"She is right."

The doctor beside Xiang Mo said calmly,"Although this weakly venomous snake will not endanger your life, it will still make your calves swollen, inconvenient to move, and even inflamed and pus-filled.

After recovery, scars will be left.

The typhoon is coming soon, and your current condition is very unfavorable for survival.

As a doctor, I still recommend that you get treatment.

If you choose to treat it now, there is still a chance that you will not leave scars after recovery."


Xiang Mo closed her eyes and began to take a deep breath.

She was facing a very cruel choice.

One choice was to withdraw from the competition directly and start treatment.

In this way, she would not suffer anymore, and it would be very likely that her calves would remain beautiful.

However, this would be equivalent to throwing Mo Xi herself into such a cruel environment.

One choice was to continue the competition, and she would definitely be left with scars.

But she could continue the competition with Mo Xi.

There would be no regrets or guilt in her heart.

"Xiang Mo, you should go get treatment."When

Mo Xi saw Xiang Mo start to be silent, he immediately knew what she meant.

After hesitating for a while, he finally spoke.

"Even if you stay, it's not easy to continue the game with your injury.

So, it's better to take good care of your injury."

She didn't want to embarrass Xiang Mo.

When Xiang Mo just woke up, she said that to let Xiang Mo know her situation, so that she wouldn't make a choice that she didn't want and regret it in the end.

"It's okay, I've made my decision."

However, at this moment, Xiang Mo spoke

"Thank you for your help, but I remember that we didn't ask for help.

So, please reply.~"

"Hmm? Are you sure you don't want treatment?"

The doctor frowned,"Money is important, but health is more important!"

"I've made up my mind, thank you."

Xiang Mo smiled.

She had figured it out.

She wanted to be with Mo Xi!

Money was not the key, but everything she had experienced.

In fact, before participating in this program, she was already prepared to get hurt and have scars.

However, when it really came to this moment, she was still entangled and hesitant.


The doctor nodded, and then left quickly with Han Shang and the others.

"You are so stupid! Doesn't this hurt?"

"It's okay!"

Xiang Mo patted her chest and said,"I'm a heroine!"


Don't cry when it hurts!"

Mo Xi rolled her eyes at Xiang Mo, then came to her side, wanting to take a closer look at her injuries.



You have an expression! ?


Actually, I want to be with you~

Please kiss me, hug me, and lift me up high!

I am hurt and need comfort!"

Xiang Mo was surprised to see Mo Xi roll her eyes at him.

So he threw himself into Mo Xi's arms and started to act like a spoiled child.

"Aren't you a heroine?"

Mo Xi regained her icy expression, ignoring Xiang Mo's coquetry, and looked down at her calf.

Xiang Mo's calf was a little red and swollen at the moment, and dark red blood was constantly flowing out of the wound.

Mo Xi reached out and gently poked Xiang Mo's calf.

"How is it?

How does it feel?"

"no feeling……"

Xiang Mo's face suddenly turned bitter when he heard this.

"Xiao Xixi!

Will I become disabled?……"

"Don't worry, it will be fine in two days."

Mo Xi comforted Xiang Mo softly,"At most, there will be an ugly scar."

"It would be better to let me become disabled!"

Xiang Mo made a bitter face, rubbed against Mo Xi, and then saw the snake corpse on the ground.

"Oh, right!

How did the snake die?

Was it killed by the production crew?"

Xiang Mo was a little confused.

"So are we considered to be saved?

Won't we be eliminated directly?"

"No, someone saved us, and he was also a contestant."

"Who is it?"

"I don't know, I didn't see the face."

"No wonder!

I wondered why the production crew had to ask for our opinions. It turned out that we were not saved by them.

However, it is really rare for us to meet such good people!"


"Xiao Xixi!

I'm so hungry!

Why don't we eat this snake?"

Xiang Mo tilted his head, stuck out his tongue, stared at the snake not far away, and spoke incoherently.

He looked like a silly idiot.

"Maybe eating it can help me detoxify!

Besides, isn't snake meat delicious?"

"Don't eat it, there are too many parasites.

Also, eating snake meat does not remove any poison."

"It can be roasted a little more!"

Xiang Mo swallowed hard, then tilted his head, opened his mouth, and let his tongue slip out again. He stared at the snake corpse, muttering with his eyes blank.

"I am really hungry now.

I have been in the rain all night, and I am not only hungry, but also thirsty and very cold...

Fortunately, I have no feeling in my legs, otherwise I would be really uncomfortable...


If there is someone who can give me a warm place to stay, hot food, and bitter but detoxifying potion, I am willing to be a kitten in his arms!"

"Aren’t you a heroine?"


"Xiao Xixi! You actually flirted with me!

Humph! When I have eaten my fill and have the strength, I will definitely teach you a lesson!"


"Look, Xiang Mo looks like a dog!

And he's a silly one!"

"The female hero Xiang Erha is officially online!"

"To be honest, if Xiang Erha had woken up earlier and met his master, he would have had the chance to transform into a kitten!"

"Can the master cure snake venom?"

"It will definitely work! You didn’t realize that when the master saved them, he tapped their bodies several times.~"

"I suspect that the master did not use the traditional method of saving people. There must be a reason!"


While Xiang Mo's live studio was bustling with activity, Zhao Lu and Hu Xin had already arrived at the tree-cutting site and started felling trees.

Zhao Lu used an axe and Hu Xin used a saw, and they quickly cut down the trees one by one.

However, what they didn't notice was that there was a very obscure mark on one of the trees they had cut down.



We just forgot to take the snake meat away!"

Hu Xin was suddenly startled and remembered the snake meat.

"That stuff has too many parasites, we don't eat it.

Besides, we can't finish all the beef now!

I'm worried about having too much meat, and you're still thinking about that kind of broken meat?"


Hu Xin smiled awkwardly.

He only found out today that the snake meat that he had always treasured when he was surviving on the deserted island was actually just broken meat in Zhao Lu's place.

"I don't care, I don't care~

I just suddenly remembered~"

Hu Xin quickly laughed twice and changed the subject,"Boss, the big trees here have been cut down.

I'll go over there and take a look~"


Zhao Lu nodded and didn't care.

They cut down the bigger trees, but didn't care about the smaller ones.

However, before long, Hu Xin's shouting came over.


Come and see!

I…I found sausages! ?"


It was snake meat just now, and now it's sausages...

Are you starving?!" Have fun reading books on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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