The four people in the dormitory secretly looked at the bathroom door.

Liu Yiyi and Su Muyue held their washbasins and confronted each other, neither of them willing to give way.

They didn't even say a word!

They were both using their eyes and aura to force the other to give way.

Liu Yiyi was half a body closer to the door, but she didn't go in, but blocked the door.

After an extremely long five minutes, the other people in the dormitory didn't dare to breathe.

Including Zhang Lili, who usually talks the most.

"Get out of the way!" Su Muyue said in a deep voice.

"I go first."


"Because you are blocking the door, what's the point of opening the door now."

"Whether I open the door or not, what does it have to do with you, it's really interesting."

"What do you mean! You can't see others' well, right?"

"What do you mean by me?"

"It's none of your business what I mean."

"It's me who's standing at the door now, you're really interesting, and you're still trying to rush in."

"Who wants to rush in with you, it's not interesting at all."

"You don't want to rush in, right? Then get out of the way, otherwise you'll be the one who's bored in the end."

Su Muyue was silent.

The roommates who pricked up their ears looked at each other.

They understood every word, but all stopped, not understanding anything.

What do you mean or not, what do you two mean, you're just playing dumb.

Liu Yiyi snorted lightly, went into the bathroom first, and prepared to lock the door.

At the moment when the wooden door was about to close, a foot pressed against the door.

Liu Yiyi was stunned, "What? What do you mean? You want to wash with me."

"I want to wash now. If you are embarrassed, let me wash first."

"Why should I be embarrassed? You are the shameless one."

"Then make way." Su Muyue squeezed in through the crack of the door.

. . .

After a long time, the sound of water came from the bathroom.

Two kinds of water sounds, one from the shower head and the other from the faucet.

The people outside were already dumbfounded.

? ? ?

"What's going on? Zhang Lili."

"I don't know. Mu Yue went shopping just now. I didn't go."

"What are they arguing about?"

"Who knows? They are talking nonsense."

"I feel it may have something to do with Qin Ran."


"Haven't you noticed that Mu Yue is very strange recently?"

"Yes, yes, I noticed it too. She often goes to eat breakfast alone early in the morning and often comes back very late at night."

"Zhang Lili, you follow Mu Yue every day, haven't you noticed anything?"

"I'm not her follower, how would I know."

"Then you can ask later. I'm a little hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

"Do you want to poop?"

"Eh~ Zhang Lili, you're so disgusting!"



"Keep your voice down."

"By the way, without Qin Ran's feeding, we have no snacks in the dormitory."

"Yeah, we used to have snacks, fruits, and milk tea. Qin Ran fed our entire dormitory by himself."

"It's all Zhang Lili's fault."

"It's none of my business!" Zhang Lili said angrily.

"Why did you throw the bag Qin Ran gave you last time?"

"That's right, she didn't give it to you. If there was a boy who was so nice to me, I would have agreed long ago."

"His bag is so ugly, who knows if it's from a street stall or knitted by himself."

"Then you can't throw it away. I heard that Qin Ran was watched and talked about for a long time at that time. He must have felt embarrassed and gave up later."

"He was just a toad wanting to eat swan meat, and Mu Yue didn't like him. I just helped Mu Yue refuse."

"Oh, forget it, I'm too lazy to say it."

. . .

More than half an hour later, the bathroom door opened.

Steam was rising inside, and the mist blurred the mirror.

Normally, the middle area of ​​the mirror should be clear. You always have to wipe the mirror after taking a shower.

Check if there is any foam left, and then apply some skin care products.

But neither of them seemed to have touched the mirror.

Perhaps because of the heat, Su Muyue and Liu Yiyi's faces still had a blush.

The atmosphere was no longer tense, but rather awkward and strange.

Both of them were southern girls who had never been to a big bathhouse and were not used to taking a bath with others.

So the sound of water in the bathroom had not stopped, which to some extent concealed the embarrassment of the two.

After walking out of the bathroom, two exhalations sounded at the same time.

The four eyes met, and then staggered away.

They returned to their seats, turned on the night light, applied lotion and essence on their faces, and finally applied cream.

Milky white

The colored cream melted quickly on the hot face.

After finishing, the two climbed onto the bed silently.

The dormitory became silent again.


For a long time.

Zhang Lili couldn't help but ask, "Muyue, has Qin Ran contacted you recently?"

One second, two seconds.

Five seconds passed without any answer.


"No." Su Muyue's dull voice sounded.

"That's good." Zhang Lili breathed a sigh of relief, "He is too stingy."

"A grown man gets angry because of a little thing, really mean!"

"It's good to give up now."

Liu Yiyi sat up suddenly, "Zhang Lili, can you shut up! I want to sleep."

"You sleep, what do you care about what I say."

"Try to say it again?"

"I'll say it." Zhang Lili lowered her voice.

Su Muyue said impatiently, "Go to sleep!"


Zhang Lili responded, but she felt that she was a little embarrassed to keep silent.

They were all in the same dormitory, why couldn't she speak? It made her seem like she was afraid of Liu Yiyi.

"Muyue, did Zhao Zhile invite you to listen to Kleiman's concert? Are you going? He gave me the ticket and asked me to pass it to you."


"Really not going?"

"No! No!"

"I heard the ticket is quite expensive, it's a pity to lose it."

"I'll give it to you. I really want to sleep, don't talk to me."


Zhang Lili took out the ticket from under the pillow, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Do you want to go by yourself?

Or sell the ticket?

Forget it, let's talk about it later, anyway, it's the weekend.

Zhang Lili fell asleep holding the ticket, and saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth to the ticket.

Soon, the sound of breathing of varying degrees of intensity was heard in the dormitory.

But two people could not sleep.

Liu Yiyi and Su Muyue were both in a state of emotional ups and downs.

When they heard the sound of turning over, they thought it was the other person, and they could not sleep even more.

Liu Yiyi had liked Qin Ran since her freshman year.

But what was speechless was that Qin Ran did not confess to her, but it was He Anming, who was in the same dormitory, who confessed to her.

Because she was worried that Qin Ran would not be able to handle the dormitory relationship, she directly rejected him, but did not say that she liked Qin Ran.

Not long after, it was rumored that Qin Ran liked Su Muyue.

But Liu Yiyi hinted that Su Muyue was not interested in Qin Ran.

So she went on stage on the day of the welcome party and performed a dance that she had practiced for a long time.

The effect was very good, and the applause and whistles of the boys in the audience continued.

Liu Yiyi also planned to confess to Qin Ran on the most brilliant night.

As a result, Qin Ran was called away by Su Muyue, and the relationship ended in nothing.

Later, Qin Ran began to pursue Su Muyue, but she missed the best opportunity.

Now she finally saw hope, but Su Muyue said some ambiguous words again.

After liking someone for more than three years, no matter what, even if you let go, you still have some feelings.

Liu Yiyi was very worried that Su Muyue would cause trouble again, which made her toss and turn and couldn't sleep well.

Su Muyue was in the same situation, and her mood was even more complicated at this time!

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