Half an hour later, the airship took off.

Four hours later.

Chen Guan saw a small island through the window of the airship.

The island was located in the ocean.

In the middle of the island, there was a wall, and in the middle of the wall was the airship airport.

The airship landed in the airport.

Chen Guan got off the airship.

After getting off the airship, Chen Guan found that there were many people who got off the airship besides himself.

And most of these people were more than ten levels.

Obviously, those people were also members of the association.

Chen Guan had no idea where to go next.

So, Chen Guan followed the group of people.

All the members of the association were going to enter the fierce beast island to hunt fierce beasts. He was on the same way with them, and they would not think much if he followed them.

The airport was surrounded by walls, and a door could be seen right in front of Chen Guan.

Next to the gate, there was a security booth, and under the security booth, there were tables and chairs.

A man in black sat on a chair, crossing his legs.

The center of the wall is the airship airport.

Between the huge circular airship airport and the wall, there are many big trees for people to enjoy the shade.

Chen Guan also noticed that there were many people standing under the big trees in front of this door to enjoy the shade.

These people didn't know what they were waiting for.

Chen Guan saw five people walk out of the crowd and then walked to the security booth.

The five of them took out their association cards and handed them to the man to look at.

The man nodded.

The five people went out together.

Seeing this, Chen Guan understood.

That person is a gatekeeper.

Leaving this wall means that you will encounter ferocious beasts at any time.

Ordinary people are not allowed to enter that kind of place, only association members are allowed.

His duty is to guard the gate and prevent ordinary people from entering the dangerous area.

In other words, as long as I hand him the association card, you will know.

Thinking of this, Chen Guan stepped out of the crowd.

As soon as he walked out of the crowd, Chen Guan could feel countless eyes staring at him.

Chen Guan ignored those eyes. He came to the security booth, took out the association card and handed it to the gatekeeper.

Looking at the gatekeeper from a close distance, Chen Guan found that the gatekeeper was in his early thirties. Three triangular marks could be seen on his forehead, which meant that the gatekeeper was at level 30.

The gatekeeper leaned back on the chair, glanced at the association in Chen Guan's hand, glanced at Chen Guan, and then looked at Chen Guan's side.

He retracted his gaze and looked at Chen Guan: "Newcomer?"

Chen Guan said: "Yes." There was only one triangular mark on his forehead, and it was not surprising to know that he was a newcomer at a glance.

The gatekeeper said lightly: "The beast land is very dangerous. If you want to enter the hunting land, you need a team of five people. No one with less than five people is allowed to enter."

Chen Guan was startled.

Chen Guan subconsciously looked back at the crowd behind him.

Just now Chen Guan was still wondering what these people were gathering here for, but now Chen Guan understood.

So that's it, this group of people are forming a team.

"This person has become a member of the association, but he doesn't even know the rules of entering the hunting ground?"

"This is too stupid."

"Such a stupid newcomer, I wonder who would want to team up with him."

"Look at his age, he is only about 17 or 18 years old? He is so young and doesn't know anything. He must be the child of some rich man. He must have bought his association card with money, so he must not have much strength."

"Who would want to team up with such a person?"

The crowd was talking.

Normally, most of those who can pass the parliamentary competition to become new hunters are old hands, and they must be clear about the rules of the hunting ground.

And Chen Guan's actions just now made many people think that Chen Guan's association card must have been bought.

"Chen Guan, are you alone?"

Chen Guan just walked towards the crowd. He was thinking about finding someone to team up with, but he heard a voice.

He looked at the man and saw a bald man with a bear-like body and a huge axe.

Chen Guan took a look and said, "Tong Sun?"

The 30-year-old middle-aged man in front of him was Tong Sun whom he met at the competition venue before.

Tong Sun smiled friendly and said, "It just so happens that our team is still short of one person, let's form a team."

As Tong Sun said this,

the people around him who guessed that no one would invite Chen Guan to join were stunned.

Seeing an acquaintance, he just happened to be short of a team, so Chen Guan was about to agree.

"Tong Sun, why did you invite him to join our team? Are you crazy?" A voice suddenly came from the side.

Hearing this voice, Chen Guan looked at the person who spoke.

He frowned and looked at Chen Guan.

He looked at Chen Guan, and Chen Guan was also looking at him.

The man was dressed in black, and a black mark and a black line could be seen on his forehead.

He said: "This guy is only level 10, he hasn't even broken through, and he doesn't even know the rule that he needs to gather five people to enter the hunting ground. This kind of person joining our leveling team is completely harmful."

"I don't agree with him joining our team either." Another person next to him stretched out his hand and expressed his opinion.

Another woman who looked to be in her twenties frowned and said: "It's difficult to deal with the beasts in the beast island, and I don't agree to bring a burden."

"You misunderstood." Tong Sun heard this, he frowned and said: "He is Chen Guan... He is..."

"Okay." Suddenly, Chen Guan spoke.

Hearing this voice.

Tongsun was stunned for a moment, and he looked at Chen Guan.

Chen Guan crossed his arms and looked at the four-person team in front of him expressionlessly. His eyes fell on Tongsun and said, "Thank you for your invitation, but unfortunately, your friends don't welcome me. I'm not interested in staying in this kind of team."

At this point, Chen Guan looked at Tongsun and said, "Let's form a team next time we have a chance."

After that, Chen Guan turned around and walked away.

A voice sounded in the crowd.

"I said, no one will invite him to join the team."

"He got the association card at such a young age and he doesn't know anything. He must have bought the association card. Who dares to go to the fierce beast island with such a person? One more burden and one less combat power is completely courting death."

"In my opinion, even if this guy stays here for a few days, no one will invite him."

"Look, what is he going to do?"

These people are waiting to form a team. They are idle and happy to see a joke.

As they talked, their eyes were fixed on Chen Guan.

Chen Guan walked to a big tree by himself.

The trunk of this big tree was as thick as three adults could hug.

Chen Guan looked at the big tree in front of him, raised his hand, and clenched his right fist.

He took a bow step and threw a punch.

It landed on the big tree.


The loud noise was deafening!

The big tree, which was as thick as three adults hugged, burst.

A hole with a diameter of one meter appeared on the trunk of the big tree.

The upper part of the trunk fell back.


The heavy tree fell down with a loud noise.

Because it was too big and heavy, the ground trembled at the moment of falling.

Those who were ready to laugh at Chen Guan stared at this scene with their eyes wide open and their mouths wide open.

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