Chen Guan looked at the smiling girl with her eyes closed in his arms. There was also a smile on his face, and his hand touched Qian Yin's back, comforting her.

Chen Guan recalled himself before he was reborn into this world.

In that world, I only go to work every day. I live like a machine, with almost no time and space for myself.

Chen Guan's eyes fell on Qian Yin's small hand. He held her small hand with his big hand. He looked at the small palm and rubbed it with his fingers to feel her body temperature.

Chen Guan thought about his life in the previous world.

"In that world, you live like a dog every day. There is no time to calm down and think about what you want..."

"Now that I'm in this world, I have time to think."

Chen Guan has not forgotten his original wish.

When he was studying, a friend asked him, what is his dream?

Chen Guan's answer was: "Marry a wife and have a family."

The answer is very simple and so is the dream.

But when Chen Guan grew up, Chen Guan found that this dream was too difficult.

In that world, Chen Guan's life consisted only of work and living, and he had no time to think about anything else.

And now..., Chen Guan looked at the girl in his arms, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Why are you laughing...?" came the girl's voice, which woke up Chen Guan who was immersed in his own world.

Chen Guan came to his senses and found Qian Yin looking at him with her beautiful big eyes.

Her little face was red, and her eyes were full of doubts and questions.

Chen Guan smiled: "I thought of something happy."

"What happy thing?" Qian Yin was suddenly curious.

Looking at Qian Yin's big eyes, Chen Guan was happy. He smiled and said, "I'm thinking, now we can live as long as we want. In this case, we can have unlimited time. In this unlimited time, we can There are infinite children. I wonder if we should create another planet and have one fucking planet of children.”

When Qian Yin heard this, her whole face turned red. She raised her little hand and beat Chen Guan's chest: "What do you think this person is... a pig? Even a pig can't give birth to a planet like that. There are so many...really, what are you thinking about?"

As soon as she punched Chen Guan's chest, he was hugged by Chen Guan. She couldn't move, but she was still coquettish.

After being coquettish, Qian Yin hid her red face in Chen Guan's chest and became quiet.

Suddenly, Chen Guan's voice came to her ears: "Can you? Help me give birth to a child from the planet..."

Qian Yin's face turned redder: "I don't know..."

"Be good and obey."

Chen Guan whispered in her ear, deliberately lowering his voice when speaking.

The warm air flowed into Qian Yin's ears along with Chen Guan's voice.

Qian Yin closed her eyes in shame, her heartbeat quickened, and her brain suddenly became a mess.

She closed her eyes and protested in a low voice against Chen Guan's request: "I'm not obedient..."

Chen Guan looked at Qian Yin's blushing face and listened to her whispered protest. He showed a proud smile. He knew very well that as long as he coaxed her, she wouldn't be able to resist.

Thinking about it, Chen Guan leaned close to her ear and continued to coax: "Be good, my dear, is that okay?"

The gentle words penetrated into her heart, and Qian Yin's whole body softened.

Qian Yin quickly adjusted her brain to calm down.

"I don't want to..." Qian Yin raised her face and looked at Chen Guan: "If you don't talk about this, I have a question."

Chen Guan was startled and looked at Qian Yin: "What's the problem?"

Seeing that she had successfully changed the subject, Qian Yin had a naughty smile on her face: "That's it, you think, listen to the main god named Jiuwei, your last life, that existence was so powerful. I am a little curious, your In his last life, what was his purpose in choosing to be reincarnated? "

This question made Chen Guan scratch his temples subconsciously.

Although Chen Guan is not stupid, Qian Yin's question is obviously not something Chen Guan can answer.

Chen Guan smiled helplessly and said: "I don't know this question either. Although theoretically speaking, the person in the previous life was me, but he is different from me. What he thinks and experiences are all different." . I can’t look at this problem from the perspective of a creator god... Where are you going?”

Halfway through, Chen Guan saw Qian Yin getting out of bed.

When Qian Yin heard this, she smiled and said, "I'm going to take a bath."

With that said, she ran into the bathroom as if running away.

Chen Guan looked at the closed bathroom door and smiled: "This girl..." He realized that Qian Yin just asked this question just to change the subject.

Chen Guan was lying on the bed, leaning on the pillow and looking at the ceiling, and said with a playful smile: "You can escape for a while, can you escape for the rest of your life?"

However, Qian Yin's question did give Chen Guan an idea.

What kind of thoughts did I have in my previous life when I was reincarnated?

Chen Guan didn't quite understand and couldn't understand.

Of course, for Chen Guan, this issue is not important.

However, Chen Guan didn't know it when he thought about this problem.

There was a being who heard this question.

That existence is the universe itself, or it can be called the consciousness of the universe itself.

And this cosmic consciousness is Chen Guan's previous life.

After hearing Chen Guan's doubts, the cosmic consciousness did not respond to Chen Guan, but just watched everything quietly, as if everything happening in the universe at this moment had nothing to do with it.

I don't know how long it has passed.

"Humans are forgetful animals. When they are alive, they will forget that they are still alive. They always look at everything around them from the perspective of God. They always think that they are people outside the play, but they forget that they are the people in the play."

Suddenly, Chen Guan opened his eyes.

He looked at the familiar ceiling above, and his brain was a little dazed for a while.

He sat up subconsciously and looked at the familiar things around him.

He raised his hand again and looked at his hand.

I am a human?

So, will I die?

If a person dies, everything will return to zero.

When a person is alive, he can affect others. If he dies, he will be forgotten by others over time, and in the end there will be nothing.

In other words, death is zero.

Before a person is born, that person will not affect anything in this world, that is to say, before a person is born, he is zero.

A living person is an existence, an existence that can affect things, representing existence, so it is 1.

And both unborn and dead are 0.

Unborn and dead are the same.

Because people are alive and because they affect the world, people are considered to exist.

These thoughts flashed through Chen Guan's mind, and suddenly, Chen Guan thought of what Jiuwei said.

Jiuwei said that in the previous life, he was the supreme existence in this known universe. That existence was high above, but he never cared about anything in the known universe.

An existence with eternal life, but doing nothing.

What is the difference between such an existence and a stone on the roadside, and what is the difference between it and zero?

"Although he is alive, he is actually dead..."

"The reason why he separated a part of his consciousness and reincarnated into me is to..."

Chen Guan raised his hand and looked at his palm, his eyes trembling slightly.


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