Are you crazy? I start with 9 million attack power.

Chapter 20 Breakthrough and Awakening Ability

Chen Guan took out the breakthrough bead.


The breakthrough bead lit up with a blue halo, and a blue picture appeared in front of Chen Guan.

There are three squares in this blue screen, which can be used to place ferocious beast cards.

Chen Guan took out three ferocious beast cards, one elite thorn tiger and two tree deer cards.

Put it into the square.

Along with the cards being put in.

The blue picture is included in the breakthrough pearl.

Chen Guan looked at the breakthrough bead in his hand, under Chen Guan's gaze.

The breakthrough bead in this hand slowly turned from the slightly colorful appearance before to pure blue. If you look carefully, you can see that the pure blue breakthrough bead has 0 and 1 data rotating inside. .

Suddenly, Chen Guan saw the data of 0 and 1, slowly falling into his palm.

It was like melting into the palm of his hand.

Under Chen Guan's watchful eyes, the breakthrough bead completely merged with Chen Guan's body.

Under the black triangular mark on Chen Guan's forehead, a slanting black line appeared.

Although Chen Guan couldn't see the mark on his forehead, he could see the changes in his attribute panel.

On the attribute panel, you can see that Chen Guan's level has changed from the previous level ten to level eleven.

Level: 11.

Attack: 9999999.

Defense: 9999999.

Life: 9999999.

Source power: 9999999.

Chen Guan looked at the attribute panel and found that his attack, defense and other attributes had not increased due to the breakthrough.

"Neither the advanced beast card nor the ordinary beast card can bring me attributes when I break through. It seems that my data should have reached the upper limit."

"Wait a minute..., what is source power?" Chen Guan noticed that after he broke through to level 11, his attribute panel had many more attributes that he had never seen before.

Among them is this source of power.

Chen Guan glanced around.

The place where Chen Guan is located is located in the forest.

Both Chen Guan and Tian Chun need to break through, so the five of them rest here.

Chen Guan glanced at Tian Chun. The mark on Tian Chun's forehead was the same as his. From the beginning, there was a black triangle mark and a black line.

She has reached the eleventh level.

Chen Guan looked at Pan Fang.

Pan Fang noticed Chen Guan's gaze and smiled: "Congratulations to the boss for successfully breaking through to level 11. Is there anything you need me to do, boss?"

Chen Guan said: "I want to know, what is Yuanli?"

Pan Fang was stunned for a moment and blinked, as if he didn't expect Chen Guan to ask this.

"Source power is an attribute that a person will gain after breaking through the tenth level." Zhu Ling next to him was leaning on the tree trunk, holding a slender knife in his hand, wiping it with a cloth. While cleaning the knife, he said: "Breaking through the tenth level." After reaching the level, people can awaken certain abilities, and to maintain these abilities, source power is needed.”

After hearing what Zhu Ling said, Chen Guan immediately thought of Cheng Ningran, the woman who used the flute to summon the skeleton soldiers.

It's just that she couldn't keep the skeleton soldiers alive for too long at that time.

At that time, Chen Guan thought she was suffering from lack of physical strength. Now it seems that it is not physical strength that maintains the skeleton soldiers, but source of strength.


"You said that you can awaken your abilities after breaking through level ten, so why didn't I awaken?"

When Zhu Ling heard Chen Guan ask this, he paused slightly while wiping the knife, and said, "There are seven lines of ability: red, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, and white."

With that said, Zhu Ling looked at Chen Guan and said, "If you want a certain ability, you can imagine and associate abilities related to colors."

"The simplest example is the red element, flame."

Chen Guan was startled: "You only need to rely on association to awaken your ability? Then can't everyone else awaken?"

Zhu Ling shook his head: "That's not the case. You can take a look at your attribute panel first. There should be values ​​for the red qualifications and other qualifications."

"The lower the qualification, the lower the possibility of awakening. If your qualification value for that department is lower than 20, you will never be able to awaken any ability in that department." Zhu Ling said: "The higher the qualification, the higher the possibility of awakening. So you can first look at the attribute panel to find your highest qualification, and then associate it with the color of the corresponding system to find your own ability. "

When Chen Guan heard this, he looked at his attribute panel.

Sure enough, on the attribute panel, there was indeed qualification data for the seventh series.

Red qualification: 9999999.

Yellow qualification: 9999999.

Green qualification: 9999999.

Chen Guan found that his seven-series qualifications were the same as the other data, all seven nines.

Zhu Ling said: "Awakening ability is a very difficult thing. Even if some people make a breakthrough, they will never be able to awaken their ability in their lifetime."

"Some people whose qualifications are called geniuses also need a month or two to realize it."

Can you gain your own abilities by imagining abilities related to colors?

Chen Guan thought of flames.

He raised his hand.

Accompanied by Chen Guan's imagination.

A ball of fire lit up on Chen Guan's palm.

When the fireball appeared, Zhu Ling was stunned for a moment.

"Isn't it?" Tongsun looked at it in disbelief: "Awakened just after the breakthrough?"

"You are worthy of being the boss." Pan Fang smacked his lips: "I have broken through until now, but I can't even feel the shadow of my ability..., but the boss can do it with just a raise of his hand, this is amazing."

Tong Sun's eyes were full of envy, saying: "The higher the aptitude, the faster the awakening. How high must the aptitude be to be able to awaken after the breakthrough..., 100? Or 200?"

Zhu Ling looked at the fireball in Chen Guan's hand, his eyes shining: "It's hard to believe..., even if the ability is awakened, it is difficult to master. Especially for elemental abilities like this, but he can make the flame of the fireball so stable..., this qualification is definitely more than one or two hundred... incredible."

Chen Guan looked at the fireball in front of him.

"Although it is a fireball, it is just as I imagined, without any temperature..." Chen Guan looked at this scene and thought to himself: "It's amazing."

He thought to himself: "Sure enough, this world is very different from my world."

He thought: "My seven-element qualifications are all 9999999. Except for the red element, I should be able to awaken other elements. Let's give it a try."

Chen Guan thought, raised his other hand, and placed it on the palm of his other hand.

A water ball appeared out of thin air on Chen Guan's other hand.

"Fuck... Red element fire attribute? Blue element ocean attribute?" Pan Fang widened his eyes: "Two abilities?"

"And they are mutually opposing abilities, how is this possible...?" Zhu Ling's expression was a little more shocked.

"Generally speaking, a person who wants to awaken an ability must spend a lot of energy and a lot of time to comprehend it before he can do it." Tong Sun looked at Chen Guan: "But he, just after breaking through, he comprehended two abilities, and they are opposing abilities that should not appear in the same person..."

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