The next day.

When Qin Ran went to the cafeteria to buy breakfast, he finally remembered what he was going to do last night.

Read the information about Star Energy Storage.

But he forgot because Yu Qianxia invited him to play games.

Qin Ran bought two sesame balls and a pancake with egg and pork loin at the school gate.

The weather was cold, and the sesame balls cooled quickly. If he couldn't do it, he had to heat them up in the microwave.

Qin Ran drove the A6 to work, but didn't notice that he was secretly photographed when he got in the car.


At the south gate of Yucuiyuan, Qin Ran said hello to the security guard and drove into the community.

Now his face can also be used as an access card.

I just don't know how long it will take to buy a house here.

The average price is 70 to 80 million, which is a small goal if rounded up.

It is impossible to make so much money by working.

Of course, there are shortcuts.

After Su Qingmo got in the car, Qin Ran handed over another pancake.

"Today, the stall is buying one and getting one free, so there is one more."

Su Qingmo hesitated for a moment, but still took the pancake and started eating.

At most, I can eat less at noon and not eat at night.

Qin Ran saw Su Qingmo eating so deliciously that he was a little greedy.

I should have bought two just now. Yu Qianxia brought a lot of breakfast, but the portion was not large, and I was embarrassed to eat more.

Adding a pancake will just make it until lunch.

Su Qingmo noticed Qin Ran's gaze and turned around to eat out the window.

When he arrived at the company, Su Qingmo didn't mention breakfast tomorrow.

She wanted to see what weird excuse Qin Ran would use tomorrow.

The pancakes are buy one get one free, they are just fooling the little girl.

Before Su Qingmo entered the office, he made a drinking gesture to Qin Ran, and Qin Ran put his index and middle fingers together and raised them to his eyebrows, indicating "received".

But he felt something was wrong, so he put them down immediately and laughed awkwardly.

"Silly." Su Qingmo muttered.


Qin Ran seemed to hear Su Qingmo scolding him, but he didn't hear clearly what he said.

But the door was closed, so Qin Ran had to give up.

In view of the fact that Su Qingmo drank coffee too frequently, Qin Ran opened all three bags of coffee beans.

In this way, he could drink coffee with different aromas every time.

Qin Ran also made an extra cup for himself.

Yu Qianxia didn't like to drink coffee in the morning, she preferred yogurt.

She drank it almost every day, either as a drink or a dessert.

Qin Ran took out a sesame ball from the bag and handed it to Yu Qianxia, ​​"Maybe it's not that hot anymore. Try it. If it doesn't taste good, forget it."

Finally, Yu Qianxia ate the sesame ball she had been craving for. Her eyes widened and she swallowed it in big mouthfuls.



"Yeah!" Yu Qianxia nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Can you bring me more tomorrow?"

"No problem."

Qin Ran began to like Yu Qianxia.

Not the kind of love for a lover, but a friend who can provide emotional value, which makes people feel comfortable!

What Qin Ran hates most is that when you are eating or watching something, someone says he/she doesn't like it.

There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself, but it really kills the fun!

There should be more good colleagues like Yu Qianxia.

A little silly, a little rich, not self-righteous.

Qin Ran, whose emotional value was satisfied, took time out in the morning to help Yu Qianxia pass a few levels and eliminate the stars.

But he still spent most of his time studying the information of Xingke Energy Storage.

Shanghua Consulting had such a big problem. If Fang Yunsheng still chose Shanghua, it means that there must be collusion of interests.

Su Qingmo's original offer doubled directly, which was a ruthless move.

Because he knew in advance the scandal that Yang Shanghua deliberately concealed and downplayed.

The tough attitude can better reflect Yueying's strength.

Only with strength can you dare to make such an offer.

And Fang Yunsheng's personal visit also shows that Founder Group is more inclined to Yueying.

With the previous experience of Shanghua Consulting, Founder Group will be more cautious in this merger and acquisition process.

Qin Ran spent nearly a day reading all the information.

Every word was imprinted in his mind.

But this is not enough, some professional knowledge still needs to be learned.

Some data also need him to judge whether there are any problems.

Just like auditing, different people will get different results when reading the same data report.

Qin Ran is like a dry sponge, absorbing knowledge eagerly.

He gradually sorted out the threads, listed them one by one, and then integrated them.

Finally, he came to a conclusion.

This is a scam!

After discovering the truth about the merger, Qin Ran

He fell silent.

Because he found that due diligence was useless for this merger and acquisition.

It was useful, but not very useful.

At most, it could help Founder Group remove some hidden dangers, so as to reduce costs and prevent hidden dangers from breaking out.

But no matter what, Qin Ran was sure that Founder Group would acquire Star Energy Storage.

And Star Energy Storage also needed the influence of Founder Group.

After thinking it through, Qin Ran felt a little boring.

He couldn't participate.

Founder Group crossed over to energy storage to get a piece of the pie.

The energy storage market is only worth tens of billions, but the actual pie is worth hundreds of billions.

Such a huge pie did not appear out of thin air, nor was it illusory.

Founder Group wanted to cheat customers' money and subsidies.

It's like a company used more than 3,000 energy vehicles to falsely report subsidies of 1 billion.

After Qin Ran knew the real intention of Founder Group, he stopped studying.

It's unnecessary.

Even if Founder Group chooses Shanghua Consulting, it doesn't matter if they don't do due diligence for the merger.

Doing due diligence is to give an explanation to the outside world.

The real major shareholders have probably already discussed the subsequent profit distribution.

This is capital!


Qin Ran returned the USB drive to Yu Qianxia, ​​but the latter didn't need it.

Thinking of how much time he spent, Qin Ran still put the USB drive away.

Apart from anything else, he learned a lot of useful things in the process of researching the materials.

Some data still have a certain reference value.

By the time he got off work, Qin Ran had calmed down.

What is destined to happen will happen, and what is not destined to happen will not happen.

If he really wants to participate, he must think carefully.

Otherwise, he may be arrested and put in jail.

Besides, this has little to do with Yueying.

It is not clear whether Su Qingmo knows whether he is still adjusting the plan for Founder Group and preparing for subsequent investigations.

There are only so many people in the company's project team, and all of them need to be planned.

Including the third-party companies that cooperate, they all need to communicate in advance.

At around seven o'clock, Su Qingmo finally finished her work.

"Have you eaten?"

Qin Ran was a little surprised. She didn't expect Su Qingmo's first question to be about whether she had eaten.

"No, I was thinking about something just now and forgot."

"You can go to the convenience store downstairs to eat something. I'm not in a hurry to go back."

"You're not very hungry, or I'll take you home first."



Time and space suddenly stagnated!

The stomach protested a little loudly, like thunder.

In fact, Su Qingmo finished early today because she was hungry.

She ate too much last night and a big pancake in the morning. She was busy at noon and forgot to eat.

Her stomach was empty a long time ago.

Su Qingmo bit her lip and turned her head away, "Let's go."


Qin Ran tried to hold back her smile, but the corners of her mouth were harder to suppress than a burst of AK.

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