After Su Qingmo got into the car, she suddenly found something that shocked her!

When she got off the elevator just now, her claustrophobia did not occur, as if it had disappeared.

Claustrophobia has troubled her for many years.

This has to be said since her childhood. When her father became violent due to alcoholism, she would be put in the closet by her mother.

As time went by, she developed fear and anxiety about closed spaces.

Even though she became more resilient and her mental quality became stronger, she could not overcome it and could only suppress it.

The doctor once told her that this disease can be cured.

To treat the disease, the best way is for her to overcome her fear of memory.

But she will not forget, nor does she want to forget those days.

Because it was that unbearable memory that made her persist all the way to today.

So she did not undergo psychoanalysis treatment or take anti-anxiety drugs, but just endured.

In her day-to-day life, she suppressed her fear of closed spaces with her increasingly strong heart.

Gradually, she developed a certain resistance, such as elevators and closed spaces. If there were people around, she could act as if she was not affected at all.

But after so many years, she would still be affected.

But just now she did not feel fear or anxiety, and just got out of the elevator.

Su Qingmo watched Qin Ran put away his luggage and sit in the driver's seat, and couldn't help but ponder.

Is it because of Qin Ran?

Su Qingmo really wanted to go back and confirm it, but finally gave up the idea.

She didn't want others to know this secret, it was her scar.

Besides, there would always be a chance. Qin Ran would take her home every day on weekdays.

Next time, wait a little later, when there were only two of them, and try again.

If there was really no problem, then try to take the elevator alone again.

Maybe it really cured claustrophobia.

Qin Ran started the car and drove to the exit.

Through the rearview mirror, he found that Su Qingmo had been looking at him, and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Su, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Su Qingmo looked at his watch, "I'll be done soon, the encore has already passed."

"Is Sister An coming too?"

Su Qingmo frowned, "Sister An?"

"Cough." Qin Ran coughed lightly, "Sister An."

"She's coming to drink later, do you want to stay?"

"Really?" Qin Ran's face was happy, but after seeing Su Qingmo's eyes, he said, "Oh, it's a pity, I have to go back to school to deal with some things."

"Then next time."

Qin Ran didn't answer. If he said "OK", he might have to eat Su Qingmo's eyes again.

The rich woman was right in front of him, but unfortunately there was a mountain between them.

It's hard to chase a rich woman if you run too fast.


After more than half an hour, Qin Ran drove into Yu Cui Garden.

A yellow Ferrari 458 was parked in front of the villa gate, and An Ke, who had a devilish figure and delicate makeup, was leaning against the door.

Qin Ran swallowed his saliva.


The headlights are so big, so bright, and so cool!

Qin Ran parked the car and immediately opened the door, "Sister An, you are here."

"Sister An?" An Ke raised a strange smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Sister An, is this car yours? It's so beautiful!"

An Ke raised her hand and a key flew to Qin Ran.

The latter reached out and grabbed the 458 car key with a horse printed on it, in a red circle and black inside.

"I'll lend it to you for two days."

"Really?" Qin Ran wanted to give An Ke a big hug, "Sister An, you are so nice! If you have anything in the future, just call me."

The excited Qin Ran didn't notice Su Qingmo with a dark face behind him at all.

First, he touched the front of the car, which was like a sharp blade, and the round taillights that were deliberately raised on both sides.

The masterpiece of the mid-mounted V8 series.

The toy that men want most.

Foreign media commented that the 458 is the most beautiful Ferrari.

Many car owners choose red with black interior and white with red interior.

But Qin Ran looked at the 458 with yellow exterior and black interior in front of him, and instantly felt that this color combination was the best!

Elegant, noble, and wild.



After Qin Ran admired it, he turned around and prepared to thank Encore again, but saw Su Qingmo's sharp eyes like the god of death.

"Mr. Su, I'm sorry, I'll help you move your luggage and wine in. I won't drink it."

Su Qingmo said in a deep voice, "Don't you want half of the wine?"

"No, no." Qin Ran touched the door of the 458 with a smile, "Having her is enough."


Su Qingmo asked

Pick up the suitcase and walk inside.

Qin Ran was a little surprised. Wow, even he felt that the suitcase was heavy, but Su Qingmo actually lifted it directly.

It seems that we can't look down on girls in the future. Weakness is only on the surface.

Qin Ran picked up the wine, snatched Su Qingmo's suitcase and walked in quickly.

He looked very anxious.

What was he in a hurry for? Of course, he was in a hurry to drive the 458 for a ride.

Qin Ran was no different from ordinary men. He had the same hobbies.

Luxury cars and beautiful women.

When you meet your favorite car, you can't help but lose your composure.

Qin Ran turned around and said, "Mr. Su, where is the suitcase?"

"In the bedroom, the wine in the living room."


Qin Ran quickly put the wine away and ran upstairs again.

"Boss Su, which room are you staying in?"

"The far right!"

"It's put away."

Qin Ran walked downstairs quickly, "Boss Su, I'll leave first if there's nothing else."

"Let's go, let's go, I'm so annoyed just seeing you!"

? ?

Qin Ran was stunned for a moment, what was going on, why did he lose his temper again?

But he was more concerned about whether "she" outside was waiting anxiously, and didn't think much about it.

"Sister An, I'm leaving, I'll return the car to you in two days, thank you!"

"Go, it's okay if you crash."

Qin Ran put two fingers of his right hand together, gestured in front of his forehead to indicate that he received it, "Sister An, I love you so much!"

An Ke couldn't help laughing, "Hurry up and be safe."

"Don't worry, I can't be Boss Su's driver if I don't have good driving skills. I'm leaving."

Qin Ran disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Su Qingmo rolled his eyes at the side!

"Ouch!" An Ke hugged Su Qingmo's shoulders, "Why do I seem to smell a hint of vinegar, so sour."

"Who's jealous?"

"Tsk tsk," An Ke winked, "I've known you for so many years, this is the first time I've seen you jealous."

"I'm not jealous of that bastard! He was so happy about a car."

An Ke's eyes widened, with an unbelievable look on her face!

"Wait, what did you just say?"


"Oh my God!"

"Something's wrong with you two, what happened?"

"Tell me now!"

"Quick, quick, quick!"

An Ke shook Su Qingmo's shoulders excitedly.

There was a roar outside the window, and Su Qingmo broke free of An Ke's hands. When he walked to the window, he could no longer see the car lights.

So she took out her phone and sent a message to Qin Ran.

【Drive slower! Don't speed】

【Also, remember to pick me up tomorrow, but don't drive this car, it's too ostentatious】

【Got it? 】

An Ke stood behind Su Qingmo and peeked, stunned!

"What is the relationship between you two?"

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