Are you crazy? I start with 9 million attack power.

Chapter 76 An unexpected challenger arrives

Hearing her grandfather praising her boyfriend, Qian Yin smiled and looked at Chen Guan on the stage.

Chen Guan stood on the stage, he looked around, looked at the other contestants of more than 20 levels below the stage, and said: "If you want to challenge me, please come up, don't waste everyone's time."

However, the more than ten contestants of level 20 looked at each other, but no one was willing to take the initiative to challenge Chen Guan.

"What's wrong with these people? Why don't they challenge Chen Guan?"

"Anyone who has seen the battle between Chen Guan and Dongfang Hao and the fact that Chen Guan killed the Yellow Ant Queen in one move is unlikely to choose to challenge Chen Guan."

"No way? Did Chen Guan win directly? I spent a whole night taking an airship from Haiyun City to here, just to watch lonely?"

"This is really boring."

Chen Guan stood on the stage, waited for a while, and looked at the host beside him.

Lei Jun saw this situation, he looked at the contestants below and said: "If no one dares to challenge Chen Guan in today's trial, then Chen Guan wins this competition."

However, the contestants below did not move.

Lei Jun saw this, he said: "I declare that the winner of this trial is Chen Guan!"

At this point, Lei Jun looked at Chen Guan and said: "Next, please go to the high platform to receive the association card for medium members."

"Since no one dares to challenge him, let me do it!" Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Accompanied by this voice.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by this voice and looked at the man together.

I saw the person who spoke jumped out from the audience.

He was six meters above the ground.

His body flew out and landed on the ground.


There was a muffled sound when he landed.

He jumped up again and jumped from the ground to the ring.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

The person who spoke fell on the ring.

He stood on the ring, his eyes fixed on Chen Guan.

This man had blond hair, cut short, and wore a white vest with black sweatpants.

He was sturdy, had a handsome face, and wore golden earrings.

On his forehead, there were three black triangular marks, and within the three black triangular marks, there were three triangular stripes.

In other words, his level was 39.

The man put his hands in his trouser pockets, staring at Chen Guan with his golden eyes, and said, "Boy, you are very arrogant. If you are so arrogant, do you have the courage to fight with me?"

"My turtle is Dongfang Fu."

"Dongfang Fu, the eldest son of the president of the Dongfang Association, the eldest brother of Dongfang Hao, this guy is not here to avenge his brother, right?"

"It's not 'not', but definitely. Chen Guan beat Dongfang Hao a few days ago. Now Dongfang Fu is here. Who would believe that he is not here to avenge Dongfang Hao?"

"I remember that Dongfang Fu is different from Dongfang Hao. This guy is particularly obsessed with cultivation. I heard that he has awakened to the second level a while ago."

"What? Second level awakening! Although you can awaken to the second level above level 30, some people can never awaken to the second level in their lifetime. Even some people with very good talents can only awaken to the second level above level 40. Is Dongfang Fu's talent so evil?"

"It's interesting to see Dongfang Fu, who has awakened to the second level, against Chen Guan."

On the stage

Lei Jun frowned, took a step forward, and stood in front of Dongfang Fu.

He stared at Dongfang Fu, and blue lightning surrounded Lei Jun. He said slowly: "Young Master Dongfang, please respect the normal competition of the Thunder Association."

Dongfang Fu frowned when he heard it: "Respect the normal competition of the Thunder Association? Your people beat Dongfang Hao to pieces, and now Dongfang Hao is still lying in the hospital unconscious. The Thunder Association also respects our Dongfang Association? You want me to talk to you about respect today, okay, let me beat this kid into a cripple first, then I will talk to you about respect!"

"Otherwise, no one who stops me today will be useless!"

Dongfang Fu's face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger.

Lei Jun frowned.

Dongfang Fu's level is not low, 39.

And Lei Jun, as the host of this intermediate member trial competition, his level is only 37.

"Is it useful if I stop it?" Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, Lei Jun was slightly startled, and he came back to look behind him.

Suddenly, a figure flew over from a distance.

The figure fell.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

The whole ring trembled.

There was a pit where the figure fell.

And President Chengping stood in the pit.

President Chengping walked towards this side barefoot, one hand behind his back, and the other hand pinching his goat beard.

The people in the audience widened their eyes at President Chengping's move.

The people in the audience subconsciously looked at the place where President Chengping had just sat.

There was also a pit in front of President Chengping's seat.

Obviously, President Chengping just jumped directly from there and jumped directly here.

And that place is more than 200 meters away from the landing point of the ring!

"The strength of President Chengping at level 53 is really terrifying..."

President Chengping looked at Lei Jun: "You step down."

Lei Jun nodded slightly: "Yes."

He left.

President Chengping stood between Dongfang Fu and Chen Guan. He stroked his goat beard, looked at Dongfang Fu, and then looked at Chen Guan.

President Chengping narrowed his eyes and looked at Dongfang Fu again.

Dongfang Fu frowned and looked a little ugly.

President Chengping was here. If President Chengping wanted to intervene, Dongfang Fu would have no way to deal with it.

President Chengping said: "Dongfang Fu, are you going to challenge Chen Guan?"

Dongfang Fu frowned: "Hmm..."

President Chengping raised his face slightly and said: "I am also looking forward to your fight with Chen Guan."

Hearing this, Dongfang Fu was slightly stunned. He frowned and looked at President Chengping with a strange look.

In Dongfang Fu's view, Chen Guan is a member of the Thunder Association. As the president of the Thunder Association, President Chengping will definitely protect Chen Guan.

But Dongfang Fu didn't expect that President Chengping would say such a thing?

As he said that, Chairman Chengping looked at Chen Guan with a smile: "Chen Guan, do you want to accept the challenge?"

Dongfang Fu's heart moved, and he looked at Chen Guan.

If Chen Guan didn't want to fight, Chengping would definitely help Chen Guan, and then Dongfang Fu would never be able to get past Chengping.

What to do? Dongfang Fu was a little annoyed.

When Chen Guan heard this, he looked at Dongfang Fu, whose eyes seemed to be filled with anger, and said: "I don't really want to fight him, it's a waste of time. However, if I don't fight, he will definitely pester me, so in this case, let's fight. It won't take much time anyway."

Hearing this, Dongfang Fu was stunned, his face sank, and he stared at Chen Guan.

It was the first time that Dongfang Fu was looked down upon by someone like this.

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