Are you crazy? I start with 9 million attack power.

Chapter 54 A certain invincible existence

The scout looked at the Thunder Lion below and said, "This Thunder Lion has extremely powerful defense and attack. Even Senior Ziren's second awakening can't hurt it."

"I estimate that its attack power and defense power are above level 40."

As he said that, the scout looked at President Taiping and said, "However, this thunder lion will not attack people. We followed this thunder lion for an afternoon and found that this thunder lion has been killing other vicious people. If a beast encounters a human being, it will completely ignore it.”

"As for the reason, I still don't know why the ability user did this." The scout was confused.

The president stroked his goat's beard and slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing President Taiping's actions, the scout's heart moved.

Masters have the ability to perceive the fluctuations of source power. Scouts themselves can also enhance their perception of the fluctuations of external source power by closing their eyes.

However, the current range that a level 30 scout can sense is only 100 meters.

Not as good as his own Source Power Eye.

But President Taiping is different. President Taiping is level 53. He can sense source power fluctuations of thousands of meters or tens of thousands of meters.

The thunder lion is embodied by others. To maintain the thunder lion, the other party cannot be too far away.

No matter how powerful it is, it can't be as far away as tens of thousands of meters.

In other words, President Taiping can sense it as long as he is nearby.

President Taiping slowly opened his eyes.

The scout said: "President, how is it?"

President Taiping frowned his pale eyebrows slightly, then shook his head and said, "There was no reaction..."

The scout was startled and looked a little unbelievable. He said, "Could it be that that person was controlling this thunder lion from a distance of 10,000 meters?"

Hearing this, President Taiping stroked his goat's beard a little. He frowned, looked at Lei Shi below and said, "It seems that he has met a master."

"Now that we have met a master, then..." President Taiping's eyes became sharp, and he stared at the Thunder Lion below: "Then let me see who this master is!"

The words fell.

President Taiping moved.

He jumped up and jumped down from the tree.

When jumping down, his feet faced the thunder lion below.

Golden light glowed under his feet, and the attack of this kick was so powerful that it directly tore the air.

The air was torn apart, and the surrounding airflow was suddenly disrupted. Once the airflow was disrupted, the wind howled.

President Taiping kicked Lei Shi directly on the back of the head!


Accompanied by a loud bang.

The ground beneath Lei Shi's feet exploded.

A giant pit that was ten meters long appeared instantly.

With the Thunder Lion as the center, everything within a radius of fifty meters was instantly affected and destroyed by the terrifying power.

The scout and Ziren hid aside, but the terrifying wind struck.

The expressions of both of them changed a little.

The scout looked shocked: "Is this the strength of Level 53 President Taiping? Just one kick... can produce such powerful air wave fluctuations..."

President Taiping put his hands behind his back and jumped up. His lean body rolled in mid-air. He landed on the ground and stood up again, looking ahead.

He slowly narrowed his eyes, and suddenly his pupils suddenly condensed, and his old face had a look of disbelief.

Half of the Thunder Lion's body has sunk into the ground, but now it has no damage at all. It is slowly moving and struggling to get out of the ground.

The scout's pupils were trembling, and he stared blankly at the scene in front of him: "Withstanding an attack from Level 53 President Taiping, he was still okay??"

After Lei Shi stood up slowly, he turned slightly sideways and looked at President Taiping.

President Taiping frowned and stared at Lei Shi.

President Taiping slowly raised his hand and assumed a fighting posture. His old face, which had always been casual and relaxed, became particularly dignified at this moment.

This probing kick has made President Taiping understand one thing.

The thunder lion in front of him has the ability to compete with him!

Ever since President Taiping broke through level 50, he hasn't encountered a decent opponent for a long time.

At this moment, President Taiping realized that the guy in front of him could become his opponent.

President Taiping is serious about his plans.

At this time, Lei Shi glanced at him, then looked away, turned around, and jumped up. Under the gaze of President Taiping, it jumped onto the pit.

Then he walked away leisurely.

Seeing this, President Taiping's pupils narrowed slightly and he frowned.

"This guy..."

He slowly lowered his hand and released his fighting stance.

"Really?" President Taiping said slowly: "The person who created it did not give an order for it to attack humans..."

"President." After seeing that there was no danger, the scout came over.

President Taiping looked at the scout, and then said: "No matter who created this thunder lion, and no matter what this thunder lion will do in the future, as long as it does not threaten the humans on the trial island, let it continue to exist. Wander around here.”

The scout was startled and said, "Is it okay?"

President Taiping took back time, put one hand behind his back, jumped to the edge of the pit, raised his face, looked at the starry sky above, stroked his goatee, and said slowly: "This is the only way. Come on, I guess the person who embodies this thunder lion is no match for him."

President Chengping's words made the scout's pupils shrink slightly, and his expression changed.

President Chengping admitted that he was not the opponent of the person who materialized this thunder lion?

Then who else is the opponent of that person? !

I don't know, anyway, at this moment, no one has the answer.

And President Chengping has left.

The scout stood there in a daze.

On the other side.

Chen Guan didn't know what happened to the thunder lion, and he had no interest in what was happening to the thunder lion.

Chen Guan was thinking about how to use his abilities.

Chen Guan looked at the night sky, thinking about the various abilities he had seen in another world.

There are two main things that Chen Guan wants to do now.

The first thing is to upgrade to level 50 and then challenge President Chengping.

The second thing is to upgrade to level 30, collect breakthrough materials, and complete the six-month agreement with Qianyin.

Chen Guan is currently doing these two things.

In addition to these two ongoing things, Chen Guan currently has another thing he wants to do.

That is, he wants to see Qianyin now.

But the question is, how to do it?

Chen Guan thought for a while, maybe I can use my ability.

The question is, what ability should I use?

"The ability of teleportation, the ability that I can teleport directly to any place I want to go, can I do it?" Chen Guan thought so.

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