Are You Crazy? Send Milk Tea Every Day to a Cold High School Flowers

Chapter 96 The daughter-in-law has a hundred questions, and the bet must be hit (please subscribe au

"Dad, I'm back!"

The early morning of October 1st.

Yan Shu also took a taxi back to Luoyan Lake Mansion.

She opened the door lock with her fingerprints and happily entered the house.

In fact, it is not far from Modu University of Finance and Economics to Luoyan Lake, and it takes only 20 minutes to take a taxi.

But Yan Shu has always lived on campus, and has never returned home in his free time.

This is mainly because there is an extra Jiang Wen in the school this semester.

I don’t have enough time to spend all my time on Jiang Wen. How could I have a chance to come back.

Hasn't someone said it before.

I don't want to go to school because I love learning.

It's because there is someone you want to meet in school.

Yan Shu also felt that he was like this.

Since meeting Jiang Wen, she has never thought of having family.

Especially after her parents divorced, the house was a bit less smoky, and she didn't want to come back.

It's like singing in that nursery rhyme.

The big cock has a long tail, and if you marry a daughter-in-law, you forget your mother.

Putting it on Yan Shuyi's body will have to be changed.

The big cock has a long tail, which makes her husband forget his father.


"Are you at home?"

"Where have you been, just talk now!"

Yan Shu also put his luggage in the living room, and looked around with suspicious eyes.

No one in the house, only the big clock hanging on the wall made a clicking sound.

It's weird, today is obviously my holiday.

In the past, my dad would prepare a table of hearty lunches for himself.

Because he thinks that the food can only taste like home when he cooks it by himself.

But today, not only is there no personally-cooked food, why are there no people who cook it by themselves?

Yan Shu was also full of doubts and looked everywhere.

Finally, she found a letter on the table.

The content of the letter is as follows:

Dear daughter, I am your father.

Don't call me or call, because I'm already on the plane at this time.

This time, I am going to Saipan for a long vacation to ease my exhaustion from work.

Because of the sudden decision of the itinerary, I am really sorry for not telling you in advance.

I left a bank card on the table in your bedroom.

This card is my secondary card, you can swipe it at will, the limit is unlimited.

Dad has also grown a lot over the years, and feels that time is waiting for no one.

So I want to try to enjoy life and feel different landscapes and humanities.

For more than three years after divorcing your mother, I have been trying to divert my attention with busy work.

But now I want to slow down, so I will make such a sudden decision.

This is a trip, so I tried the walk-and-go way.

Dear daughter, you have grown up and can take care of yourself.

Dad feels very pleased and hopes to see a completely independent you.

Work hard to love the life that belongs to you, because neither father nor mother can accompany you for life.

In these ten days, I hope you will arrange your life and do some meaningful things.

If you encounter something you can't handle, please don't worry, because Dad has made enough arrangements.

You can open the door of your house, go out, and knock on the door of the opposite neighbor's house.

I have asked that young, handsome and talented guy to help me take care of you.

He is perfect. He is a good man who takes care of his family and makes money.

It's almost like the father when he was young.

You can find any problems you encounter, and he will definitely help you.

If you have no problems, please say hello to others in the near future.

Neighbors love each other, this is our traditional virtue in China.

Feel the love of your neighbors!

Love your neighbor!

Don't let that handsome boy wait too long.

Yours sincerely-your real father.

Yan Shu also froze for a long time, and then threw the letter paper into the trash can after he recovered.

This is all such a mess, it's just shit.

The first half is more logical and understandable.

It probably means that Dad is too tired from work and wants to enjoy life at an age when he can walk.

This is normal, and when a daughter is naturally able to experience that mood.

After all, it's not easy for Dad these years. How normal it is to want to go out and play.

But what the hell is going on in the second half of this letter?

To love your neighbor? Give my love to the neighbor?

What kind of neighbor would accept such an outrageous request from my father.

It is simply inexplicable.

Yan Shu also murmured a few words, and went to the bedroom with the suitcase.

It is estimated that the season will change when I return to school. Short-sleeved shorts are rarely worn.

So she brought all the clothes back, ready to throw them away at home.

After finishing the closet, she turned to look at the table.

Sure enough, there was a bank card on it.

"It's just right, I'm going to buy a small skirt and do a nice hairstyle later."

