The sky was clear and the sky was bright.

#1098 Dimensional Space.

The sky was clear and cloudless.

The huge transparent light curtain flickered with light, and the names of the practitioners were arranged neatly.

Among them, the top ten names were the most dazzling.

However, every time the practitioners looked up and saw the name ranked first, their faces were full of disgust.

The points behind the name deeply hurt their hearts.

Shame of the practitioners!

This unruly guy must not be allowed to stay in the first place.

For a time, almost all the trial participants were full of energy.

Their figures appeared in jungles, deserts, lakes, valleys... and other places.

Where there are monsters, there are their figures.

More and more people opened their shops.

On the scoreboard, the scores of the trialists began to change.

Their names were constantly rising.


Even so, the full six thousand points were beyond their reach in a short period of time.

Some were angry, some were anxious.

But some people had evil thoughts and began to deliberately look for those weaker monster tribes.

However, when they tried this method, they found the difficulties.

Even if the F-level monsters were weak, they were still stronger than the monsters in the outside world.

In addition, with so many of them, even the foundation building couldn't withstand it.

Suddenly, several unlucky people were exhausted and trapped in the siege of monsters.

In desperation, they could only use the distress talisman.

At the moment when the distress talisman was used.

A ripple appeared on the dome.

Then, several dazzling beams of light fell from the sky, instantly covering the people who used the distress talisman.

At the same time, the names of these people on the scoreboard dimmed, and the scores were completely frozen.

All the trial participants saw this scene and sighed in their hearts.

Su Ze threw away the army ant shell in his hand, wiped his hands, and looked at the green in the distance.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After walking for a long time, he was finally going to get out of the desert.

With a puff.

Behind him, a lizard monster lurking under the sand dunes was pierced by a green light.

On the scoreboard, Su Ze's points increased again, reaching 7000!

With a flash of green light, Xiaoqing returned to Su Ze's wrist.

It looked at Xiaohuo in the sky and snorted in its heart.

Just now, several times, Xiaohuo had just discovered the monster, and a green light appeared, instantly killing the monster.

Xiaohuo failed to make a move several times, and the feathers on his head stood up in anger.

This guy, after being banished to the cold palace, still didn't give up, and wanted to revive?

Xiaohuo had a guess in his mind, and was shocked.

Wouldn't it target his home?

Su Ze patted Xiaoqing and praised her a few words.

Then he greeted Xiaohuo, quickened his pace, and headed towards the oasis in front.


At the same time.


In the cultivator associations of various places, the formation masters were busy sweating and finally completed the formation.

The formation diagram lit up, and the energy crystals turned into extremely pure spiritual power and infused it into the formation diagram.

After a while.

A huge holographic picture was revealed in front of everyone.

Jungles, seas, lakes, deserts and other terrains are all available.

It is the scene in the world of the Demon Suppression Tower!

It can be seen that figures appear in various places, fighting monsters.

A surprised voice came from the crowd:

"Today's Demon Suppression Tower seems a little different. Everyone's landing position has been disrupted."

"Well, but it's good this way. The difficulty has increased, and the true ability can be seen!"


Lin Fan's face showed a trace of worry, and he said: "Miao Yi won't..."

Wang Lin frowned: "What do you mean by won't? Although Miao Yi is an alchemist, her strength is not weak. Besides, there is a jade talisman for help. What can go wrong?"

Lin Fan was relieved.

Wang Lin said so, but the worry in his eyes was not concealed.

They started to look for it in the huge picture at the same time.

Where is Miao Yi?

Where is Su Ze?

However, a cry of surprise sounded again.

"Su Ze?"

The two turned around suddenly and looked in the direction of the voice.

Li Liang, the principal of the second high school, widened his eyes. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he immediately said: "Don't look at me, there is no flower on my face! Look at the points

"Su Ze is at the top of the leaderboard!"

When this was said, everyone was shocked and turned back to look at the leaderboard.

"Su Ze, 7000 points! ? ? "

"How many points does the second place have?"

"It's the genius warlock Tong Lan, 2600 points!"


"I'm not mistaken, Su Ze's points are more than twice hers! "

For a moment, there was an uproar in the hall.

Everyone was shocked, confused, and puzzled.

They had heard a little about Su Ze, and knew that this student from a senior high school had an amazingly fast cultivation speed.

But cultivation speed is one thing, and combat power is another.

And many of them thought that Su Ze's strength was piled up by Wang Lin's elixirs!

The combat power should be lower than the normal level!

But now?

The shining name on the scoreboard slapped them hard.

Although this is only the data at the beginning, it is not something that ordinary people can do!

Tang Yi's eyes lit up and he raised his head unconsciously.

Su Ze, that's a student from a senior high school!

Wang Lin and Lin Fan were also shocked.

They knew Su Ze was strong, but they didn't expect him to be so strong!

He overwhelmed many talented boys and girls from Kyoto and became the first on the scoreboard.

But being shocked is shocking.

They all had a doubt in their hearts.

How did this kid Su Ze do it?

Everyone present was very Understand the rules of the Demon Suppression Tower Trial.

Naturally know how difficult it is to have so many points at the beginning!

This kid... is he cheating?

This thought came to their minds.

Not just them.

In the territory of the entire human alliance, all the human race strongmen who are qualified to watch the projection have many questions in their hearts.

Who is Su Ze?

Why have I never heard of this person before?

This kid must be cheating!

Otherwise, how could he do all this?

For a while, I don’t know how many human race strongmen were extremely anxious and wanted to know what was going on.

Damn the Extra-Dimensional Space Research Institute, the delayed start problem of the projection has not been solved yet!

So much funding every year, is it all fed to the dogs?

At this time.

Extra-Dimensional Space Research Institute.

In an office.

Among them is a white-haired old man.

He suddenly didn’t frown, his heart felt something, and he counted with his fingers, and his face suddenly changed.

"Which bastard is scolding me behind my back!? ? "

At this moment.

The space in front of him was distorted, and a document appeared on his desk out of thin air.

He looked down, his face suddenly became serious, and he picked up the document.

There was a big red seal on the cover of the document.

Top secret!

Below, there was a line of small words.

#0529 The dimensional space is about to open again!

The old man's eyes were deep, his eyes were flashing, and he muttered to himself.

"It's been ten years... has it finally appeared again?"


The world of the Demon Suppression Tower.

Su Ze looked at the oasis in front of him and finally breathed a breath of warm air.

Behind him, the desert was vast and the heat waves were rolling.

In front of him, the bamboo forest was deep and peaceful.

He smiled slightly and stepped into the oasis!


The next moment.

The world changed, and a mysterious feeling appeared.

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