After a while, Qin Ran was chatting with his roommate and was about to go wash up when his phone vibrated.

A voice call came in.

Qin Ran walked to the balcony and swiped the answer button.

"What's wrong, Yiyi?"

Liu Yiyi's sobbing voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Qin Ran, do you have time to take me to the hospital?"

"Where are you?"


"I'll be right there."

Qin Ran picked up his coat and walked out.

Wang Youjie asked, "Qin Ran, where are you going so late?"

"Something's going on."


In less than five minutes, Qin Ran appeared at the door of the infirmary.

Liu Yiyi, with red eyes, sat on the bench, with her right leg straight, her white calf was red and swollen, and faintly bruised.

Su Muyue, who was a little overwhelmed, stood beside her.

"What happened?"

Liu Yiyi forced a smile, "It has nothing to do with her, she was bitten by a dog."


"Zhang Lili."

Qin Ran didn't ask any more questions, "I'll take you to the hospital."

Then he nodded to Su Muyue, walked to Liu Yiyi and squatted down.

The school doctor said, "Classmate, she may have a fracture, you'd better not carry her."

Liu Yiyi opened her arms to hug, like a princess.

Qin Ran looked at the school doctor, "Can I hug you?"

The school doctor laughed dumbly.

"Not good, it's better to use a stretcher to transport her. In case of any accidents."

"Then I'll call 120."

"Qin Ran..." Liu Yiyi said aggrievedly, "I don't want to go to the hospital by ambulance."

"Listen to the doctor, don't leave any sequelae."

Qin Ran took out his mobile phone and called an ambulance.

Then he said to Su Muyue, "Come with me."

Su Muyue followed Qin Ran silently and came to a corner of the corridor where the lights were a little dim.

"What happened specifically?"

"I didn't hurt her."

"I know it wasn't you, but you should be there, where is Zhang Lili?"

"She was taken away."

"Security Department or Education Department?"

"Security Department."

"Why did you fight?"

Su Muyue was silent.

"Is it related to you or me?"

Qin Ran saw Su Muyue pursing her lips, and roughly guessed the cause and effect.

In the past, Zhang Lili had said a lot of bad things about him, a loud speaker.

"I know, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Su Muyue's stubbornness collapsed at this moment!

Tears flowed out instantly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Qin Ran."

"Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault."

"I took the initiative to talk to Liu Yiyi."

Qin Ran held Su Muyue's shoulders, "Come, look at me, it has nothing to do with you, understand? It was Zhang Lili who was looking for trouble."

"I, I..."

"It's okay, go back and rest early."

Su Muyue threw herself into Qin Ran's arms and cried, "Wuwuwu~ I'm sorry, I won't say anything about you anymore."

Qin Ran sighed and patted Su Muyue's back.

"Okay, it's okay."

After comforting Su Muyue, Qin Ran returned to the infirmary.

The ambulance arrived soon.

Liu Yiyi said pitifully, "Qin Ran, will you accompany me?"

"Besides me, is there anyone else?"

Liu Yiyi smiled happily, but then put it away immediately.

"I only have you."

"Okay, get on the stretcher quickly."

Qin Ran accompanied Liu Yiyi to the emergency department of the hospital, helped pay the ambulance fee, and registered.

Check, take X-rays.

After a set of procedures, nearly three hours had passed.

Liu Yiyi's calf may have a fracture, but it is not clear.

In order to avoid hidden dangers, Qin Ran asked the doctor and asked Liu Yiyi to do a CT scan.

It was already late at night, and the CT report would not be available until tomorrow morning.

Liu Yiyi lay on the bed, with Qin Ran by her side.

"Qin Ran, thank you."

"Don't be polite, take a nap."

"I can't sleep."

"Close your eyes, and you will fall asleep in a while."

The emergency room was very busy and a little noisy at night.

Liu Yiyi turned her head to look at Qin Ran, her eyes full of happiness.

"Qin Ran."


"I like you~ "

. . .

"Go to sleep quickly and stop talking."

Liu Yiyi giggled, closed her eyes, and raised the corners of her mouth.

After Liu Yiyi fell asleep, Qin Ran walked outside for a while.

In the evening, he had already taken a nap and was not very sleepy.

The brightly lit hospital formed a sharp contrast with the dark night outside.

The hospital

White walls have heard more devout prayers than churches.

Qin Ran hoped that Liu Yiyi was okay, otherwise if she had a bone fracture, it would affect her dancing.

Liu Yiyi told him that she hoped to perform on the stage of the National Grand Theater in the future.

This was Liu Yiyi's biggest dream.

Dreams can be easily extinguished by others if they are spoken casually.

But Liu Yiyi knew that Qin Ran would not extinguish her enthusiasm, so she only told Qin Ran.

Liu Yiyi did not want to work hard quietly and then surprise everyone.

She just wanted Qin Ran to applaud her in the audience at her most dazzling moment.

For Liu Yiyi, everyone's gaze was not as good as Qin Ran's.

Because Qin Ran's eyes were the brightest stars she had ever seen.


The bright moon fell and the morning sun rose.

Before seven o'clock, the hospital was crowded with people and became more and more noisy.

But Liu Yiyi was deaf and could not hear the noisy sounds beside her at all.

She opened her mouth happily and ate the porridge fed by Qin Ran.

"Your leg is injured, not your hand. Can't you eat by yourself?"

"But I can't use force."

Qin Ran shook his head helplessly, scooped up a spoonful of millet porridge, blew it, and put it to Liu Yiyi's mouth.

The sweet smile on Liu Yiyi's face stunned a little boy with a broken bone next to her. She didn't cry or make a fuss.

Beautiful sister!

Liu Yiyi only had Qin Ran in her eyes, no one else.

She picked up a steamed bun with chopsticks and put it to Qin Ran's mouth, "Ah~"

"You finish it, and I'll eat it myself later."


Qin Ran had to open his mouth and eat it in one bite.

The two of them looked so affectionate that others envied them.

At around eight o'clock, the CT results came out.

The calf was not broken, very lucky!

But he needed to use anti-edema medicine, rest more, massage more, and not exercise for the time being.

Qin Ran wrote them down one by one, and after taking the medicine, he went to buy a pair of crutches.

"Okay, the doctor's advice just now, you should be more careful. Let's go back."

"Qin Ran~"

"What's wrong? Still hurting?"

"I don't want to go back. Zhang Lili was like crazy yesterday, and there was no one to take care of me in the dormitory."

Qin Ran frowned slightly, "I'll ask Zhang Lili what punishment she will get. Mu Yue can take care of you temporarily."

"I don't want her to take care of me." Liu Yiyi said pitifully, "Can I go to your place? I promise not to cause you any trouble."

"It's not convenient for me to take care of you."

"It's okay, I can take care of myself."

. . .

"Don't you think your words are contradictory?"

"Qin Ran~" Liu Yiyi pulled Qin Ran's arm and said coquettishly, "Just take me in for a few days. I'm no match for that bitch Zhang Lili now, okay~ Please~"

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