Yan Shu also took out an ancient pond bag from the closet and put the bank card in it.

Then she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Jiang Wen.

I already did the last time I took my boyfriend to buy clothes.

I don't know what it would be like to take a boyfriend to do a hairstyle.

Yan Shu also made an appointment on the app for the store he visited most often, and after changing his clothes, he was ready to go out.

At this moment, Jiang Wen sent a word document.

"One hundred questions my daughter-in-law will face, I must hit the question!"

When Yan Shu also saw this document, his face instantly became serious.

A hundred questions? Is it that exaggeration?

Jiang Wen was only asked ten questions when he went to see his mother-in-law.

Will the mother-in-law be terrible, do you really have to ask so many questions?

Yan Shu also had to pay more attention to the meeting tomorrow.

So she sat on the sofa and began to read the questions mentioned in it carefully.

"How did you meet each other?"

"What does the family do?"

"Grandpa and grandma are in good health?"

"Are you planning to get married when you graduate?"

"Have you ever thought about when to have a baby?"

"Have you seen your parents with Jiang Wen? Are they satisfied?'

"Hey, are they all such simple and daily problems?,

Yan Shu is also slightly surprised.

After all, the last time my mother asked Jiang Wen was very tricky.

If it wasn't for himself, Jiang Wen might not be able to fight it.

Could it be that the matter of seeing the mother-in-law was not as terrifying as one thought?

Thinking of this, Major Yan Hua couldn't help but feel a little more confident.

She should be regarded as a well-behaved and cute girl.

It's just that the height may be a little high, which is easy to give people a sense of distance.

But it's okay, a well-behaved hairstyle can make up for this.

When the time comes, your mouth will be sweeter, and your performance will be more diligent. You should get an eighty point out of 100 points.

Well, come on, Yan Shuye, you can definitely do it!

Yan Shu also took a deep breath and stepped out of the door.

At the same time, at the Far East International Airport.

Zhang Bin was sitting in the Mercedes-Benz, looking at the drop-off area without turning his eyes.

At that time, a big sign was stuck on the roof of his car.

Two names were written on the sign, Jiang Chenggong and Chen Ying.

Jiang Chenggong is naturally Jiang Wen's father.

Chen Ying is Jiang Wen's mother.

Because he was afraid of missing the old couple accidentally, Zhang Bin made a big sign specially.

As long as people come out of the drop-off area, they must be able to see this sign at first sight.

It must be foolproof.

I just need to wait silently.

Zhang Bin is very satisfied with his idea,

So he adjusted the back of the seat back, ready to squint before talking.

At this time, the airport drop-off area.

In the passage, a middle-aged couple was walking one after another.

"Hey, I said Chen Ying, can you go slower?"

"Jiang Chenggong, what do you want to do with so many things when you go out?"

"Your clothes, your shoes, the souvenirs you want to bring, and the wedding ceremony for your daughter-in-law. If there is something from me, I will write my name in reverse.

Chen Ying glared at him: "Okay, write it the other way around, right? Jiang failed, can you stop being so old and bullshit?"

Jiang Chenggong sighed, "I will bear it for the sake of my son, otherwise I will have to clean up your mother-in-law."

"Pack me? I think you are really good at it.

"Aying, I'm just kidding."

The couple walked to the parking area while lifting their bars to quarrel.

They could have seen the sign Zhang Bin had prepared by walking straight over.

But who knew that at this moment, a black Wuling drove in front of the two of them.

Because Wuling's body is relatively tall, it directly shields the Mercedes-Benz behind it.

Zhang Bin was still hitting tons at this time and had no idea what was happening outside.

At this time, the window of Wuling's car was rolled down, and a man in his 30s and 40s sat inside.

"Hey, eldest brother and sister-in-law, are you in a car?"

Chen Ying looked at the man up and down, and confirmed that he was a black car driver.

In fact, there are black car drivers in any city.

They are expensive, carry a lot of people, and drive irregularly.

There are not many people who are ruthless, especially those who like to slaughter foreigners.

So Chen Ying waved her hand: "I'm sorry, we won't sit down."

"The airport can't solicit passengers casually. If you go further ahead, there will be no cars. Now you don't have to sit for five kilometers to get a taxi!"

Chen Ying thought for a while: "It's only five kilometers, it's okay, we'll be there on a walk."

