The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

Qin Ran didn't rush to ask Su Qingmo for a laptop.

If you ask for it at the right time, the success rate will be much higher.

And he already knew what kind of micro-expressions Su Qingmo would have when he was happy.

Qin Ran didn't borrow Huang Changbin's computer, but returned to his own workstation.

He was the tallest among the short guys, but at least his computer was relatively fast.

And he also needed to use the USB data given by Yu Qianxia, ​​which was not convenient for Huang Changbin and Fang Jing to see.

Qin Ran returned to his position with the data and found a small cake on the table.

"Is this the dessert from the new restaurant or was it purchased separately?"

"I bought it from the dessert shop."

"I'm so jealous. You can have a big meal and dessert and not get fat."

Yu Qianxia narrowed her crescent eyes and looked very happy!

"If you like it, we can order takeout. That dessert shop can deliver."

"That's not necessary. I don't have a sweet tooth. I just want to try it occasionally."

Qin Ran, who doesn't have a sweet tooth, finished the cake in two bites and savored it.

It tasted really good. I wonder if it's enough to buy a laptop.

"What's the name of this dessert shop?"


"What's the special?"


Qin Ran searched it and found that the price was a little expensive, but it was acceptable.

It's quite famous. It's said to be the founder of some French pastry.

Qin Ran was skeptical about it, but the dessert photos were really good, like exquisite works of art.

The chocolate cake I just ate tasted good too.

I think he should have some skills and won't make mistakes.

Qin Ran wrote down the location of the store and prepared to give Su Qingmo a small surprise next time.

Then he casually mentioned the computer jam problem when reporting his work.

His personal problem is small, but the overall slow efficiency of the company is a big problem.

Many companies have similar problems, and Yueying, as a leader in the industry, should avoid it.

As the saying goes, sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood, and a smooth computer can improve work efficiency.

Qin Ran has already thought of a speech and is waiting for the opportunity to come.

In the remaining time, he put together the information of Xingke Energy Storage.

When he visits Xingke Energy Storage Company for investigation, he will conduct an on-site inspection.

See if the information is wrong.

From the existing information, Xingke Energy Storage's "conceptual energy storage" is a scam.

But some people can make money with this concept.

Make money from investors and customers.

Qin Ran really wants to know how Founder Group will deal with it if the results of the merger and acquisition investigation report provided by Yueying show that it is not suitable for merger and acquisition.

Ignore the investigation report, directly merge, or cancel the merger plan.

Qin Ran thinks the latter is unlikely.

As far as he knows, the bigger the company, the less they like to gamble.

The more money they have, the more they like to invest in a stable track.

Founder Group will not bet 2 billion on a "conceptual energy storage".

So there must be a reason behind it.

However, the final result has little to do with Qin Ran.

As long as Yueying can hand in a satisfactory investigation report.

Not to satisfy Fang Yunsheng, nor to satisfy Founder Group.

But to satisfy Brother Tongzi, so that he can get the reward.


When working hard, time always flies.

As the sky gradually darkened, Qin Ran waited for Su Qingmo to get off work as usual.

But today Su Qingmo didn't seem to plan to leave early.

An hour later, he was still "staying" in the office.

Qin Ran pondered an important question.

That is, his salary increase of 1,500 yuan should only be the cost of picking up and dropping off Su Qingmo, that is, a part-time driver.

But this situation should be considered overtime, right?

That's right! It's overtime.

You can't leave after get off work, you have to wait for Su Qingmo to leave together.

Isn't that overtime?

Qin Ran didn't want to work overtime.

He already had feelings for Yueying and liked this company very much.

But he also hoped that Yueying could grow bigger and bigger and everything would be formalized.

According to the formal process, you have to pay more.

Qin Ran supported his chin and thought about whether it would be better to talk to Ren Hongxia about this.

The latter is the human resources manager, and she must have the authority to get overtime pay for normal overtime work.

I haven't chatted with Sister Xia for a long time. Qin Ran plans to go to the human resources department tomorrow.

Just when Qin Ran was thinking about it, the office door finally opened.

Qin Ran immediately stood up, "Mr. Su, are you leaving?"

"Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?"

"Sit for a while, I'll call you later."

Qin Ran was a little puzzled, but

Just sit in your seat obediently.

Su Qingmo glanced at the empty office and felt a little guilty towards Qin Ran.

She did get off work late tonight, mainly because she wanted to do a test.

There were only two lights on in the corridor. Su Qingmo took a deep breath and walked towards the elevator.

But her finger stopped twenty centimeters in front of the elevator down button.

It seemed that there was an invisible air wall blocking her slender jade finger.

Su Qingmo gritted her teeth, leaned forward, and pressed it.

The elevator rose along the track.

It was like a black giant python crawling up continuously.


The elevator door opened.

The "giant python" opened its mouth wide, ready to bite someone!

Su Qingmo couldn't help but take a step back.

The light was on in the elevator, but in her eyes it was half black and half white.

Like a half-open wardrobe.

The bright light could not dispel the darkness on the other side.

Su Qingmo kept adjusting her breathing, and she was fighting a tug-of-war in her heart.

3.2 seconds later, the elevator door closed.

Su Qingmo let out a long sigh, then frowned and thought.

Last night, and this morning, she was no longer afraid.

Why is it still not working?

It's even worse than before!

A figure automatically appeared in Su Qingmo's mind, the broad back that always stood in front of her.

Is it because Qin Ran is by her side that she can be fearless?

Su Qingmo dialed Qin Ran's voice phone, "Come to the elevator."

After a while, Qin Ran appeared with the information.

Su Qingmo pressed again, waiting for the elevator that had just gone down to rise again.

Surprisingly, there was no fear this time.


Even the speed of the elevator seemed to be faster, like a dolphin leaping up.

Su Qingmo stepped into the elevator, and the light above her head shone on her hair, flickering a faint light.

Qin Ran followed him into the elevator, with the documents in his hand facing Su Qingmo "inadvertently".

But the latter's mind was not on it at all, and he didn't even look at it.

Even though Qin Ran had already imagined that when Su Qingmo asked for the documents, he would mention that the computer was a bit slow, so he took it back to look.

Unfortunately, Su Qingmo didn't say a word.

Qin Ran's plan was ruined.

It can be said that the previous emperor died halfway through his career.

However, when Qin Ran saw the elegant and luxurious Bentley quietly waiting for him, his mood improved again.

His vision was still small.

There was no comparison between a laptop and a Bentley.

He had to open up his vision.

Qin Ran took the initiative to open the car door for Su Qingmo, "Sister, please get in the car."

However, Su Qingmo did not smile, but looked at Qin Ran with a complicated expression.

Her "disease" would only disappear when Qin Ran was around.

It turns out that the best way to cure claustrophobia is to feel at ease, and peace of mind will naturally eliminate fear.

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