The sound of the music was so beautiful that it was difficult to make a sound.

Su Qingmo, whose heart was moved by a word, didn't even notice that her hand was held again.

Next, there was not only a solo, but also an orchestra on stage.

One familiar and beautiful piece after another flowed in the theater.

[Blue Love]

[Autumn Whisper]


. . .

No matter which one, it is a classic piece.

Kleiman has 267 gold records and 70 platinum records.

For so many years, he has been an evergreen in the global piano world, and the title of piano godfather is well deserved.

The concert was halfway through, and there was a fifteen-minute intermission.

Qin Ran asked, "Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Su Qingmo shook his head.

"Then I'll go for a while, wait for me to come back."


Qin Ran stood up and left, walking around the corridor. Instead of going to the bathroom, he walked to the backstage entrance.

Clayman, who had just finished the performance, raised his hand and smiled, "Hi, my friend."

Qin Ran went to meet him.


Twenty minutes passed.

Su Qingmo looked around, but Qin Ran didn't come back.

Clayman had already come on stage and was ready to continue playing.

Su Qingmo took out her phone and sent a message to Qin Ran.

[Are you not ready yet? ]

In less than ten seconds, she received a reply from Qin Ran.

[Right away]

Su Qingmo put away her phone and looked at the stage.

After Clayman bowed to thank him, he began to play the music.

[Dedicated to Alice]

A song that has accompanied generations of people, a memory of many people when they were in school, a ringtone when they left school, and a classic song on the campus radio station.

The soothing and lively tune accompanied everyone through one beautiful time after another.

The last note fell, and a tide of applause rang out.

Clayman picked up the microphone, walked to the center of the stage, and spoke fluent Chinese.

"Thank you, everyone!"

"I have a friend today, he is here, and he wants to give Miss Su a song."

"Everyone, welcome, okay?"

Many people present were stunned for a moment, they didn't hear that there were guests coming.

Who is Clayman's friend?

Who is Miss Su?

All the girls with the last name Su or Shu were a little surprised.

Su Qingmo's heartbeat gradually began to speed up, she had a hunch.

But she didn't dare to imagine that it was true.

But when Su Qingmo saw the familiar figure walk onto the stage and shake hands with Clayman, she couldn't help but cover her mouth, her eyes full of disbelief!

An Ke, who came specially from the side stands, muttered, "The little wolf dog is too good at flirting, who wouldn't be moved."

She originally gave the ticket to Qin Ran and didn't plan to come again.

In comparison, she actually likes rock music more.

But Su Qingmo liked it, so she was willing to come along.

But with Qin Ran, she didn't have to come.

But she was woken up by Qin Ran in the morning, who wanted to know the hotel where Clayman was staying.

She felt that there might be a surprise at today's concert.

So she used her connections to check the information and asked people to buy tickets, only the seats on the sides, not the VIP seats in the middle.

Except that she met a Shabi when entering the venue, which made her feel a little unhappy.

She found that listening to piano music was also nice.

Until she saw Qin Ran really go on stage, her heart was also moved.

Looking at her friends in the middle of the balcony, her eyes were full of envy.

How many boys can do this for the girl they like.

Encore is a little expected, Qin Ran is very good at playing guitar, and now it seems that he can also play the piano, and he should play it very well.

Otherwise, it would be a bit embarrassing in this auditorium of 10,000 people.

Dedicated to Miss Su, confessing in front of 10,000 people, he really has a way.

Encore turned his eyes back to the stage.

Amid the exclamations of the audience, Clayman gave his seat to a handsome boy with outstanding temperament.

Surprise, envy, praise, and doubts were heard.

Qin Ran's face appeared on the big screen.

Qin Ran used the prelude of "Autumn Whisper" to slowly quiet down the scene.

It didn't take long, less than half a minute.

But whether you can play the piano or not, you can hear that Qin Ran plays very well.

The doubts disappeared and turned into praises.

When the audience quieted down, Qin Ran smiled in the direction of Su Qingmo.

"Thank you Mr. Clayman for giving me the opportunity to go on stage."

"I would like to take this opportunity to dedicate this song to Miss Su."

"Also to everyone here, I hope you like it."

Su Qingmo sat up straight, with unprecedented brilliance flowing in his clear eyes.

There was nothing else in her eyes, only the boy in the middle of the stage.

Her slender fingers danced and jumped on the black and white piano keys.

Along with the gentle piano sound, Qin Ran's singing voice sounded.

"When you are old, your hair is white"


"When you are old, you can't walk"

"Nap by the fire, recalling youth"

. . .

Su Qingmo immediately recognized that this was Yeats's poem "When You Are Old".

But she didn't expect Qin Ran to sing it in this way.

"How many people have loved you in your youthful joy"

"Admire your beauty, false or true"

"Only one person still loves your pious soul"

"Love the wrinkles on your old face"

. . .

The poem was changed into a song, but the meaning did not change.

Su Qingmo quickly understood what Qin Ran wanted to express.

As the lyrics said, "This song is sung for you".

What Qin Ran wanted to say was that I love your face, but I love your soul even more.

Even if the years change and your face gets old, I still love the wrinkles on your face.

I want to grow old with you.

Hug each other by the fire and watch the long river of time flow.

What is taken away is our love, which will last until death.

Su Qingmo's eyes were moist.

She heard it and understood it.

At this moment, her inner worries disappeared.

She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Qin Ran.

A real life together.

Su Qingmo covered his face with his hands, a little choked.

But the love in his eyes kept surging.

The song ended.

The singing stopped, but the gears of fate had begun to turn.

If nothing unexpected happened, the light of Qin Ran and Su Qingmo's love would eventually turn out.

The audience applauded!

Qin Ran stood up to thank him.

"If time could go back, I wish I could have known you earlier, Miss Su."

"But it's good now. You've come to my world, and I hope I can enter your world, too."

"When you're old, I'll still be by your side."

Qin Ran returned the microphone to Clayman who had come up to him, and hugged him.

"Thanks, my friend."

Qin Ran left the stage and returned to his seat after a while.

Some people recognized Qin Ran and gave him praise.

Some even sent him blessings.

Su Qingmo briefly became the focus.

At this moment, everyone knew who Miss Su was.

It was a match made in heaven!

After Clayman finished playing a song, Qin Ran whispered, "Do you like it?"


"I like you, too."

Su Qingmo rolled her eyes at Qin Ran with her watery eyes, but the joy in her eyes could not be hidden anyway.

Her heart had already been given to Qin Ran silently just now.

She completely opened her heart.

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