Yan Gao frowned and looked at Yan Lian: "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Yan Lian nodded slightly, then turned his head slightly and looked in one direction: "The man sitting next to Qian Yin, he just used his ability to create a stack of attribute cards, and gave the stack of attribute cards to Qian Yin. I saw Qian Yin use those attribute cards with my own eyes."

He looked at Yan Gao: "I saw it with my own eyes, although I am a little bit unbelievable, but I guarantee that I saw it with my own eyes."

Yan Gao turned his head slightly in the direction Yan Lian was looking, looking in the direction of Chen Guan and Qian Yin.

He retracted his gaze, looked at the auction table in front of him, and said slowly: "Qianyin is a person with the ability of the red creation attribute. She and that person came here together, it must be for the red attribute card of this auction. If that man really has that ability as you said, then what are they doing here?"

When Yan Lian heard it, facing Yan Gao's doubts, Yan Lian hurriedly said: "But I just saw it with my own eyes..."

Yan Gao said: "Okay, the auction has started. Wait until the auction is over and then find them to verify it."

When Yan Lian heard Yan Gao say this, he knew very well that Yan Gao did not believe him.

Yan Lian frowned, turned his head to look at Chen Guan, and slowly retracted his gaze.

People who have not seen Chen Guan's ability with their own eyes would not believe it. Otherwise, they would not say that they would wait until the auction was over to verify it. They came to this auction just for an attribute card, and that person is very likely a humanoid card printer.

Yan Lian turned his head to look at Chen Guan, and slowly retracted his gaze.

He had seen the video of Chen Guan fighting with Dongfang Fu, and knew that Chen Guan was very powerful. Dongfang Fu, who was level 39, was not Chen Guan's opponent. He, who was level 26, could not be Chen Guan's opponent.

He was a little surprised when he saw that Chen Guan could copy the usable attribute card. After being surprised, he thought about telling his father Yan Gao about it.

He wanted his father to take action, but he didn't expect that his father didn't believe it at all.

Yan Lian was a little depressed, but there was nothing he could do.

Chen Guan noticed that the atmosphere around him had changed a little. The venue, which was a little noisy just now, slowly calmed down.

He subconsciously looked at the platform.

Sure enough, on the platform, a tall woman in a black suit was slowly walking out from behind the scenes.

She was wearing a headset and had a professional smile on her face: "I am Mu Die, the host of this auction. I believe everyone is waiting anxiously. Mu Die will not say more nonsense. I choose to announce the official start of the auction."

After Mu Die's voice fell, a strong man in a neat suit came out from the curtain behind the platform, pushing a cart with something covered with red cloth on the cart.

That thing looked very heavy.

That thing is probably the first item for this auction.

"Then the first item to be auctioned is the Thunder Hammer." Mu Die pulled open the red cloth covering the item, revealing the item.

It was a huge hammer, silver-white in color, and looked very heavy and ancient.

Mu Die said: "This is the Thunder Hammer made by weapon master Lu Yin. It is made of crystals mixed with the 46th level Crazy Thunder Lion. If the user uses abilities related to lightning, when holding it, the ability can be increased. The starting price is 10 million."

"Eleven million." Suddenly, someone stretched out his hand and started bidding.

"Fifteen million."

Slowly, someone started bidding.

Chen Guan listened to the host's introduction: "What is a crystal?"

"There is a probability that a crystal will appear in the body of a beast above level 30." Qian Yin explained to Chen Guan: "Those crystals will contain a certain attribute of power. Combining crystals with weapons can produce this unique weapon. However, this weapon refining method can only be done by some master blacksmiths."

"It's like enchantment in the game." Chen Guan said: "It's really interesting."

Suddenly, Chen Guan's head moved, and he looked at Qian Yin: "By the way, I saw you using a red knife before, is it similar to that weapon?"

Qian Yin said: "No, that's my ability."

She stretched out her hand, and under Chen Guan's gaze, her palm glowed red.

As the light came on, the blade pierced her palm.

Chen Guan was startled, he looked at Qian Yin, but saw Qian Yin frowned slightly.

A red knife drilled out of her palm.

It looked like it was drilled out of her body, but in fact it was drilled out of her body.

After the knife pierced her palm skin, blood came out of her palm like a living thing, accompanied by red light, and finally condensed into a dagger.

At the same time, the wound on her palm recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

People in this world have life values.

The human body is like the body of a fierce beast. As long as the life value is enough, the body will automatically deduct the life value to repair the damaged part after being injured.

"My ability can turn my own blood into a weapon." At this point, Qian Yin looked at Chen Guan beside her and said, "Because my ability is special, I can't use weapons that can increase the attributes of my ability."

As soon as she loosened her hand, the dagger-like blood blade disappeared.

Chen Guan said: "When you use this ability, you not only consume source power but also life value."

Qian Yin hummed: "Indeed, but because my blood is needed as a medium, the source power consumed will be less than that of other ability users."

Speaking of this, Qianyin turned her head and looked at Chen Guan. Looking at Chen Guan, she noticed the pity in Chen Guan's eyes and smiled playfully: "Don't worry about me, I'm not that delicate."

Looking at Qianyin's relaxed demeanor, Chen Guan reached out and held her in his arms, stroking her arm.

Qianyin snuggled in Chen Guan's care, she slowly closed her eyes, enjoying Chen Guan's pity and tenderness.

Qianyin's ability is to use her own blood to turn into weapons to attack, and this ability is not something that ordinary people can control.

Although Qianyin's blood and injuries will be repaired, the pain of damaging her body and letting the blood break through the skin and drill out of the body is not something that everyone can accept.

She who has this ability is obviously not an ordinary girl, let alone an ordinary ability user.

It's just that when she was in front of Chen Guan, Chen Guan was too strong, and the light he exuded was too dazzling, which hid her light.

"The next auction item, attribute card." Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, Chen Guan and Qian Yin looked towards the platform together.

Mu Die on the platform had a professional smile on her face. In front of her was a platform. On the platform, there was a transparent square glass cover. Inside the glass cover was a red attribute card.

When this attribute card appeared, the entire auction venue fell into silence.

Chen Guan subconsciously looked around at the people who were staring at the attribute card on the platform with fiery eyes.

Obviously, a large part of these people came for this attribute card.

A small attribute card can make these people hold their breath.

I wonder what their expressions will be when my thirty-three attribute cards appear in a while.

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