
Chen Chen and Zhao Lu were both stunned.

They had never thought that they would encounter such a thing.

Uncle Taifeng started to be a pimp?!

Or he gave her away in front of his girlfriend?

This is too... conscience! ?

"Help her put on some clothes."

Zhao Lu came to her senses the next moment, pushed the girl into Chen Chen's arms, and then strode out the door.

At this moment, the other four people also heard the noise and came out of the house one after another.

"what's going on?"

"Anyone need help?"

"Someone is asking for help."

Zhao Lu saw this and quickly explained,"We have rescued him. He is recovering now. I will introduce him to you later."

After that, he closed the door and walked back.

At this moment, the girl was wearing Zhao Lu's large windbreaker, covering all the things that should not be exposed.

However, the whole person was still a little"stupid", as if she had not yet reacted from the shock.

Zhao Lu then looked at the girl carefully.

The girl was about 160 cm tall, very thin, and her skin was white with a little red.

Her eyes were squinting at the moment, and she looked like a"blind" person without glasses.

Her nose was small, her mouth was also small, but the whole person was stupid.

There was a sense of"cuteness"

""What should I do?"

Zhao Lu frowned and recognized her.

He had seen her before when he was browsing the list of contestants.

The girl was pretty, but a little silly. Her name was also weird, and she didn't know how to dress up.

But, not knowing how to dress up and being silly was already pretty. It can be seen how pretty she would be if she knew how to dress up and was not silly.

"Fortunately, the camera was not turned on!

Otherwise, this girl would be finished!"

Chen Chen patted his chest and took a long breath.

"She should be looking for a solution, right?

How did the wind blow her here?"

Chen Chen wanted to laugh as she spoke.

It was the first time she saw someone being blown away by a typhoon.

Besides, it was too embarrassing for someone to be blown away by a typhoon.

His clothes were blown away.

"Is she scared silly?"

After Chen Chen complained for a while, he discovered something strange about Xiang's method - this girl had been in a daze since she came in!

"She must have been frightened...

Give her some honey water to rest...


Zhao Lu then noticed the thing on the ground.

It was half a tree trunk, along with a bunch of brown fruits.

It was when Xiang Fang flew in that he was holding something.

"This is an oil palm fruit!"

Zhao Lu was overjoyed when she saw this.

"This thing can be used to extract oil!"

He didn't expect that Xiang Fangfa could actually bring him this precious thing!

Oil palm fruit, known as the king of oil, has a lower oil yield than peanuts.

With so many oil palm fruits, there is no need to worry about the oil for the oil lamp for the time being.

It can survive the typhoon period.

Moreover, when Xiang Fangfa wakes up, he can ask her where she got these oil palm fruits.


Suddenly, she screamed, then she covered the key parts of her body with her hands, and her face turned red instantly.

"I...I...I was blown here by the wind!

I...I have no ill intentions.……"

She stammered something, then untied her arms and posed as if she were getting dressed.

"Thank you~

Thank you for the clothes~

You are so nice!"

Then she retracted her hand, gently pulled the jacket, and wrapped her body tightly.

"Thank you~ Thank you~

Do you have any water?"

Seeing Xiang Fa's series of actions, Chen Chen was stunned.

"This... this... is it... stimulated! ?"

"It must be a very special mental illness.……"

Zhao Lu shook his head.

With his medical skills fully upgraded, he could see that Xiang Fangfa was different.

So he upgraded all his psychiatric medical skills fully.

The next moment, he had a new understanding of Xiang Fangfa's condition.

"It should be because of the trauma he received when he was young, so he has such a slow mental problem.

But it is not a big problem, it can be cured slowly through language and Chinese medicine."

Zhao Lu suddenly found that he has the potential to be a doctor.

Recently, he has treated several people in succession.

"Why not wait until the show is over and go out and become a doctor?"

For some reason, Zhao Lu had such a weird idea in her mind.


Chen Chen was delighted when he heard this,"Brother is so awesome!"


I'm a serious veterinarian.~"

"Yes, yes, yes~ Very good at various care of sows~"

"Actually, I am also good at caring for white tigers.~"


Chen Chen's face flushed immediately after hearing this.

Then he glanced at Fang Fa secretly and found that the other party was still in a daze.

He couldn't help but become more nervous.

"I...I don't know where this oil palm fruit comes from……"

Xiang Fang suddenly said,"I also caught this thing by accident.……"


I understand~"

Zhao Lu nodded, and understood this very well.

For a girl with a ping value of up to 2000, isn't it normal to not remember where the oil palm fruit comes from?

"Yes... you are right.

A doctor told me so."

Xiang Fang continued,"But they are helpless."

He paused for a moment, then showed an expectant look.

"Can you cure me?

Please cure me!

No matter how much it costs!"

"We'll talk about the money later.

I'll make some clothes for you first."

Zhao Lu shook her head, then took out a piece of cloth and started making clothes.

This person is naked now, and he can't even see anyone!


Xiang Fang looked at Zhao Lu again, his eyes full of curiosity.

"What sow?

What white tiger?

Are you kidding me?

How can a veterinarian cure my disease?"


Chen Chen was immediately embarrassed when he heard this, and at the same time he was deeply troubled by the problem with the method.

"Stop talking!

Have a good rest!"

However, Xiang Fang suddenly stood up and bowed to Zhao Lu very solemnly.

"Thank you!"

However, while she was saluting, her clothes slipped off.……

""Sister, please stop moving, please!"

Chen Chen felt like he was going crazy.

How could such a person participate in the competition?

"It's like a Lin Daiyu fell from the sky……"

Zhao Lu shook her head and said,"It's still Lin Meimei with a ping value of 2000."


At Zhao Lu's current speed, it was very easy to make a simple set of clothes.

Soon, the clothes were ready.

Just as she finished, a familiar shout suddenly came from outside.

"Zhao Lu! I am a staff member of the program, Han Shang.

The solution is here, right?"

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