Chen Ping did not stop crying, but cried even harder. Zhao Hongtao told him to be prepared, not only would he have to pay for the medical expenses, but he would also most likely have a criminal record. The employee who was pushed down was seriously injured and would have to rest for at least several months. He might even have some underlying disease. If the other party is easy to talk to, it would be fine. If not, it would be very troublesome. The patient's family had come once yesterday, and Zhao Hongtao, who was accompanying him, left. Now he was the only one left. Chen Ping did not sleep all night yesterday, and his pillow was wet. He was born in a very ordinary family and tried his best to get into a key university. He completed his university studies with student loans and scholarships. He studied business administration, and after graduation, he came to Yueying and joined Zhao Hongtao's project team.

He didn't get much bonus in the past six months, relying entirely on basic salary and travel allowance.

But the cost of living in Zhonghai City is too high, and renting a house costs one-third of his salary.

In addition to repaying student loans, he didn't even have money to subsidize his family.

When he was admitted to a key university, his originally poor family held a banquet to celebrate his admission to a good university.

He didn't slack off after entering university.

In fact, he could have been admitted to graduate school, but he gave up in the end.

Because he couldn't afford it, he finally graduated and thought he could help his family.

As a result, reality dealt him a heavy blow.

Worse things happened!

He hurt someone!

It doesn't matter if he gets hurt, but he hurt others.

In fact, he just wanted to mediate and help resolve the conflict.

As a result, he did something bad with good intentions, and he got into trouble.

He was so worried that he even thought of jumping off the rooftop.

He had already checked it out.

If he died, his student loan would not be transferred to his family.

He just couldn't fulfill his filial piety.

But the sense of responsibility he had cultivated since childhood made him hesitate.

If he died, his parents would be very sad.

And he couldn't compensate the other party for the injury he caused.

He couldn't escape responsibility.

In the past, he felt that he was at the lowest point in his life, and he had to climb up no matter what.

But now he is more like a crossroads in life, and he can't see the end in any direction.

There are speeding cars on all sides.

If he takes a step, he will be hit.

But if he stays where he is, he will be hit sooner or later, and there will be no other ending.


When Chen Ping was ready to accept this broken and hopeless ending, Su Qingmo appeared.

Not only did he tell him that there would be no problem with his job, but his medical expenses and the other party's medical expenses would be paid by the company.

And he could continue to participate in the project without being punished.

Chen Ping felt that he went from hell to heaven in an instant.

Su Qingmo is an angel.

"Boss Su, I, I..."

"Okay, we'll talk later, you should have a good rest first."

Chen Ping opened his mouth, his throat seemed to be blocked, and his heart was also blocked.

He couldn't say a complete sentence, and could only nod heavily.

He swore in his heart that he would work hard in the future to repay Su Qingmo and Yueying.

At this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly knocked open.

"Where are the people?"

"Do you think it's over after sending two fruit baskets?"

"I tell you, this matter is not over!"

Chen Ping's face changed, "Boss Su, you guys go!"

A group of people squeezed into the ward.

The leader was a man and a woman carrying a fruit basket.

Seeing Su Qingmo and Qin Ran next to Chen Ping's bed, they were immediately furious!

"You sent the fruit basket, right?"

"Who asked you to send it! Take it away!"

One of the women picked up an apple and threw it at Su Qingmo.

"Be careful!" Chen Ping shouted hurriedly.

Su Qingmo didn't expect the man to be so fierce, and the apple flew straight to her face.


At the critical moment, Qin Ran turned around and hugged Su Qingmo, holding Su Qingmo's head with his right hand and pushing it in.

The red apple hit Qin Ran's neck, then bounced towards the glass and finally fell to the ground.

The juice and pulp splashed on the black suit, like thick ink stained with yellow mud.

The other people in the ward exclaimed!

One of the patients pressed the call button and called the nurse.



"If you don't disperse, I'll call the security guards."

Under the stern rebuke of the nurse, the troublemaking family members finally dispersed, leaving only a mess.

Apples, bananas,

Grapes were scattered all over the floor.

Qin Ran was hit more than once, and his back and hair were covered with fruit pulp.

"How are you?" Su Qingmo said anxiously.


"You still say you're fine! I'll go find them! Too barbaric!"

Qin Ran held Su Qingmo's hand, "It's really nothing."

"You can't just let it go."

"Then treat me first and then find them." Qin Ran covered the back of his head and grinned, "It actually hurts quite a bit."

"Where does it hurt? Does it hurt here?"

"It hurts everywhere."

Qin Ran sat on the bed and asked Su Qingmo to check him.

Chen Ping stared at Qin Ran as he put a grape into his mouth and blinked at himself.

. . .

Su Qingmo, who was scared, saw Qin Ran's actions and realized that he had been deceived.

He couldn't help but pat Qin Ran's shoulder hard, "Are you going to die? You're kidding me."

"It hurts, it hurts!"

Su Qingmo was nervous again. Seeing Qin Ran's red neck, his heart was clenched and he felt a little distressed!

"Don't do this again in the future. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely jump out of the window and escape next time."

"You're still talking nonsense!" Su Qingmo said angrily, but he didn't want to hit him hard again. Instead, he gently rubbed Qin Ran's injured part.

After seeing the strange expression of the invisible man Chen Ping, Su Qingmo paused, and his ears turned red to the root of his neck.

"Nurse, please help me check his injuries."

Qin Ran, who was feeling the gentle and cold massage of the little hand, was a little disappointed.

The somewhat fierce nurse looked at Qin Ran's neck and back.

"It's not a big deal, just buy some medicinal wine and wipe it."

Su Qingmo ran to buy medicine, and Qin Ran was worried and followed behind.

When Su Qingmo walked to the crowded place in the hall, he turned around and went somewhere else.

When Su Qingmo returned upstairs, he only saw Chen Ping. "Where's Qin Ran?"

"He just followed you out."

Su Qingmo dropped the bag in his hand and turned to run towards the stairs.

But he bumped into someone just as he turned the corner.

Qin Ran raised his hands, looked at Su Qingmo in his arms, and asked in confusion, "Where are you going, Mr. Su?"

Su Qingmo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qin Ran, and punched Qin Ran's strong chest.

"Where did you go? You didn't even tell me, and I was so worried! I thought you went to settle accounts with them alone."

Hearing Su Qingmo say that he was "worried to death", Qin Ran's heart beat again.

"Oh, I'm so timid, how could it be possible. I'll go and help Chen Ping change the ward."

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"Sorry, sorry, I'll be careful next time."

Suddenly, an inappropriate voice sounded from the side.

"Hey, hey, hey, can young lovers find a place to flirt with each other instead of blocking the road?"

Su Qingmo then realized that she was still in Qin Ran's arms, and she had just punched him a few times with her pink fists, just like a young couple.

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