The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Godfather, please teach us."

Faced with the three people's request, Qin Ran couldn't help laughing.

"You don't really think I chose this topic, do you?"


"You're kidding us!"

"Take care of him!"

"You can't sleep until you call me godfather ten times!"

Qin Ran naturally didn't obey.

With his strong physical fitness, he directly suppressed the three people.

He asked the three people to call him godfather ten times each.

He Anming vowed to start exercising tomorrow.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late.


Qin Ran asked He Anming to call me godfather ten more times.

The next day.

Eight o'clock.

Qin Ran sent a message to Su Qingmo.

[Did you go to work today? ]

Su Qingmo replied after five or six minutes.


[Then remember to eat breakfast, the porridge is ready]


[Do you still feel pain today? ]

[Much better]

[That's good, I'll go to Sister An's place later]


Qin Ran shook his head. Chatting over the phone was a bit cold.

It's better to meet in person. A love word or a kiss can make Su Qingmo's pretty face turn red.

It's both beautiful and delicious.

Qin Ran thought about it, and sent a "kiss" emoticon with a suicidal mentality.

It took a long time before he received Su Qingmo's [knocking head] emoticon.

Qin Ran was in a good mood!

It's good to have a response.

Next, continue to work hard to change from [knocking head] to [covering face shyly], then [hugging], and finally [kissing each other].

There is still a long way to go.

But Qin Ran enjoyed the process.

There was a sense of pleasure in development and training.


Qin Ran saw that the time was almost up, so he changed into casual clothes, put on a black cap and went out.

His appearance was getting better and better, so he needed to suppress it.

But even so, it was difficult to cover up Qin Ran's increasingly prominent temperament.

In short, in one word, handsome!

Qin Ran left the Bentley to Su Qingmo last night and drove back in the A6.

He bought pancakes to eat on the way and drove to the Blues Bar.

The door of the bar was ajar.

Qin Ran pushed the door open and walked in, and saw Encore alone.

"Morning, Sister An."

An Ke covered her mouth and yawned, "Morning."

"Were you open late last night?"

"I got up too early, it doesn't matter what time I went to bed."

"What do you want from me?"

"Why are you so far away from me? Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

"How can that be? I know Sister An is the best."

"Heh," An Ke sneered, "I used to call you Sister An, but now I call you Sister An all the time."

"Sister An, Sister An, Sister..."

"Enough, enough, it's so annoying, you should keep it."

An Ke said with disdain, but her smile showed that she was very happy to be called "Sister".


An Ke took out a file bag from the side and handed it to Qin Ran.

"What is this?"

"Open it and you'll know?"

Qin Ran opened the file bag, and there were actually two contracts inside.

A closer look revealed that it was still a contract for the copyright of the song.

"Sister An, these are the three songs I sang?"

"How are they? Are you surprised?"

Qin Ran hesitated, "Is this suitable?"

"Why not? Those three songs are your original creations. I searched and couldn't find them."

"And you should be more careful. You should register the copyright of the songs earlier."

"Wait, I'll take you to the recording studio. Record the songs first, and then register the copyright."

Qin Ran fell into deep thought. That day, he just thought of these three songs and sang them.

But he forgot that these three songs had not been released yet.

He didn't expect that he would be a plagiarist.

Can a musician's work be called stealing?

The video played that night has become popular. If nothing unexpected happens, these three songs have the potential to become popular.

Qin Ran no longer hesitated, and he didn't act in a double-edged way.


But why does this price seem wrong?

"Sister An, is there an extra zero here?" Qin Ran pointed to the 2,000,000.00 on the contract.

Three songs for 2 million, one song for more than 600,000.

It's a bit exaggerated!

It's not that these songs are not worth the price.

But the price of the song copyright is too high.

Ordinary original songs are only a few thousand to tens of thousands.

For the better ones, 50,000 is about right, and 80,000 is already very high.

If it is a song that is very popular online, the price will be much higher.

It is possible to go from hundreds of thousands to 300,000 or 500,000.

If it is a famous singer or musician,

If he is a music producer, the price will be even higher.

Millions is not impossible.

But the key is that Qin Ran is neither a singer nor a well-known music producer.

And the three songs haven't really become popular yet, so the package price of 2 million is really high.

He himself doesn't know whether it can become popular in advance.

The price is so high that Qin Ran feels a little unrealistic!

An Ke smiled and said, "Do you think there are too many zeros? Then I'll remove one."

"Don't." Qin Ran grabbed An Ke's hand that wanted to make corrections, "Sister, I'm dazzled, just right, one zero is not missing."

"Take a close look at the contract, sign it if there is no problem, and fill in the bank account number and other things, and the money will be transferred to you soon."

Qin Ran looked through it carefully and found no problems.

"Sister An, this music company is not yours, is it?"

"No, it belongs to a friend of mine. I sent him the video of you singing. He also wants to train you to become a singer."

"Forget it, I like my current job."

"Do you like your job? I'm too lazy to expose you."

Qin Ran signed the contract, and then went to the recording studio with An Ke to record songs.

Then he went to register the copyright.

This made Qin Ran feel like getting on the bus first and buying the ticket later.

He knew that An Ke was helping him, otherwise the price would not be so high.

Not to mention that it would take another month for his song copyright application to be approved.

It was like feeding food directly into his mouth.

If it weren't for Su Qingmo, Qin Ran would have wanted to repay An Ke.

He planned to transfer part of the money to An Ke after it arrived.

Although the latter was probably not short of money, this was his principle of life.

Returning a favor.

Qin Ran was busy all day, and it took most of the day just to record the demo.

After submitting the information, Qin Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister An, I'll treat you to a meal."

"Wait until your money arrives, and then treat me and Qing Mo to a big meal."

"No problem. You can eat whatever you want."

"I'm going back to the bar, you can leave."

"How about I go too? Free resident singer."

"That's fine. The original resident singer's injury hasn't healed yet, you can take over for two days. Anyway, you're not famous yet."

Qin Ran smiled bitterly, "Sister An, do you think I'm the kind of person who flirts with other women?"

"Who knows, you can only know a person's face but not his heart. I'll keep an eye on you." An Ke pointed at her eyes with two fingers, then turned to Qin Ran's eyes.

"Sister An, can you do me a favor?"

"What favor?"

"Help me find this lipstick." Qin Ran raised his mobile phone and found the Givenchy lipstick that Dragon Stone Hotel had abandoned because of the stamp.


"Yes, but I can't find the same one online, so I don't know if it's a limited edition."

"Is it for Qingmo? OK, I'll ask for you. Send it to me."

"Thank you, Sister An!"

"You stinky brother, call Sister An when you have something to do, and call Sister An when you don't."

"I'll call Sister An from now on, okay? Sister An."

"That's better. Let's go."

After getting in the car, An Ke sent the demo she recorded today to her bestie, with a voice message attached.

"Your little wolfdog just recorded the song today, you're welcome"

After waiting for a while, she really didn't get a "thank you".

And on the audio file were dozens of messages from Su Qingmo asking if the song was recorded.

An Ke started the car and sighed, "Alas, women in love are really hopeless!"

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