had laid many traps on the carriage.

The first group of people who went to investigate were directly shot into hedgehogs.

Lu Wei couldn't help but grin when he saw this scene. This woman is so cruel.

But he also realized that if this continued, those people would search here sooner or later.

Although there are two, no, three masters hidden here, there is no problem with safety.

However, you have to show off yourself.

So Lu Wei drove the carriage and began to retreat quietly.

At this moment, a man in white noticed something strange on Lu Wei's side and rushed over with a knife.

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