The next day.

Su Qingmo got up early and came to the room where Qin Ran hid last night.

But it was already empty.

Su Qingmo's heart could not help but feel empty.

The bedroom was bright, simple and clean, as if what happened last night was just a dream.

But she knew it was not a dream.

It really happened.

Su Qingmo felt a little regretful. Maybe if she came quietly in the middle of the night last night, something would really happen.

But that might not be really good.

Su Qingmo took this relationship seriously.

But she also understood a truth: if it is too easy to get, it is not easy to be cherished.

Thinking carefully, she really gave too quickly and gave too much.

Although they kissed accidentally at first, they kissed willingly later.

Su Qingmo sighed softly, she was probably obsessed.

She thought that she had to restrain herself and proceed step by step, but once Qin Ran did something, she had no strength to resist.

If her best friend and daughter had not been there last night, she might have really taken the last step.

Even if relatives came, they could not stop her.

Su Qingmo closed the door and went downstairs to prepare breakfast.

But she found that the porridge was already cooked.

It couldn't be cooked by her best friend who was still sleeping, and it couldn't be cooked by her daughter who couldn't cook.

There was only one person.

Qin Ran.

Sweetness surged into Su Qingmo's heart.

She couldn't help but think of what her best friend said last night.

Good men should be caught, otherwise if you miss them, you will regret it for the rest of your life!

Su Qingmo actually wanted to confess everything to Qin Ran last night.

But because her daughter came back unexpectedly, she had to give up.

However, their relationship has developed to this point. If they want to stay together for a long time, she must let Qin Ran know some of her things.

Otherwise, one day, Qin Ran hears from others, that would be troublesome.

But the deeper her love for Qin Ran, the more afraid she is!

Afraid of losing Qin Ran.

Even if she has told Qin Ran that she has a daughter.

But her daughter is already so old, how can she accept it so easily.

Su Qingmo is in a dilemma.

After scooping a bowl of porridge, Su Qingmo sat alone at the dining table to eat breakfast.

Unlike yesterday's dinner, there is no "Concerto of Love".

There is no warm light, only the cold light in the early morning, which makes people feel lonely.

Su Qingmo doesn't like to play with her mobile phone while eating, but now she feels that she needs to do something to distract herself.

For example, check the chat history with Qin Ran, or the latter's circle of friends.

It turns out that Qin Ran sent a message, but she didn't read it after getting up.

[I'm leaving]

[There's porridge in the pot, remember to eat it]

[I won't come to pick you up tomorrow morning, Miss Su]

Su Qingmo's mouth curled up slightly, and the charming smile made the cold room more bright.

Miss Su was very happy that Mr. Qin didn't forget to cook porridge even though he was "dangerous".

But Mr. Qin couldn't come in the morning, so Miss Su was a little unhappy.

But after eating the porridge, that little bit of unhappiness disappeared.


Su Muyue had already woken up when the alarm clock was still twenty minutes away.

Her body's instinct woke her up. There was something important to do this morning, so she couldn't sleep in.

Su Muyue dressed very quickly.

Try to be quiet when washing your face and brushing your teeth.

Then she put on some simple makeup.

Well, it's really simple.

It's just cleansing, moisturizing, sunscreen isolation, foundation, setting makeup, contouring, eyebrow drawing, eyelashes, and lip gloss.

Su Muyue pursed her lips. The color of her lipstick was lighter, and it looked a little more pink and smooth than before.

If you don't look closely, you won't be able to see it.

Su Muyue let her ponytail fall, then went downstairs with her bag on her back, ready to take a taxi back to school.

Fortunately, she got up early, otherwise she would be too late.

But when she walked into the living room, she suddenly found that her mother was sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.

She was eating porridge that needed to be cooked, not the convenient and fast bread machine toast and milk.

And she was playing with her phone while eating porridge.

She was even smiling, with her toes curled up.

This was very different from her impression of her mother before.

In the past, her mother would sit with her back straight, elegantly, and would not be distracted by playing with her phone.

Eating is eating, and eating should not be ugly.


Su Qingmo, who used the message sent by Qin Ran as a side dish, put away his phone in a panic.

"Xiaoyue, you're awake."

Su Muyue felt more and more that something was wrong.

Could it be that mom has found a “new dad”?

Still reading some interesting soft articles.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

"Eating breakfast, do you want to eat something?"

Su Muyue hesitated, but still walked to the dining table.

Su Qingmo served her daughter a bowl of porridge, "Why are you going to school so early?"

"Yes, something happened."

Su Muyue, who wanted to order something, was caught off guard.

How dare she say that she got up early on purpose to block someone.

And it was a boy.

The mother and daughter hardly talked about this.

It made it more difficult to speak.

Even now, Su Muyue didn't realize how much she had changed.

She just felt that she shouldn't lose some precious things.

As for love, she still hadn't thought about it.

She didn't think she would have it.

Even a boy like Qin Ran, didn't he just say he didn't like him in the end?

Su Muyue lowered her head and ate the porridge.

Su Qingmo was the same, but the difference was that she was already eating her second bowl.

Before, she would have asked Su Muyue to put her bag aside.

But now she was in a complicated mood and didn't care about this detail.

The reaction of her daughter last night had already shown that it was not so easy for her to accept the new father.

Su Qingmo knew that he had to take it slowly, so he took the initiative to pick up a piece of pickled radish and put it in his daughter's bowl.

"Eat slowly."

Su Muyue was stunned. She was not surprised by her mother's action of picking up the food, but her extremely gentle tone.

"Is it tasted okay?"

Su Muyue nodded, "Yeah."

The porridge tasted very good, so good that she wondered if it was cooked by her mother.

After all, her mother's cooking skills were not good.

The porridge in front of her was not only sweet, but also just the right degree of softness.

There was also a refreshing and delicious pickled radish, which was very appetizing.

It made people want to eat more.

Su Muyue was a little confused. Was it because she was hungry?

Or it was too long since she went home to taste the food made by her mother.

Why was the porridge so delicious today?

Su Muyue finished a bowl and wanted to eat more.

But she had to go back to school quickly, otherwise she would miss him.

Su Muyue licked the corner of her mouth, but finally held back.

"Mom, I'll go to school then."

As soon as these words came out, both of them were stunned.

It had been many years since the mother and daughter had had such a conversation.

Su Qingmo nodded slightly, "Do you want me to take you?"

"No, I'll take a taxi. Mom, you still have to go to work."

"Then be careful."

Su Muyue walked away with her bag on her back. When she opened the door, she looked back at her mother.

She felt that her mother seemed to have something to say, but she didn't say it.

After looking at each other for a while, Su Muyue left.

She was really too late.

But it was still as difficult to get a taxi here as always.

Su Muyue was a little anxious.

Su Qingmo washed the dishes and found that her daughter was still in the yard.

"Didn't you get a taxi?"

"I got one, but the driver cancelled it."

"Then I'll take you to school, wait for me."

Su Qingmo went upstairs to change clothes, then drove his daughter to school.

Anyway, Qin Ran wouldn't come to pick her up today, and it was still early, so it was good to take his daughter to school.

They chatted for a while to improve their somewhat distant relationship.

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