Are you crazy? I start with 9 million attack power.

Chapter 10 President's Inquiry

"In other words, I have now joined the association and obtained the breakthrough beads. Next, if I only need to find those ferocious beasts to hunt and obtain three tenth-level ferocious beast cards, I can make a breakthrough." Chen Guan muttered. , he looked towards the arena where the battle was still going on.

The first place was taken away by Chen Guan, and the remaining people were still competing for the second and third positions.

Chen Guan noticed that these people all had strength, but were weaker than the Tongsun Chen Guan had faced before.

It is also slightly stronger than ordinary people.

Chen Guan was not very interested in these battles.

However, the association arranged for itself to wait on this high platform. It is estimated that there will be other arrangements after the competition is over.

Chen Guan withdrew his gaze and then looked at Qian Yin, who was watching the battle on the other side of the ring.

When Chen Guan looked at her, he saw her profile.

Chen Guan said: "When this competition is over, how will I be arranged?"

When Qian Yin heard this, she looked away and looked at Chen Guan. She thought for a moment and said, "Well, there are no arrangements... After the competition, you will be a member of the association."

Hearing this, Chen Guan blinked: "Is this so?"

Qian Yin hummed: "Almost, but before you leave, my grandpa will chat with you. After the chat, you can leave. This is the process all the time, just talk, nothing more."

Chen Concerned Yi Ning.

Qian Yin's grandfather is Mr. Taiping, the president of the Thunder Association.

For Qian Yin, chatting with her grandfather was not an arrangement.

But it feels different for others.

The president of the Thunder Association has the greatest power. He can deprive anyone of his association membership.

Chatting with Mr. Taiping is probably also a test to become a member of the association.

If problems arise during the conversation, Mr. Taiping can completely deprive the other party of his association membership.

Is this the next arrangement?

over time.

Soon, the second and third places were determined.

Examiner Lan Jin stood on the stage and said: "The entrance test has ended. All the eliminated people and irrelevant people have left. The other three winners, please come to the high platform. The president would like to ask these three some questions."

As the examiner Lan Jin's words fell.

The crowd slowly dispersed.

Chen Guan looked at Mr. Taiping.

The other second and third placers also looked at Mr. Taiping.

The second place was none other than Tong Sun, and the third place man was named Bei Hong.

The position Qian Yin occupied just now was actually Tongsun's position.

After Qian Yin occupied this position, the staff next to her specially prepared another table and chairs, thus avoiding embarrassment.

At this moment, four tables and chairs were located on both sides of the president.

After the president spoke, the atmosphere became a little tense.

Both Tong Sun and Bei Hong looked nervous.

The president will ask them something later, and their answer may affect whether they can successfully enter the association.

They are naturally nervous.

Chen Guan looked at the president. He had a skinny figure and a thin face. His hair and eyebrows were white, and he had a white beard on his chin.

He had a smile on his face, and his smile was kind and kind, giving people a sense of harmlessness.

But the five triangular marks on the head of the president and the level represented by the three lines are enough to give this harmless-looking head a strong sense of majesty.

That's level 53!

Level 50 is a level that most people will never reach in their lifetime!

The president stroked his sheep's beard with his left hand, with a kind smile on his thin old face. He smiled and said: "You three don't have to be so nervous. I just want to chat with you, and there is no test." It means. There is a Thunder Association card on your table. As long as you have that Thunder Association card, you can prove that you are a member of the association."

"With that card, you can freely enter and exit hunting grounds of the same level as you. At the same time, you can also use this card to use any public transportation for free and stay in any hotel for free. In addition, there are other various It’s a privilege, you just have to discover it yourself.”

"No matter what you say in our next conversation, I can guarantee that I will not take back that card." The president smiled and said, "You just need to tell me the answer in your heart, that's it."

Hearing this, Chen Guan looked at the president.

He looked at the association card in his hand again.

It turns out that this association card has this function. As long as you hold it, you can prove your identity, and the president promises not to take it back no matter how you answer.

Obviously, what the president meant when he said these words was that he was afraid that Chen Guan and the others would not dare to tell the truth, so he took the precaution.

"So..." The president looked at the three of them, his eyes first fell on Bei Hong, and he said with a smile: "Bei Hong, why did you join the Thunder Association?"

When Bei Hong heard this, he stood up, looked at the president, and said, "I joined the Thunder Association to become stronger."

The president squinted his eyes and looked at Bei Hong. The smile on his face remained unchanged and he stroked his beard with his hand: "Then why do you want to become strong?"

Bei Hong looked at the president and said: "If you are strong, you can have status and status, and you can get whatever you want..."

"Well..." The president nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Okay, I understand."

After saying that, the president looked at Tongsun: "What about you, Tongsun?"

Tong Sun stood up, looked at the president, and said: "Like Bei Hong, this is my seventh time to participate in the competition. There are many people like me in this world who join the association for their own future. Only by joining the association can you be superior to others and step on the weak."

"Well..." The president smiled: "Okay."

After answering, the president looked at Chen Guan.

The president's eyes were full of interest, and he smiled and said: "Where is brother Chen Guan?"

When the president asked Chen Guan this question, everyone on the field looked at Chen Guan.

Including Qian Yin.

Chen Guan thought for a while.

Chen Guan did not need to hide the answer to this question, he could answer it.

Chen Guan looked at the president and smiled and said: "My master has always told me that in Dongzhou, as long as you become the leader of the All-Association Alliance, you can have whatever you want. So, my dream is to become the leader of the All-Association Alliance."

Hearing this, the association executives sitting next to the president looked at each other.

Some people have already smiled.

Several of them looked at Chen Guan with a hint of disdain.

An eighteen-year-old child was just a brat to them.

Such a brat wanted to become the leader of the All-Association Alliance?

This was just a big dream.

Of course, the president was still there, and they didn't dare to say what they thought.

The president's hand stroking his sheep's beard paused slightly, and he looked at Chen Guan and said with a smile: "The young man has great ambitions, which is very good."

"The leader of the All-Association Alliance is selected from the presidents of the five major associations. If you want to become the leader of the alliance, you need to become the president of the association first." Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, Chen Guan looked at Qian Yin who was speaking.

Qian Yin looked at Chen Guan, and she smiled and said: "If you want to become the leader of the alliance, you have to challenge and beat my grandfather before it is possible."

"Before becoming the leader of the alliance, do you have to challenge the president of the association first?" Chen Guan thought about it, and he turned his head to look at the president.

Chen Guan looked at the president with a hint of fighting spirit.

The president noticed the change in Chen Guan's eyes, and he slowly stopped holding his sheep's beard.

Chen Guan said: "President, can I challenge you now?"

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