Are you crazy? I start with 9 million attack power.

Chapter 43 Invaders of Trial Island

Regarding abilities, Chen Guan became interested in chatting with Zizhu.

Through Zizhu, Chen Guan learned about the status of his team members.

Qingyun is a green forest type. He can create an elf-like creature. That creature can sense creatures within a ten-mile radius, and it is what he relies on to find mutant elite ferocious beasts.

Hong Jue is a red fire attribute, with fire balls and fire rings, which can attack or restrict targets.

As for Song Tu and Zizhu, Chen Guan knew them all.

After listening to Zizhu's statement, Chen Guan realized.

There are still special abilities in this world.

Chen Guan himself has a very rich imagination. With his invincible qualifications, he can use any imaginable ability at will.

But the prerequisite for those abilities must be thought of by yourself. If you don't think of it, it will naturally not appear.

Just like Qingyun's exploration ability, Chen Guan had never thought about this before.

Now it seems that it is necessary for me to study the abilities of other people with abilities. While broadening my horizons, I can also directly use the other person's abilities for my own pleasure.

The distance from the airship island to the trial island is not far.

The five Chen and Guan people stayed on the sailboat for about an hour before arriving.

The sailboat docked on the Trial Island.

Song Tu took Chen Guan and four others down from the sailboat.

Chen Guan looked at the trial island in front of him.

A towering volcano can be seen in the middle of the trial island in front of you.

The volcano is surrounded by emerald green forests.

As you move forward from Chen Guan, you can see the forest.

"Qingyun." Suddenly Chen Guan heard a voice.

Chen Guan looked at the speaker and saw Song Tu looking at Qingyun.

Qingyun nodded slightly, walked forward on his own, walked under a big tree, and placed it on the big tree.

Qingyun's hand glowed green.

The light slowly spread and covered the entire tree.

The whole body of the big tree, which was as thick as a bucket, seemed to be liquefied, turned into green liquid, and began to shrink.

Eventually it shrank to the size of a fist.

After becoming the size of a fist, she began to shape up, and finally turned into a little girl with pointed ears the size of a fist, with wings and wrapped in leaves as clothes.

When Chen Guan took a look, he felt a little emotional: "This Qingyun looks like an old two-dimensional person..."

Ability is obtained through imagination, which means that the elf in front of him is what Qingyun imagined.

This thing can only exist if those with abilities want it.

Little elves like this don't exist in reality now, they only exist in the second dimension.

Only the old two-dimensional person has such courage and dares to use his own abilities to pursue such a cute thing.

In this world where the strong are respected, many people's abilities are based on the pursuit of power.

For an ability user to summon such a cute little thing in front of his opponent... to an ordinary person, it would be an immediate death.

Obviously, Qingyun's expressionless face told Chen Guan that he was not dead.

Not only did he not die in society, he was also recognized by Song Tu and became a member of this team, which shows that Qingyun is still very capable.

Qingyun stretched out his hand, and the little girl with pointed ears the size of a fist sat on Qingyun's palm.

Qingyun pulled the little girl to his mouth, and then whispered a few times in her ear.

The little girl stretched out her hand and pointed in a direction.

Qingyun withdrew his gaze and looked at Song Tu.

Song Tu nodded slightly, looked at Chen Guan and Hong Jue behind him, and said, "Let's go."

With that said, Song Tu walked towards the direction pointed by the little girl.

Chen Guan followed Song Tu.

"Qingyun calls that thing the tree elf." Zizhu followed Chen Guan and explained with a smile, "To find the mutated elite ferocious beasts in this huge trial island, the help of the tree elf is indispensable."

Chen Guan nodded slightly.

He had a doubt, he said: "I just saw Qingyun turn a tree into a tree elf. Does his ability require a plant nearby to create a tree elf?"

Zizhu said: "That's not true. He can also directly create tree elves, but that will consume more source power. The source power of our ability users is limited. In order to reduce the use of source power, we use this method. ”

These words made Chen Guan gain more knowledge. It turns out that there is still such a saying.

Under a big tree on the trial island stood a woman with an proud figure.

A black triangular mark and two triangular stripes can be seen on the woman's forehead, which means that her level is sixteen.

The woman's body slowly became blurred, and her entire body seemed to be wrapped in a ball of water.

Suddenly, the mass of water dissipated and fell to the ground.

A man with long pale blue hair and a dark blue leather vest took the place where the woman was standing.

He was wearing an open vest, revealing his strong chest and abdominal muscles.

The skin on his body is very white, an abnormal paleness.

On this man's forehead, there are three black triangular marks and a triangular stripe.

His level is level 33.

The corner of the man's mouth rose: "The trial island is less strict than expected. The trial island is for people from the five major associations in the Eastern Continent, and is specially used to cultivate talents. The younger generation of the five major associations gather here. genius."

"Then... let me be an examiner to help you, the five major associations, screen these so-called geniuses." Having said this, the man grinned.

He put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked away.

And on the ground where the man left, four bodies that had been chopped into several pieces fell to the ground, and the scarlet blood stained the ground red.

Soon, he met a team.

The five-man team changed their faces when they saw the man.


Accompanied by screams.

Four people in the five-man team died.

The last person slumped on the ground, his pupils trembling as he looked at the man in front of him, and he backed away in panic with his hands: "A-level wanted criminal Xi... why are you here... why are you here?"

Xi showed his sharp teeth, and he laughed coldly: "You failed."

As soon as the voice fell, he waved his hand.

The ice knife cut across the man's neck, and a head rolled off.

Xi said with a tut-tut: "Nine, none of them are qualified. It seems that the five associations in East Continent don't have any useful talents."

He put his hands in his pockets and walked into the forest.

"Keep looking and see if there is any."

"What if there really isn't any?"

"Hehehe...then eliminate them all! Eliminate! Haha!"

On the other side.

"Level 18 mutant elite beast Thunder Lion." Song Tu and the other five had stopped. They hid in the jungle and looked into the distance.

Through the jungle, Chen Guan could see a giant lion that looked like a lion but was three times bigger than a lion lying under a tree in the distance.

The giant lion was silver-white all over. Although it closed its eyes to rest, its aura was terrifying.

This was the team's first target today, the mutant elite beast Thunder Lion.

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