The concert was held in the middle of the night.

Zhonghai Grand Stage.

The first large-scale indoor stadium in China with a theater style, which can accommodate 10,000 spectators.

Clayman is a hall-level "godfather" in the piano world, and naturally deserves this big stage.

The unique charm of a concert is not just whether the music is good or not.

There are many other factors, such as the orchestra and the top music equipment.

This tour is the most powerful concert of Clayman.

It is also the 25th anniversary of Clayman's relationship with Huaxia, which is a special day.

Today is also very special for Qin Ran and Su Qingmo.

This is their first official date.

When approaching Zhonghai Grand Stage, traffic began to become congested.

Fortunately, the two did not have a deep conversation, otherwise they might be late.

Qin Ran never let go of Su Qingmo's hand.

He could feel the latter's nervousness because they were sweating slightly.

So Qin Ran began to play tricks secretly, gently drawing circles on Su Qingmo's palm.

Su Qingmo's palm subconsciously shrank, and Qin Ran immediately opened it again.

Ten fingers interlocked.

Su Qingmo saw the smirk on Qin Ran's mouth through the reflection of the car window, and couldn't help turning his head and pinching him.

"Why do you always bully me!"

"Then I'll let you bully me too, isn't that fair."

"No way."

Qin Ran stroked Su Qingmo's smooth back of the hand with his thumb, without saying a word.

Silently enjoying this moment.

She ran away, he chased, she couldn't fly away.

It was hard to escape Qin Ran's clutches.

With the warm and soft jade in his hand, Qin Ran even felt that it was okay not to listen to the concert.

He could stay like this all night.

But that was impossible.

Because he was going to give Su Qingmo a surprise performance tonight.


After being stuck in traffic for nearly half an hour, Qin Ran finally got in smoothly.

But it took more than ten minutes to find a parking space. There were really a lot of people coming.

This also reflects how strong Clayman's appeal is.

Those who came to listen to the concert were not elegant people.

Most of them were ordinary faces.

There were mothers with children, men with foreign accents, and high school students in school uniforms.

There were also musicians with cool clothes and exquisite makeup.

There were also white-haired old ladies with meticulous hair.

Of course, there were also scalpers scattered everywhere, collecting tickets at low prices and selling them at high prices.

A quarreling boy and girl attracted a lot of attention.

"Zhang Lili, are you fucking sick!"

"I asked you to give the ticket to Mu Yue, but you came by yourself?"

"Did I give you a red envelope? Fuck! That's how you do things!"

Zhang Lili, who was carefully (thick) (thick) (bright) (makeup) (painted ... "Did you help me pass it to her?"

"I told her she didn't want it, don't you understand?"

"Why didn't you tell me? You made me come to this shitty concert."

"You wanted to come."

"Fuck, you didn't tell me, so I thought it was done. Who knew it was you, an ugly freak, who came."

"What did you say?!"

"You are an ugly freak!"

Zhao Zhile looked disgusted, "I gave you a red envelope of 1,800 yuan, what did you do?"

"You came out wearing cheap clothes, and your face was scarier than a ghost!"

"You are not interested in me, are you? It's disgusting!"


Zhang Lili, who was shaking with anger, couldn't help it anymore and slapped Zhao Zhile.

"Fuck! You dare to hit me!"



Zhao Zhile slapped Zhang Lili twice!

"These two slaps are to teach you a lesson."

"Don't think that I won't hit you just because you're a woman."

"Ugly people are more likely to do bad things!"

"What bad luck!"

Zhao Zhile spitted and shouted at the people around him, "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen "The Justice for the Heavens"?"

Zhang Lili's face was burning!

It was not just the pain, but also the strange looks from the people around her.

She wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Two lines of tears fell slowly along her round face, and the inferior "genuine" brand foundation was stuck, and her makeup was ruined.

It was even more terrifying than before!

Red and white, it can be a "double act", playing both the red and white roles.

Zhang Lili admitted that she had so

A little bit of careful thinking.

Flowers need green leaves to set off.

She "willingly" served as a foil for more than three years.

No, to be precise, six years, she started in the second semester of high school.

Being a foil for the school beauty, she was less bullied and could bully others.

In the past, others said she was fat and ugly, but later it was her turn to say that others were toads wanting to eat swan meat.

And she could get a lot of benefits, food, drink, and daily necessities.

She could also secretly collect some "benefits" and help blow pillow wind.

Of course, she couldn't persuade the school beauty to agree.

Otherwise, what would she do, and all the benefits would be cut off.

She was so familiar with Qin Ran eating and complaining, which was what she learned over time.

Her skills became more and more profound, and she was about to graduate from college, but Qin Ran still didn't catch up with Su Muyue.

And it's not just Qin Ran, there are many others.

Among them, she likes the nouveau riche like Zhao Zhile the most, who went to college through a "special channel".

Arrogant, doesn't take others seriously, but is very generous.

The red envelopes given to her are all 188 yuan, saying that less is embarrassing.

Adding up everything, she received several thousand.

She takes money to do things, but when she really does things, she has no money.

So she is just pretending to be nice.

If it were before, she would tell Zhao Zhile that Su Muyue would not come.

Then she secretly sold the ticket, anyway, Zhao Zhile would not care about this concert ticket.

But there is less than a semester before graduation.

If she fails the postgraduate entrance examination, the school beauty "best friend" will slip away again, she has to find a way out.

So there was today's "accident".

She dressed up specially and spent hundreds of dollars to buy a fake Chanel suit.

If she can trap Zhao Zhile, it would be the best, after all, Zhao Zhile is rich.

But I didn't expect Zhao Zhile to have such a bad temper!

Not only did he verbally humiliate her, he also beat her!

Zhang Lili took out her mobile phone and started to send messages to Su Muyue.

"Zhao Zhile! Don't even think about chasing Su Muyue in this life."

"What if you have money? You still can't chase the woman you like."

"I will make you regret it!"

Gnashing her teeth, Zhang Lili sent a short essay to Su Muyue.

The gist of it was that she didn't want to waste the ticket, so she came to Zhonghai Grand Stage, but she never thought that Zhao Zhile would come anyway.

As a result, he misunderstood her, not only called her ugly, but also beat her like a thug.

In the future, stay away from Zhao Zhile.

Finally, a disgusting selfie was attached to prove that she was not lying.

After sending the message, Zhang Lili wiped her tears and went to find the scalper.

She couldn't go to the concert in this horrible state.

If she bought the ticket now, at least she could get some money back.

While bargaining with the scalper, Zhang Lili suddenly saw two people walking into the VIP channel not far away.

Zhang Lili widened her eyes and rubbed them, looking like she had seen a ghost!

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