Xiang Mo's high-pitched scream did not cause any changes in the shelter.

Mo Xi still had a blank expression on his face, but his eyes had changed a little.

Because there were really too many snakes in the shelter!

Moreover, although there were many non-venomous snakes, there were also a few venomous snakes among them!

However, at this moment, the snakes did not seem to hear Xiang Mo's scream and were still doing their own things.

"Don't move."

Mo Xi said expressionlessly,"It doesn't matter if you scream, the snake can't hear you, but don't move.

The snake can sense your movement."


Xiang Mo's voice became much lower, but she was still shouting with lifeless eyes.

There was nothing she could do. She was afraid of snakes, and there were too many snakes in the shelter at the moment!

With the weak firelight, she could see that the ground of the shelter was densely packed with snakes!

"Calm down."

Mo Xi still had no expression on her face, but she did not try to light a fire again. Instead, she slowly put away the flint and took out a small package from the bamboo basket on the side.

"It looks like we won't be able to get a good night's sleep.

When you calm down, tell me and we'll leave here immediately."


Xiang Mo said"hmm" softly, but there was still no light in her eyes.

She was using all her strength to calm herself down.

After an unknown amount of time, she finally came to her senses and nodded vigorously.

"I'm ready"


Get ready.

Carry all the things on your back."

Mo Xi said softly, then opened the small bag.

He poured some on his hands and rubbed it on his pants and clothes.

"Here, apply it on your body.

Note, this is lime, only apply it on clothes."

After saying that, she handed the lime to

Xiang Mo. Xiang Mo quickly took it and applied it on his clothes.


""Well, let's go."

Mo Xi nodded and went out with her things on her back.

Because of the lime water on her body, these snakes and insects would not attack them for the time being.

This also allowed them to leave this dangerous shelter smoothly.

"We need to leave quickly and get out of this dangerous place"

"Where are we going?"

Xiang Mo looked around in confusion.

"Let's go back the same way……"

Mo Xi said this expressionlessly, and then walked straight back the way he came.

"Our clothes were smeared with lime, so they would be damaged to some extent.

Once the lime water is washed off, we will not only have no way to prevent insects, but will also be attacked more fiercely.

So, we have to hurry up."

"All right……"

Xiang Mo nodded helplessly, and then followed Mo Xi and ran quickly in the direction they came from.

They fled madly all the way. What they were hiding from were not tigers and leopards, but invisible leeches and various other biting insects!

The rain kept falling, making Mo Xi and Xiang Mo, who had already consumed a lot of physical strength, even more tired and cold.

In addition, the ubiquitous insects kept biting them, and there were also the cries of wild beasts coming from the forest from time to time.

All this made them more collapsed and uncomfortable.

However, there was no way, they had to run quickly.

Leave such a place full of insects as soon as possible.


It's really hard for me!

To earn such a small amount of money, is it easy for me?"

Xiang Mo supported his hands on his knees, stuck out his tongue, and began to breathe heavily.

"I am almost exhausted!

Huhu~ I am so tired!

If there is someone who can get rid of my insect crisis and let me live a wonderful life without insects from now on, then I am willing to be his girlfriend!"

"Stop dreaming.

Let's go."

Mo Xi was also a little out of breath, but her face was still expressionless, as if nothing in this world could change her expression.


The two of them just kept running.

When they were tired, they took a break, and when they were rested, they continued running.

Before they knew it, a whole night had passed.


I'm dying, I'm dying……"

Xiang Mo looked at the slightly bright sky and complained helplessly,"I feel like I only have half my life left."


Mo Xi still had no expression on his face, but his face was more tired.

"As long as we return to the original shelter, we can warm ourselves by the fire and drink hot water."

"But... the typhoon is coming in one day!

Can we really avoid it now?"

"Not necessarily."

Mo Xi shook his head,"Although I don't know if I can make it, I have to try."

"Well... keep at it!

Keep trying!"


Just as Xiang Mo was shouting"Keep working hard", Zhao Lu also got up.

Looking at the heavy rain outside, Zhao Lu frowned slightly.

"It seems that I really can't do anything these two days, I can only stay in the house."

They haven't moved yet, but they have moved all the fruits and coconuts to the new house. They plan to move all the other things to the new house today.

"It's a good time to make some more furniture while it's raining~"

Zhao Lu planned to decorate his new home.

Although theoretically, it wouldn't take long before they would use up all the resources around them and have to move away.

However, he still wanted to use this new home as the largest base on the deserted island.

Moreover, life still needs a sense of ritual, otherwise it would be so boring?

After a busy period, Zhao Lu made a hearty breakfast.

After breakfast, a new day officially began.

"Well, today's task is very difficult, everyone must complete it!"

Zhao Lu began to assign tasks.

"Chen Chen, you still need to take care of the small animals, weave the rice, and make some charcoal.

Lao Liu, go store water, and make sure to get enough water.

I estimate that our waterway will be unusable tomorrow.

So we must store water!

After storing the water, go find some yellow mud and clay.

Lao Hu, follow me to chop trees and prepare more wood.

Okay, that's all the tasks, let's go!"

Zhao Lu called out, and everyone set out together, starting to do their respective tasks.

"Boss, why are we cutting down so many trees?"

Hu Xin chatted with Zhao Lu as they walked.

"Of course it's used to make furniture.~"


Are we going to live here permanently?!"

"Of course, we just had a difficult time in the early stage, but it will be easy in the later stage.

Don't forget, we have 80 rabbits.

The breeding cycle of rabbits is about 50 days. There are 8 rabbits in a litter on average, and the baby rabbits can give birth in 6 months.

You can do the math, with so many rabbits, what else do we need to do?

Moreover, I will go out hunting from time to time, and we can continue to survive for a long time if we get the prey.

To be honest, I am a little worried now.

We have too much meat and too few people!

It will go bad and be wasted easily!"


Hu Xin nodded in agreement,"Boss, when the typhoon is over, I will make our garden very beautiful!

I... eh?


Look over there, is there anyone fainted?"


Zhao Lu frowned and looked over, and found two girls lying on the ground not far away.

And next to the girls, there were actually several snakes wandering around!

One of them even bit her leg!

The snake was black with yellow rings on its body!


Hu Xin was stunned.

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