Jiang Chenggong was discouraged when he heard the sound: "Aying, I can't walk five kilometers with so many things."

"Then you pay for the ride?"

"Our money is handed over to you, where can I get the money!"

"Didn't you keep hiding your private money to buy wine?

Jiang Chenggong smacked his lips: "That's my money for buying wine."

"Take a taxi, you give me the money for the wine.

"Aying, you can't be like this!

Chen Ying sneered: "Okay, then I have to walk five kilometers."

"I can give half,

"Give it all to me, and give it all to me, no discussion."

Jiang Chenggong was a little depressed. He ran so far to see his son, only to lose money for his alcohol.

This is what I deducted from the daily firewood, rice, oil and salt.

If I knew this a long time ago, I shouldn't have come with this mother-in-law.

But I heard that my son is making a lot of money, and it should be no problem to secretly ask him a hundred and eight yuan.

Jiang successfully took out a wad of one piece, a wad of five yuan, and a few coins from his pocket.

"Here you are, it's all here."


Jiang successfully pulled out his pockets: "No, it's cleaner than his face."

Chen Ying counted: "Ah, what about Alipay and WeChat?"

"There is still ten dollars, and I will transfer it to you later."

The driver of the black car couldn't help laughing: "Sister-in-law's tutor is so strict, can't you drink some alcohol?"

"What do you know? He has a chronic stomach ulcer. The doctor won't let him drink it. He has to drink it secretly."

"The sister-in-law did the right thing. If you drink alcohol again, it will easily cause stomach perforation.

Jiang Chenggong glared at him: "Are you doing business or seeing a doctor, I won't sit down if you help me."

"Come on, you two get in the car, let's 710 leave immediately.

So the old couple stuffed their luggage into the trunk, bent over and got into the car.

The driver of the black car turned his head: "Two, where are you going?"

"Go to Luoyan Lake Mansion."


"Isn't it written, Luoyan Lake Mansion."

Chen Ying took out her cell phone and showed the driver the address sent by her son.

The driver of the black car couldn't help but startled slightly.

Good guy, Luoyan Lake Mansion is a famous rich area.

The people who live there are all rich people whose names can be counted in Moduli.

This old couple has a foreign accent when they hear it. Where do they go and what do they do?

"Are you going to visit relatives, or looking for a job?"

Jiang Chenggong frowned slightly: "Did you drive or do the census, where there are so many questions, hurry up!"

"No, brother, I asked what's wrong, why are you so angry?"

"The money for Laozi has been deducted. Do you still expect me to sing you a song?"

The driver of the black car slapped his lips and stopped talking. After starting the engine, he drove out of the parking lot slowly.

But at this time he had a conclusion in his heart.

Since it can be related to the Luoyan Lake Mansion, it must have some money.

Such a guest can't be met several times throughout the year, so you have to make a good deal of it.

"I said Aying, are you saying that what our son said is true?

Chen Ying thought for a while: "Jiang Wen, this kid, has never lied since he was a child. It shouldn't be a fake."

"But school has only started for a month, so he bought a house and started a company?"

"After you wait, just ask if you can."

Jiang Chenggong pondered for a while: "It's not a bad thing to make money, I'm afraid he will go the wrong way in a momentary confusion."

"That's my son, do you think you are as stupid as you?"

"Huh? Why does this sound a bit wrong? Isn't he also my son?"

Chen Ying looked at him: "You have inherited a good-looking skin from your son. IQ or whatever is still the old Chen family."

"Aying, you are a bit too much, didn't you have to marry me just because I was handsome?"

"What, listen to what you mean, don't you want to marry me?"

"Of course, if it wasn't for your father to be the head of the village and his influence was too great, he would have snatched me from my house to yours, I would have long ago."

Chen Ying's eyes were suddenly sharp: "What happened to you long ago?"

Jiang Chenggong immediately gave a cold face: "I put on the iron chain and ran away with you long ago, Ah Ying!"

"It's pretty much the same, but the sweetness is the only useful thing you have inherited from your son."

The two chatted while watching the scenery outside the window whizzing past.

Twenty minutes later, the driver of the black car slowly stepped on the brake.

"Here we are, three hundred and five in total.

"How much?"

"Three hundred and five, this is the magic city, and the fare is all at this price."

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