"I need a relatively dry place.

By the way, find some firewood.

As for elephants, don't worry.

There is a strong smell of blood here, and elephants will not come here on their own initiative.

As for wild animals...

Since there are three tigers nearby, there will never be other wild animals nearby.

And the tigers have just eaten, so we don't need to worry about anything."

Zhao Lu said, and began to look for firewood nearby.

Soon, a lot of firewood was collected.

"How to build a simple rain shelter on rainy days?

It's not difficult."

Zhao Lu said, and began to cut the lawn with a hatchet.

After cutting the complete lawn, he began to build a very simple inverted shed on the ground without lawn."V"After the construction is completed, the grass that has just been cut is transplanted onto the frame.

Suddenly, a simple shelter with a grass surface is completed!

"Okay, the simple shelter is done!

Now we can start a fire!"

Zhao Lu began to pick out the firewood.

He found a relatively dry stick and split it in the middle, then used the hatchet to quickly cut the stick.

Soon, a pile of shavings appeared on the ground.

"Because these firewoods are very wet, you need some wood shavings.

These are drier and easier to ignite.

If there is no better kindling, this can be used as kindling."

There are also some thicker and drier branches, peeled of bark, and split from the tree and placed aside.

"This is a secondary igniter."

Then Zhao Lu found some smaller branches and put them aside.

"Once the fire is on, these wet branches will be the third thing to put on.

Okay, we can start the fire."

Zhao Lu said, and took out two balls of things wrapped in leaves from his pocket.

After opening them, one was dry cotton and the other was a ball of cotton soaked in grease!

"Of course, this is not a teaching video, because I don't have the time to teach.

So, I must have prepared something~

If someone really encounters such a situation, then they can only use a flint to slowly ignite the initial shavings~"

Zhao Lu said with a smile, not embarrassed at all.

After that, he took out the flint, ignited the dry cotton, and put the cotton on the shavings.

After the fire burned, he put the secondary igniters on it, and then began to blow to make the fire burn more vigorously.

Finally, he put the small wet branches on

"Well, it seems that the fire is completely on fire this time, and I can't use this ball of cotton anymore."

Zhao Lu put away the cotton and began to place thicker wet branches next to the fire.

After a while, the fire was completely burning.

Zhao Lu placed a stone slab on the fire and started to do other things.

"Compared to grilling offal, using stone slabs to grill will taste better.

Of course, the most important thing is that it saves trouble!

Okay, while the stone slabs are being grilled, I have to do something else."

After Zhao Lu said this, he started chopping trees.

"I want to make a small cart and then pull the bison back.

After all, this thing weighs more than 700 kilograms.

I can't carry it on my back, and if I drag it, I'm afraid that by the time I get to the shelter, a large piece of flesh will have been worn away.

It's a pity."

The cart is not difficult to make. Although there are not many tools, Zhao Lu has a strong body and a strong ability to control strength.

He also has a full-level manufacturing skill.

So, not long after, a small cart was made!

The cart made by Zhao Lu is not that kind of cart.

It is a cart that is very similar to a mobile clothes rack.

There are 12 wheels and a long wooden board at the bottom.

On the top are 8, 4 pairs of relatively strong wooden sticks.

On top of the wooden stick is a relatively thick wooden stick, which is used to tie the four legs of the bison and hang the bison on it.

This is a tropical rainforest with a very high density of plants. The ordinary rectangular cart is not suitable for this place.

Therefore, only such a small cart can be used for transportation.


The cart is ready, and it's time for me to eat~"

He came to the river and lifted up the fishing bamboo basket.

With a"clattering" sound, Zhao Lu also saw her harvest.

""Oh, there are quite a lot of fish!"

I saw dozens of small fish a few centimeters long jumping around in the bamboo basket, but there were only two big fish.

One was ten centimeters long, and the other was twenty centimeters long.

"However, the time was short, so there weren't too many fish.

But it was enough to eat."

Afterwards, Zhao Lu grilled the internal organs while processing the small fish. When a piece of internal organs was cooked, she put it in her mouth and ate it with great enthusiasm, then put a new piece of internal organs on it and continued to grill it.

After processing a small fish, she put it on a wooden stick and grilled it on the fire, eating one when it was cooked.

Zhao Lu worked on both sides at the same time and enjoyed the food very much.


It smells so good~

This kind of small fish is better when grilled, better than slate fish~"

An hour later, Zhao Lu touched her mouth and put out the fire with great satisfaction.

""I'm so full~

I have to go back~"

Zhao Lu patted his belly and slowly stood up.

The second strengthening potion was almost absorbed.

He also discovered his"new ability"——He could eat a lot of food in one meal, and then store the energy in it, and would not get hungry until it was all consumed.

It was because of this"new ability" that he had"unlimited physical strength".

He pushed the cart and rushed all the way, and finally returned to the shelter when it was getting dark in the afternoon.


"elder brother!"


Seeing Zhao Lu coming back, Chen Chen, Liu Hu and the other two quickly came out to greet him.

However, after seeing the cart he was pushing and the bison on the cart, the three of them were dumbfounded at the same time.

"Wild...bison! ?"

This one was obviously not caught in a trap!

It was hunted!

Originally, when Zhao Lu said she was going out hunting, they thought she was going to hunt water deer or something like that.


Zhao Lu brought back a big one weighing more than 700 kilograms!?

"How long will it take to eat this thing?

Will the meat go bad by then?

Liu Deli touched his almost bald head and fell into deep thought.

But the next moment, he thought of something and shouted


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