The truth is, there is no truth in the story.

Last time, Su Qingmo only told her friend half of the story, not even mentioning the domineering kiss back.

This time, she told her more explosive story.

Enko was stunned!

"Qingmo, you haven't been bewitched by him, have you?"


"Bewitched, isn't it some lover's bewitching poison, after being planted, one will fall madly in love with the other person."

Su Qingmo rolled his eyes, "You must have watched too many TV dramas."

"You like him more than I could imagine!"

"It's hard for me to imagine myself." Su Qingmo sighed softly, "Do you think I should transfer him to the project team?"


"It might be better to stay away for a while."

"Tsk, aren't you deceiving yourself?" An Ke shook her head and laughed.

"If you really want to stay away, let him go and transfer him to another department. Don't you want to? I think it will only make things worse!"

"I think so too."

"I can't leave him, Xiao Momo."

"You are gloating! I should have told you earlier."

"No, no, no, I don't have one myself. I just love to hear these love stories. Not to mention your love story. I can eat dog food until I'm full."

"Then what do you think I should do?"

"Of course I'll fall in love with him! Needless to say."

"Can you be more serious? I'm much older than him, and he may not like me. We won't be able to work together then."

"You're worried about gains and losses. You finally met true love, can't you take the initiative to pursue it? You will regret it if you miss it!"

Su Qingmo was silent.

It is said that there is a generation gap of three years old. There is more than three years difference between her and Qin Ran.

Some things may not work out even if you confess.

She rejected many people in the past, and then she basically lost contact with them. She was more unfamiliar than a stranger.

It takes great courage to take that step, but the consequences that may happen after taking the step are temporarily unacceptable to her.

She is now accustomed to Qin Ran's existence.

If she doesn't say anything, at least she can maintain the current relationship.

Just like An Ke said, she is too worried about gains and losses in this matter!

It's not that she doesn't know, but she doesn't want to destroy the beauty of the present.


Seeing her best friend not talking, An Ke knew that the other party must be stuck in a dead end again.

"Qing Mo, don't you feel uncomfortable like this? It's like a fish bone stuck in your throat, neither going up nor down."

Uncomfortable, of course it's uncomfortable!

Su Qing Mo is afraid of being even more uncomfortable.

But she doesn't want to admit, "It's not that exaggerated, maybe it's just that too many things happened during this period, and I didn't sort it out."

"You can't sort out love, and you still have it sorted out?"

. . .

Yes, when love comes, rationality fades, and emotion prevails.

In the end, it will only get more and more chaotic!

Su Qing Mo opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of ice water. He drank a few sips before he felt better.

"Do you want me to drink with you? The porridge cooked by the little wolf dog this morning is quite delicious."

"No, I'll be drunk again later."

"Tell me the truth, did you do it last night?"

Su Qingmo's pretty face turned red, "Can you stop thinking about this all day long?"

"Oh my!" An Ke put down the flowers and ran to Su Qingmo.

"You're blushing! You must have done it last night, damn it! I was so asleep that I didn't hear you scream."

Su Qingmo blocked An Ke's mouth with his hand.

"Don't talk nonsense! I didn't do it, I really didn't do it, I even vomited!"

"I vomited all over him, it was so embarrassing!"

"Do you know what's more embarrassing?"

"I thought it was an illusion, I tried to kiss him, but he pushed me away."


An Ke was dumbfounded and said, "Su Qingmo, you really want to eat him!"

"I didn't, I really thought it was an illusion."

"Then you also thought about it in your mind, my God!"

"If you do this again, I won't talk to you."

"Okay, okay, I won't talk to you. What happened next?"

"Later, he should have helped me to the bed and washed me. clothes, he slept in the living room last night."

"Wait, too fast, what about the part before washing clothes?"

"Ah? I vomited."

"Yes, he helped you to the bed, and then what? I want to hear this part."

"No, nothing happened, I fell asleep."

"He didn't do anything? I don't believe it!"

"I really fell asleep, he didn't do anything, just helped me take off my sweater."

"You can bear this? Is he not good there?"


"No, it's good." An Ke suddenly paused, pupils trembled, "How do you know? And you said no."

"Go up

I accidentally kicked it at Dragon Stone the last time."


An Ke whispered, "How is it? How does it feel?"

"Like a stone next to a bonfire."

"Damn it! Why do you let me hear this, ahhhh!"

"No more, it's not serious when you talk about it."

Su Qingmo, with a hot face, drank half a bottle of ice water in one breath to hide his strange mood.


But An Ke still didn't let Su Qingmo go, and pulled the latter to sit on the sofa.

"Has he ever confessed to you?"


"Is he so nice to the girls around him?"

"I don't know."

"I think he at least has a good impression of you, otherwise he wouldn't take care of you so carefully."


"Nonsense, I run a bar, I've seen countless men."

"Hehe" Su Qingmo chuckled twice.

"What are you laughing at? I haven't eaten pork, but haven't I seen pigs run? Besides, I've been in love for a while."

Su Qingmo didn't want to continue this topic, lest his friend fall into boredom again.

"Then Sister An, who has seen countless people, tell me what a little girl should do."

"Hey, that's right. Based on my experience of never failing in my life, as long as you beckon a little, the little wolf dog will definitely climb onto your..."

Su Qingmo blocked An Ke's mouth again.

"Don't say it, I don't want to."

"Then let me put it another way, I'll fall at the feet of your black silk skirt."

"Pomegranate skirt."

"Black silk, no man can refuse black silk."

Su Qingmo recalled some of the previous scenes, it seemed to be like this, Qin Ran was no exception.

"Then what should I do specifically?"

An Ke straightened up and said proudly, "Today I will teach you the six love rules of the An family."


"The six love rules of the An family? "Su Qingmo couldn't help laughing and said, "Did you come up with it yourself?"

"What are you laughing at! Can you be more serious?"

"Okay, okay." Su Qingmo pretended to listen attentively.

An Ke stretched out her slender jade finger, "There are six rules of An's six love rules."

"The first one is to create opportunities."

"The second one is to hint subtly."

"The third one is to play hard to get."

"The fourth one is to show your charm."

"The fifth one is to share secrets."

"The sixth one is to love what he loves."

Su Qingmo was stunned.

"You really have it?"

"Of course, you think my title of love master is made of mud."

"Wait, when did you become a love master, self-proclaimed?"

"Hey, are you going to learn it or not?"

Su Qingmo hesitated for a while, but finally gritted his teeth, "Learn! ”

“Okay! Next, I’ll teach you the first move: creating opportunities. ”

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