Are you crazy? I start with 9 million attack power.

Chapter 102 Dongfangsheng, one of the five mountains in Dongdazhou

"From the surface, Chen Guan has no chance of winning this duel. Dongfang Guild President Dongfang Sheng is one of the five mountains of Dong Continent and is unattainable. He has extremely rich combat experience and has awakened the legendary third awakening. Moreover, his level is 51, while Chen Guan is only in his twenties. Even if he is a genius, he is still in the development stage. How can he defeat Dongfang Sheng, who has already become famous?"

"Yes, and Guild President Dongfang Sheng is level 51. The level gap has the effect of level suppression. The greater the level gap, the stronger the suppression."

"In a battle between a level 20 and a level 50, the data gap between a level 20 and a level 50 is extremely huge, plus the level suppression. It is estimated that by then, Chen Guan's own attribute data will be directly suppressed to zero."

"However, it is strange that I heard that Chen Guan took the initiative to challenge Dongfang Sheng in this duel."

"How is it possible? Did you hear it wrong? Now Dongfang Hao was lying in a coma in the hospital, and Dongfang Fu was killed by Chen Guan. Dongfang Sheng's two sons were injured or killed by Chen Guan. Dongfang Sheng wanted to strangle Chen Guan to death, but Chen Guan dared to challenge Dongfang Sheng? Is he tired of living? "

"I think there must be something hidden here. It is estimated that Dongfang Sheng used some means to force Chen Guan to challenge Dongfang Sheng."

"After all, Dongfang Sheng's identity is there. If others won in a fair duel, but he bullied the weak because his son couldn't beat him, many people would definitely not accept it. But if Chen Guan took the initiative to challenge Dongfang Sheng, then Dongfang Sheng would have a reason to kill Chen Guan."

"According to what you said, this duel is actually Dongfang Sheng forcing Chen Guan to die..."

"Well, apart from this possibility, I can't think of any possibility."

"Here it comes, here it comes!" Suddenly, an excited voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, everyone looked in the direction of the ring.

A middle-aged man jumped onto the ring.


His heavy body cracked the floor of the ring when he fell.

This middle-aged man had blond hair and a lot of wrinkles on his face. He was tall, nearly 1.9 meters tall.

He was wearing a platinum suit, but even in the suit, the strong muscles in his body still made the clothes bulge. He felt as strong as a golden bear.

After he landed on the ring, he sat down slowly, staring at the front, as if waiting for his opponent to arrive.

"Awesome, without using his ability, he cracked the floor of the ring with his own physical value alone. It's really worthy of Dongfang Sheng. His body is probably not a human body anymore. It looks more like a human tank."

"Ability users can enhance their various data by exercising their bodies. Dongfang Sheng must have trained beyond ordinary people to have such physical strength."

"It's really scary."

With the appearance of Dongfang Sheng, the audience began to talk about it. Everyone was shocked by Dongfang Sheng's strength.

The Thunder Cloud Duel Arena is specially used for duels. This duel arena is very huge. In order to meet the duel needs of strong people of all levels, this arena is even more ridiculously large.

At this moment, Dongfang Sheng was sitting on the arena. Although Dongfang Sheng's body was scary enough, it still looked empty under this huge arena.

On this seemingly empty arena, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air about a hundred meters opposite Dongfang Sheng without any sign.

When Chen Guan appeared.

The audience, who were discussing Dongfang Sheng's strength, stopped discussing at this moment.

Everyone's eyes fell on the ring, on the figure that appeared out of thin air.

On the ring.

In front of Dongfang Sheng.

A man, wearing a pure white short-sleeved T-shirt with a pure black shorts, and a pair of slippers on his feet.

His black hair fluttered with the wind, revealing a sharp face.

His bangs fluttered, and his black eyes quietly stared at Dongfang Sheng in front of him.

This young man was dressed very casually, as if this was not the Thundercloud Duel Arena, but his bedroom.

But even if he was dressed casually, his appearance still shocked everyone present.


"Before, I couldn't see it clearly in the video. I thought it was because the speed was too fast. Now I can finally see it clearly. This is teleportation."

"Why are you so sure?"

"I have seen some people who have awakened their speed. Some of them can be so fast that they can't be seen by the naked eye. But no matter how fast they are. When they move, the airflow driven by their extremely fast speed will generate wind. When they stop, the chaotic air waves will make the dust around them fly."

"When Chen Guan just appeared, the environment around him did not change at all. This can't be speed. This can only be the legendary ability, teleportation."

"Teleportation, an ability that is recognized by people with abilities as absolutely impossible to awaken... It's incredible that I can actually see this ability with my own eyes."

"With teleportation, Chen Guan will be invincible in the battle with Dongfang Sheng."

"Are you dreaming?"

"Isn't this possible?"

"Of course not. To use a legendary ability like teleportation, there must be conditions and a huge source of power. You don't think that this legendary ability can be used at will, do you? Don't you think that the stronger the ability, the greater the conditions, and the greater the source of power consumption?"

"And teleportation is just equivalent to increasing Chen Guan's speed. If you want to defeat Dongfang Sheng, who is much stronger than Chen Guan in terms of defense, strength and speed, teleportation alone is useless."

The audience in the audience seats were discussing Chen Guan's teleportation ability.

And on the stage.

Dongfang Sheng had slowly stood up, his eyes staring at Chen Guan coldly.

Chen Guan looked at the tall and strong middle-aged man in front of him, who was like a bear. He smiled and said, "Sorry, I stayed up late with my girlfriend last night, so I'm late."

Dongfang Sheng said lightly, "It doesn't matter. I don't care about the meaningless actions of a corpse before it becomes a corpse."

Hearing this, Chen Guan's eyebrows stretched: "You seem very confident, so let's have some fun and show me what you are capable of."

Dongfang Sheng narrowed his eyes: "To kill you, I don't need to use any ability."

After the voice fell, Dongfang Sheng stomped his foot on the ground.


Accompanied by a loud bang, the ground under Dongfang Sheng's feet exploded.

Dongfang Sheng's huge body was like a cannonball, shooting towards Chen Guan, who was a hundred meters away.

Dongfang Sheng clenched his fists, and when he approached Chen Guan, he stomped his foot on the ground, and the floor exploded instantly.

He punched Chen Guan in the head with a straight punch.

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