Zhao Lu picked up the new summoned beast, Honey Bear, and placed it on her right shoulder.

It was an animal that was very sensitive to smells, and it was a nocturnal creature.

So, Zhao Lu planned to take it with him to look for Chen Chen.

As for Honey Badger and Little Greedy... their noses were also very sensitive, and they were also considered to be more energetic animals at night.

However, their injuries were too serious, so Zhao Lu gave up on them.

Moreover, one summoned beast was enough to go out and look for someone.

She came to the table where Chinese medicine was placed and took out some Chinese medicine to mix.

Soon, Zhao Lu made a small pill.

Then she stuffed it into the mouth of Honey Bear.

Honey Bear was a nocturnal creature, and in order to prevent it from escaping, it was fed"inert pills" after dinner.

At this moment, it has been lazy and didn't want to move.

What Zhao Lu just prepared was"active pills".

After eating the"active pills", Honey Bear was indeed much more energetic.

Standing on Zhao Lu's shoulder, it kept looking around.

She took out a piece of Chen Chen's clothes and put it next to Honey Bear's nose for it to smell.

Then Zhao Lu took this"hound" that had never been trained, a torch that had been prepared long ago, an axe and a military shovel and went out.

Although the"hound" might not be reliable, he knew Chen Chen very well.

He knew that Chen Chen would definitely leave a mark nearby, so he was not too worried.

The honey bear was just an extra layer of insurance.

Soon, Zhao Lu found a relatively fresh mark, and then followed the direction of the mark and chased after it.


"This...where is this?……"

Somewhere in the rainforest.

Chen Chen looked around in panic.

The torch she had brought with her had long gone out. She was in a dark forest, surrounded by the sounds of frogs and insects, and the occasional roar of wild animals.

All of this made her very panicked.


A low roar sounded not far away, and immediately frightened Chen Chen so much that he burst into tears.


Where is this!

Zhao Lu! Gou Kun! Brother!

Come and save me!


Chen Chen squatted on the ground, crying.

She couldn't run anymore.


If I had known I wouldn't have come out to look for black mud... wuuwuwuwu……"

Zhao Lu had already assigned the task of making black mud bricks to Chen Chen.

So she had never taken care of it.

When Chen Chen was checking various materials at night, she suddenly found that there were not enough black mud bricks, and she panicked immediately.

Because she knew that it had been raining recently, and only tomorrow would be sunny.

If she missed tomorrow, the best time to build a house and lay bricks, then she didn't know when the next time would be. If a typhoon really came, then everything would be ruined!

So, she thought about going out to find some black mud, then kneading it into shape, and burning it overnight for tomorrow's use.

However, when she found the black mud and was about to go back, she suddenly heard the cry of a jaguar.

Then she was scared silly.

She ran frantically with a torch, but she could not escape the"shadow" of the jaguar. She could always hear the cry of the jaguar.

So she kept running, and finally ran out of the range she marked, and got lost.

Now her legs are sore, and she can't run anymore.


A deep voice sounded again, frightening Chen Chen so much that he trembled all over.

Then he ran madly while crying.


You stinky leopard, why are you chasing me for no reason?


Chen Chen was very upset, but she had no choice but to keep running.

After an unknown amount of time, there was no more roaring around, so Chen Chen stopped and squatted on the ground, waiting quietly.

Fortunately, she had the herbs specially prepared by Zhao Lu, so she was not bitten by insects along the way. Otherwise, even without the jaguar, she would not be able to bear it.

"Woohoo...what should I do?……"

Chen Chen panicked. She regretted why she didn't have Zhao Lu's ability to find the way without relying on signs.

But it was too late to regret now. She could only listen to the cries of various strange creatures passing by and wait anxiously.

It was unknown how long it had been. When Chen Chen was about to collapse, she suddenly saw a fire in the distance.

And a very familiar face under the fire.

"Zhao Lu!


I'm here!"

Chen Chen saw the fire as if she saw hope. She jumped up, waving her arms and shouting wildly. A gust of wind blew past, and the next moment Zhao Lu appeared in front of her.



When Chen Chen saw Zhao Lu coming over, he immediately rushed over and started crying in his arms.

Although Chen Chen was blaming Zhao Lu, Zhao Lu didn't say anything.

When a woman is at her most emotional, it is a suicidal act to reason with her.

At this moment, you should pat her head and comfort her softly.

"Okay, okay~

It's okay~

I'm here, I'm here~"


After some gentle comforting, Chen Chen finally began to calm down.

However, after calming down, Chen Chen became stupid and dumb.

Zhao Lu didn't care. This was a normal reaction and it would be fine after a while.

Sure enough, after Chen Chen recovered some of his spirit, he began to complain to Zhao Lu.

"It's okay~ It's okay~

Don't go out by yourself next time. These little things are not that important.

You are the most important."


Then please don't leave me in the future, okay?"


I will never leave in this life~"


You're so nice~"

Chen Chen suddenly hugged Zhao Lu's waist, arched his back in his arms and said,"Then from today on, you are my boyfriend!"


"Ah ha ha ~"

Chen Chen suddenly became excited and turned around and shouted towards the woods

"All beasts, listen up!

This queen declares that Zhao Lu is your king from today on!"

After that, she smiled foolishly at the camera again.


Actually, I have liked you for a long time!

Everyone, look at me, he is my boyfriend now!"

Zhao Lu looked at Chen Chen and smiled speechlessly

"This girl seems to have been really stimulated.

She has become a little crazy."

Just as Zhao Lu was sighing, Chen Chen suddenly came back, hugged Zhao Lu's head and kissed her.


It was only past 10 o'clock in the evening, and there were still many people watching the live broadcast.

So, after seeing this scene, countless people were jealous.

"Bastards! Spreading dog food in the middle of the night!

Enough is enough!"

"I've known for a long time that you two have a special relationship. Now that the final window paper has been broken, there's no need to be like this! ?"

"Oh my God! Oh my God!

What are you doing?

You will teach the children bad lessons!"

"Why didn't you turn off the camera?

Why did you let me see this?"


They turned off the camera!?

They turned off the camera!?"

"It's broken! Something's going to happen!"

"Are these two going to do something in the wild?"

"Oh my god! A wild battle!?

How scary!"


The live broadcast room barrage disappeared for a moment, and then exploded again in an instant.

However, Zhao Lu didn't care about the situation in the live broadcast room.

Because he was in trouble at the moment.

Of course, he didn't turn off the camera because he wanted to do that.

There was another reason.

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