The two of them were very happy.


“Hello, Chief!”

“Hello, Chief!!”

Looking up at the person who came,

Sun Dongxian was the first to salute and greet.

Following him, Chen Zhenmin, Qin Ying and others beside him also saluted and greeted respectfully.

If you look closely, you will find that.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of Su Ting and Ma Hongyi.

Although the combat exercise between their First Army and the 71st Army was the largest military exercise in the past year.

But there have been several military exercises of this level before.

At most, a member of the Central Military Commission came down to watch the battle!

They never expected this time.

One of the two vice chairmen of the Central Military Commission actually came over!

They usually don’t see such people.

Even Sun Dongxian rarely sees them.

Only the commanders-in-chief of the major war zones are qualified to meet them frequently!

“Old chief, I didn’t expect the Military Commission to send you this time!”

“I’m a little nervous.”

Seeing the palm of the old man in front of him.

Sun Dongxian hurriedly shook his hands.

The vice chairman of the Central Military Commission named Zhang Taifeng smiled and shook hands with Sun Dongxian.

Then he patted Sun Dongxian’s arm with a kind face and said:

“Dongxian, this time it’s not just me who came down, your old commander is here too.”

“But Lao He ran to the 71st Army to avoid suspicion.”

“But he doesn’t care about you. He has been telling me about your military service for so many years.”

Hearing Zhang Taifeng’s words, Sun Dongxian’s expression was slightly startled.

Then a touch of emotion flashed across his eyes.

And behind him, Su Ting and the others opened their mouths wider before they could close them.

“Sister Ying, the old chief is talking about another vice chairman of the Military Commission, He Jianzhong, right?”

“Tsk tsk! The Military Commission is too generous this time!”

“The two vice chairmen came to watch the battle in person! Our First Military Region must perform well!”

Ma Hongyi approached Qin Ying and whispered.

Qin Ying frowned slightly when she heard this.

She always felt that things might not be that simple!

But at this moment, a roar suddenly sounded, interrupting Qin Ying’s thoughts.

On the other side.

Zhang Taifeng and Sun Dongxian had also turned around and looked over.

“Dongxian, take a look at the tanks that Shen Fei built for your military region first.”


“Yes, old chief.”

Sun Dongxian nodded in response.

As he finished speaking.

The Xuanwu tank built by Shen Fei has been filled with diesel.

Zhou Xu drove it down from the truck bed.

The moment they saw the Xuanwu tank.

The expressions on everyone’s faces froze.

Then Su Ting and others couldn’t help but widen their eyes!

Zhang Taifeng and Sun Dongxian

also showed surprised expressions.

Now they finally understood why Zhou Xu said that the shape of this tank was a bit strange!

Generally, tanks are composed of several parts such as the body, turret, track, armor and main gun.

And the tank in front of them at this moment.

Other places are fine.

That is, the shape is a little different from that of ordinary tanks.

But overall, it can still be seen as a tank.

The most critical part is the turret!

Generally, the turret is connected to the main gun.

What is the main gun?

That is the most important weapon of a tank.

But the tank in front of Zhang Taifeng and others now has no main gun.

There is not even the shadow of the firing port.

The entire turret stands bare on the vehicle body.

Those who know this is the main battle tank that the First Military Region asked Shen Fei to build.

Those who don’t know would think it is just an armored vehicle with a weird shape!

“Commander! What did I say!”

“Shen Fei dares to cheat the country’s money! You still don’t believe it!”

“He is not only cutting corners! The most important main gun was not built!”

“Is there anyone in the world who is more courageous than him!?”

“Three courages? He has more than three courages! He is full of courage!”

“He built such a rubbish with two hundred million. How much money did he cheat our military region of!?”

After Ma Hongyi came to his senses.

He couldn’t help but shout on the spot.

Su Ting next to him was silent for a moment, and his eyes twitched:

“Commander, don’t bear it, sue

. ”

“The anger hurts the body…”

Ma Hongyi said that Shen Fei was a complete profiteer.

When you even dare to hack the country’s money.

Su Ting really didn’t believe it.

But now he realizes that he is young and has a small style!

The courage of a profiteer is beyond his imagination!

it’s good now.

Everyone was expecting Shen Fei to give them a surprise.

And Shen Fei really gave them a huge ‘surprise’!

There are no main guns.

What the hell is that?

Are you going to be dragged out and beaten? ?

“Okay, everyone, shut up!”

“Old chief, let me ask Shen Fei what’s going on.”

“I think he shouldn’t dare to mess around with matters in the military region.”

Sun Dong first looked at Zhang Taifeng and said.

Just when his eyes touched the Xuanwu tank.

The last sentence he said was really not very confident.


Zhang Taifeng turned his head and said calmly after hearing this.

Then he looked at the Xuanwu tank built by Shen Fei in front of him.

His brows couldn’t help but frown slightly.

It seems that there is absolutely no clue what this tank is famous for.

And just then.

Zhou Xu, who was standing not far away, hesitated to speak:

“Commander, the word Xuanwu is engraved on the left front of this tank.”

“It seems that Shen Fei should have named this tank.”

“And there is one more thing I think I should report to you.”

“I’ve driven a lot of tanks, and the internal structures are basically the same.”

“But the Xuanwu built by Shen Fei has many buttons on the control panel that I can’t quite understand.”

“I think if you ask Shen Fei, you should also ask him what those buttons are for.”

“After all, tanks are no better than others, and this was done by Shen Fei.”

“It might not be safe if you press it casually.”

Zhou Xu’s voice sounded one sentence after another at the scene.

Sun Dongxian was startled when he heard this.

Then he nodded.

Then he dialed Shen Fei’s phone number that he had investigated before.

After a while, I listened to the blind tone on the phone.

Sun Dongxian frowned slightly.

After leaving a few messages to Shen Fei.

He shook his head at Zhang Taifeng and said:

“Old chief, Shen Fei’s phone number can’t be reached.”

“Maybe he hasn’t woken up yet…”

“It was already very late when he handed the tank over to us last night.”

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