
A sharp sound suddenly rang out from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Lu felt a gust of wind rushing towards him from the sky.

A black shadow spread its wings in front of him, waving two pairs of sharp claws, and grabbed him fiercely.

""Snake-eating eagle?!"

Zhao Lu was stunned.

He didn't expect that this bird, which only appeared in the Philippines in the original world, would appear here.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that this bird is very fierce!

Just looking at its name, you can tell that it is very fierce.

And its real strength is not bad!

When Zhao Lu saw the monkey-eating eagle grabbing towards him, he quickly pulled out his hatchet and chopped it in the air.

After several chops, the monkey-eating eagle was repelled.


The monkey-eating eagle yelled angrily, then flapped its wings and flew to a big tree not far away.

Standing on the branch, it was looking at Zhao Lu coldly.

The feathers on its head stood up, and it looked a little"furious".

This was also a sign of its anger!

The monkey in Zhao Lu's arms also became obedient at this moment. It huddled in Zhao Lu's arms like a good baby.

Staring with big eyes, it looked at the monkey-eating eagle not far away with great fear.

""Ahhh! Help!"

Everything happened in a flash, and at this moment Xu Ke screamed wildly in the trap.

However, Zhao Lu ignored Xu Ke's meaning.

Why bother with someone who is about to be eliminated?

What is important now is the eagle not far away.

This thing can't be underestimated.

Its main way of attack is not to grab with its claws.

What it likes most is to peck its opponent blind!

At present, it is very simple for Zhao Lu to get rid of the monkey-eating eagle. As long as he throws the monkey in his arms out, he can successfully get rid of"Brother Eagle".

When faced with the choice between food and humans, this monkey-eating eagle will definitely choose food.

However, Zhao Lu did not want to throw the monkey out directly.

Because he felt that he was too cowardly!

After all, the monkey also helped him.

"Brother Eagle, let's play?"

Zhao Lu waved his knife at the monkey-eating eagle, and then strode into the dense forest.

There were many trees here, which was not conducive to the monkey-eating eagle's performance.

The monkey-eating eagle seemed to realize this, and also knew that Zhao Lu was difficult to deal with, so after following for a while, it gave up.

With a flap of its wings, it turned around and flew away.

""Okay, little monkey, you can go now."

Zhao Lu put the monkey on the ground, patted its head, and turned away.

He had no interest in monkey meat.


However, as soon as he turned around, he felt his pants being pulled. He turned around and found that the monkey was pulling him.


Seeing Zhao Lu looking back, Monkey pulled him again, then raised his hand and pointed at himself, then at Zhao Lu, and finally at the distance.

"You want me to follow you?"

Zhao Lu expressed her meaning with gestures, and then the monkey nodded intelligently.

"Well, you lead the way."

The monkey nodded, and then started running wildly in front.

Zhao Lu followed closely behind.

One man and one monkey, they moved forward quickly in the forest.

Not long after, they came to a dense forest with many wild fruits.

There were many macaques in the dense forest, which was obviously the nest of a macaque group.

"Squeak squeak~"


As soon as the monkey brought Zhao Lu in, it caused a series of calls.

Many monkeys seemed to be greeting it, and seemed to be discussing who Zhao Lu was.

Because Zhao Lu didn't understand, she didn't think about greeting them.

She followed the monkey directly to the center of the dense forest.

There was a small area of densely packed trees and a small hill.

Countless macaques gathered here.

Zhao Lu just glanced casually and could tell that there were dozens of macaques here!

"It's actually a large group of macaques?"

Zhao Lu sighed, and followed the monkeys to a macaque that looked like the monkey king.


The monkey pointed at himself and then at Zhao Lu, reporting something to the monkey king.

The monkey king was lying lazily on the ground, with two female monkeys beside him picking lice. He ignored the monkey's words and looked relaxed and contented.

""Squeak~" the monkey finished speaking, and the monkey king finally responded.

It waved its hands lazily, and then the monkey suddenly became happy.

It pulled Zhao Lu's clothes, and then took Zhao Lu to a big tree.

Zhao Lu smiled and nodded to the monkey king, and then followed the monkey while looking at the macaques with curiosity.

The monkey came to the big tree, pointed at Zhao Lu and then pointed at the ground, as if asking Zhao Lu to wait for it there.

Then it flashed into the tree hole of the big tree.


While Zhao Lu was waiting, the audience who woke up in the morning to watch the live broadcast were all happy.

"Is this a monkey?

It's so smart!"


Why does it feel like Master is about to get the Ten Thousand Years Vermillion Fruit?"

"I can testify!

When the monkeys in the scenic area are trying to snatch things, they are smarter than them!"


I want to make friends with these friendly monkeys.……"


When the live broadcast room was busy, the monkey also came out.

It held a coconut shell in both hands, walked out slowly, and handed it to Zhao Lu as if offering a treasure.


After Zhao Lu took it, she immediately smelled a faint aroma of alcohol.

"Is this monkey wine?"

In the coconut shell, there is a bowl of light red clear liquid.

The liquid is emitting a unique aroma mixed with fruity aroma.

""Thank you~"

Zhao Lu patted the monkey's head, and then took the wine and prepared to leave.

However, at this moment, the monkey group suddenly became chaotic.

Countless macaques jumped around on the trees frantically, screaming non-stop.

The monkey king, who was just lazy, stood up at this moment.

Its tail was raised high, glaring at the distance, and it kept roaring threateningly.

"Is this a problem?"

Zhao Lu frowned,"What kind of animal is attacking such a large group of macaques?"

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