After listening to Chen Guan's speech, Tong Sun, Pan Fang, Zhu Ling and Tian Chun stared blankly at Chen Guan above the black dragon's head.

So crazy.

But the power Chen Guan had shown before and the power he was showing now told them that Chen Guan had crazy capital.

At least, so far, the four Tongsun and Sun have never seen anyone who is more powerful than Chen Guan.

The fireball created by Chen Guan's ability was too high and too huge, causing everyone on the entire Ferocious Beast Island to see it.

Although the fireball dissipated, the scene just now was remembered by everyone.

As the gatekeeper of the hunting ground on Fierce Beast Island, Joe had already taken out his communicator and connected to the communications at the Thunder Association headquarters.

A blue picture was projected from a watch-like instrument, and a tall woman wearing business attire could be seen in the picture.

The woman looked at Qiao with a smile and said, "Hello, I am Yue, the president's assistant. The president is currently in a meeting. What can I do for you?"

Qiao looked at the blue sky, frowning, with a nervous and uneasy expression on his face, and said: "A huge source of energy appeared on the Beast Island, and a certain existence used some kind of powerful ability above the Beast Island. "

"For details, I have videotaped the scene and sent it to the president's email. You can let the president take a look. The situation is urgent! Hurry up!"

When Yue heard this, her smile faded, her expression became serious, and she said, "Okay, I'll inform the president right away."

Joe nodded.

The screen closes.

After closing it, Yue took out a laptop, opened it, opened the email Qiao sent to the president, and found a video attachment inside.

The video opens.

As soon as she saw it, Yue's pupils suddenly condensed. She didn't dare to delay any longer and hurriedly rushed into the conference room.


Mr. Taiping, who was in a meeting, saw Yue's demeanor. He stroked his goat's beard and expressed doubts: "What's wrong?"

Yue said: "The gatekeeper Qiao of the hunting ground of Ferocious Beast Island just sent a message. Something big happened on Ferocious Beast Island. The situation is urgent. I want to show you the video first."

Looking at Yue's expression, Mr. Chengping's hand holding the sheep's beard paused slightly, and his eyebrows wrinkled: "Let go."

Get started and connect the video to the projector in the conference room.

The projector projects the video footage onto a projection cloth on the wall.

The video picture on the projection cloth is exactly what Qiao captured through the instrument. The giant fireball is suspended in the air, causing the sky of the entire Fierce Beast Island to turn red.

See that super giant fireball.

"This kind of range, this kind of powerful red fire attribute ability... I have never seen it before."

"How much source power does a person who can exert this kind of ability have..."

"One thousand? Two thousand? Or tens of thousands?"

"It's impossible to do it with one or two thousand source power... I know some masters of the red flame attribute, and some of their source power reaches thousands, but those people don't have this ability."

"What kind of existence would it be that could use this kind of ability? What was his purpose in entering the Beast Island?"

Speaking of which.

All the senior officials in the venue looked at Mr. Taiping as the president.

In an instant, the expressions of everyone on the field, including Mr. Taiping, became extremely solemn.

Mr. Taiping stood up quickly, with a solemn look on his face, and said: "Seal off the Beast Island, and no one is allowed to enter the Beast Island! Send rescuers into the Beast Island, and be sure to rescue all the hunting teams!"


Mr. Taiping looked at the image on the projection cloth. He held his goatee and looked solemn.

The other hand slowly tightened its grip.

Being able to release such a powerful source of power, even he felt that it was more difficult than ever.

Who is that guy? What is the purpose of sneaking into the Beast Island?

In today's world, the speed of Internet transmission is very fast.

In the Fierce Beast Island, the people who saw the strange phenomena of the sky and the earth were not just Qiao, but everyone in the Fierce Beast Island saw it.

Some people initially took pictures of what they saw and posted them to the association's online community.

"It seems like something big happened over there on Ferocious Beast Island."

The hunting had just ended, and Qian Yin was resting with her teammates. As soon as she rested, she heard the voices of her teammates.

Hearing this voice, Qian Yin couldn't help but picture Chen Guan's face in her mind.

She subconsciously looked at the girl named Tana: "What's the matter?"

When Tana heard this, she handed the phone in her hand to Qian Yin: "This is a video taken by the hunting team over at Ferocious Beast Island."

Qian Yin took it and looked at the video on her phone. When she saw the giant fireball hanging in the air like the sun, her pupils condensed slightly: "Is this...?"

Tana said: "Those people on the Internet have analyzed that it should be the ability released by a certain big shot using a large amount of source power. Look at this video, this fireball is so big that it almost covers half of the sky, the entire The sky is red."

"The association suspects that dangerous elements have sneaked into the Fierce Beast Island and may endanger the hunting team on the Fierce Beast Island. Therefore, the association has sealed off the Fierce Beast Island and will not allow others to enter until the reason is investigated. At the same time, Form a rescue team to enter the Ferocious Beast Island and rescue the hunting team in the Ferocious Beast Island." Tana picked up the mineral water bottle, opened the mineral water, took a sip of it, and then said: "A being with such a powerful ability, According to my estimation, except for your grandfather, no one else in the association is his opponent."

"If that person wants to attack the people in the Beast Island, I guess no one inside will survive."

Qianyin frowned and stood up.

Tana was startled. She looked at Qianyin and said, "What's wrong?"

Qianyin thought of someone.

When she thought that the person was now in the Beast Island, Qianyin suddenly lost the mood to continue leveling. She said, "I remember I have something to do. I have to go back."

When Tana heard it, she looked at Qianyin strangely: "Hmm..."

Qianyin handed the phone back to Tana and turned away.

Looking at Qianyin's back.

Tana said, "What's wrong...?"

She looked at the other three teammates next to her, and the other three also looked confused and puzzled.

Qianyin said while hurrying on the road, "Chen Guan, you can't be in trouble."

Her relationship with Chen Guan was actually just a one-time encounter.

But the agreement between Chen Guan and her made her remember him vividly.

Although Qianyin's feelings for Chen Guan were not good between men and women, she felt a little uncomfortable when she heard that Chen Guan might die on the Fierce Beast Island and thought that she had led Chen Guan to the Fierce Beast Island.

She decided to go find Chen Guan herself.

At the same time.

Chen Guan crossed his arms and sat cross-legged on the top of the black dragon's head, looking forward.

Right in front of him, three skeletons holding bows and arrows stood in the distance, holding bows and arrows, shooting arrows at the groups of level 11 unicorns in the distance.

One arrow, one unicorn.

Every time a unicorn died, Chen Guan saw the experience bar below his level increase by a certain amount of experience.

The four people with Sun below were standing in the distance, staring at this scene in amazement.

When others leveled up, five people worked hard to cooperate, hunted, and risked their lives to kill prey.

When Chen Guan hunted and upgraded, he sat aside and let the skeleton soldiers do it.

And he killed a level 11 beast with one arrow.

Tong Sun looked at Chen Guan on top of the black dragon's head. He smiled bitterly and said, "We are both level 11, but why is there such a big gap between us? It's really frustrating to compare yourself to others..."

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