In the early morning, when all the people in the rain forest were sleeping, two people quietly got up.

"Lao Liu, is it really okay for us to get up so early?"

"Today's task is quite heavy, so I need to get up early.

Even at this point, I still think it's too late!

If I didn't have an alarm clock, I would definitely get up earlier.

The method of holding urine to get up early is really inaccurate"

"No, I mean, it's still dark now, are there any wild animals outside?

What if we encounter a leopard or something?"

"It doesn't matter, under normal circumstances, we can't touch it.

Besides, we can make a torch!"

"Torch? How to make it?"

Hu Xin asked in confusion.

They didn't have any grease, so it was really difficult to make a torch.

""I have this."

Liu Deli smiled and took out a handful of nuts from his pocket. They were the macadamia nuts he had picked up not long ago.

On his way back that day, he turned back to look for the macadamia tree, and he really found it.

Then these nuts were the stock he had specially saved.

"Macadamia nuts?

This is a torch?"

"Of course~

You have to trust Mr. Liu~"

Liu Deli smiled and touched his almost bald head, and said to the camera

"Dear audience friends, I don't know if anyone is watching the live broadcast now.

However, whether there is anyone or not, your gentle and lovely Liu Laoshi will start the class!

Today's topic is 100 ways to make torches in the wild... the first issue!

Macadamia nut torches."

After saying that, he smashed the macadamia nut with a stone, took out the pulp inside, and used a thin wooden stick to thread it like a kebab.

"This macadamia nut is rich in vegetable oil and burns easily.

I believe many people have felt this when eating macadamia nuts, right?

Not eating one feels like eating fat~ hahaha~

In fact, each macadamia nut this big can burn for about 5 minutes.

So, this is one of the best torches in the wild."

Not long after, Liu Deli made four torches in this way, then took out one, lit the top macadamia nut with fire, and slowly raised it up.


Hu Xin, let’s go!"

"You are amazing, Lao Liu!

I am really becoming more and more confident in you now!"

Hu Xin's voice was a little happy.

He originally did not want to follow Liu Deli to"work", and even wanted to pull Liu Deli to stop him from going to"work".

However, after a night of Liu Deli's"teaching", he explained the fundamental purpose of their participation in the program and the pros and cons of the two choices.

Hu Xin"suddenly realized"

"Of course~

You have to believe me.

The boss is really good, not only generous, but also considerate of us.

I will ask if I can live in the boss's big house, and then we can win for sure!"

"Hehe~ Just thinking about the bonuses makes me happy!"

The two chatted as they ran towards the small orchard.

Soon, they arrived at the orchard that Hu Xin had discovered the day before.

"Pick them quickly, we must pick all the fruits before the boss wakes up!"

"Okay, Lao Liu~"

"Don’t pick too many, this stuff won’t last long ~ and you won’t have enough time!"

""Okay, Lao Liu~"

The two held torches and began to pick fruits in the orchard.

After such a busy time, they picked enough fruits and started running towards Zhao Lu's shelter.

After hurrying, they finally arrived at Zhao Lu's shelter before dawn.

Seeing that Zhao Lu and Chen Chen had not yet gotten up, Liu Deli and Hu Xin put down the bamboo basket and stood there waiting.

"Lao Liu, how about we do something else?"

After waiting for a while, but Zhao Lu didn't get up, Hu Xin couldn't stand it anymore.

"do what?"

"For example, how about getting a small ornamental plant?"

"Ornamental plants?"


I am a gardener and I am very proficient in gardening.

When the time comes, I will put these plants in the new house, and it will be very beautiful!"

Hu Xin was also shocked after seeing Zhao Lu's new house.

Such a huge and magnificent house, someone can actually build it with bare hands on a deserted island?

It's really amazing!

Seeing this, his admiration for Zhao Lu directly rose to a higher level

"What you said makes sense!

How do we do it?

Let's do it together!"

Liu Deli's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then the two of them transplanted some plants and began to prune them to make them look better.

So, when Zhao Lu woke up and walked into the yard, he found a scene that shocked him - there were actually two landscape plants outside his yard greeting him!

""Hello, boss!"

Before Zhao Lu could finish being shocked, he heard two loud shouts.

Turning around, he found Liu Deli and Hu Xin greeting him with a smile.

Their posture was exactly the same as the landscape plants around them!


Hello~ Hello~

Why are you here so early?"

"Boss, you misunderstood."

Hu Xin smiled and shook his head,"When we said hello, we were not greeting you. We were saying that the theme of the garden we designed is called hello, boss!"


"Look at this posture~

In the future, put these things in your palace, and then I will match them with some other embellishments for you, it will be perfect!

When the time comes, when you can overlook the entire yard from the second-floor balcony, you will find that every plant is waving to you!

As if to say, hello, boss!~"


Zhao Lu was surprised.

She silently gave a thumbs up.

"You guys are such talented people!"

"Thank you for the compliment. This is what we should do for you~"

Liu and Hu smiled and bowed.

"Have you eaten?

Come in and sit down.~"

"Boss, we also brought you some fruits.

In addition, we also found a new resource point, which is a small fruit forest with a lot of mangosteens and bananas, which are very good."

Zhao Lu looked at the bamboo basket and was immediately filled with emotion.

"What a good Huaxia employee!"

"Come sit down~

We'll have breakfast together later~"


Just when Liu and Hu were about to agree, a woman's scream suddenly came from the forest not far away.

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