"How could this happen?"

Wang Xuepeng was a little panicked.

From the beginning of the program to now, he has experienced a lot of things.

There are many dangerous things.

But in the end, he managed to escape danger and survive successfully.

However, the things in front of him made him a little panicked.

"How did an extra tiger appear?!

And how did the tiger's injury heal? ?"

Looking at the two lively tigers in front of him, Wang Xuepeng was confused.

There are many resource points around his shelter.

Among them, the one he values most is a group of water deer.

However, he is not the only hunter who has set his eyes on this group of deer.

There is also a tiger that has set its eyes on this group of deer.

In other words, this group of deer was originally the prey of this tiger, and he lived in this tiger's territory.

In order to have a better life and save more water deer, he began to plan to hunt tigers.

However, in the absence of weapons, it is not an easy task to hunt tigers.

So he kept going.���Recently, he succeeded unexpectedly.

Although he did not kill the tiger, he succeeded in injuring the tiger and making it escape.

Seeing the tiger injured, he became more confident.

So, he took his two brothers with him, made bait, and laid out a plan to kill the tiger.

Although this plan was known to Tang Yi and the others, he did not take it to heart.

Because in his opinion, not only these two people would not affect his plan, but also any other person or thing would not affect his plan.

However... when he saw the two tigers in front of him, he was a little confused.

"Why is there another one?

Why did the injured tiger suddenly recover?

Wang Xuepeng was puzzled, but he didn’t have time to think about it.

"Boss, what should we do?"

The second brother, Chen Qiang, clenched the spear in his hand tightly.

"Should we help them?"


What help?

We are so happy that they help us kill the tiger~

Why go and die?"

The third brother Li Lin sneered,"Wait until they fight the tiger and both suffer losses, then we can reap the benefits!"

"Third brother, you think too much.

How can a man and a woman fight against a tiger and both of them will be injured? I think it won't take long before they are finished.

We can help them attract firepower if we go out now, and at the same time we can unite together and maybe we can kill these two tigers directly~

Once they are finished, we really can't do anything about these two tigers.

By then, the deer will be even more depleted."

"The herd of deer is so big that two tigers and we can’t eat them all, so let’s just ignore the two tigers.

After all, we are no match for them!

I don’t want to fight a tiger to death, there is no chance of winning!"

""Okay, shut up."

The boss Wang Xuepeng said in a low voice, and then closed his eyes.

After thinking for a moment, he made a decision.


We won’t go to rescue.

The two tigers are too powerful. Let’s give up.

Let’s go."

Wang Xuepeng finally chose to give up.

After all, the deterrent power of the two tigers is really extraordinary.

""Okay, boss!"

The third brother Li Lin was immediately excited when he heard this.

However, just when they wanted to evacuate together, the situation in the field changed again.

The man opposite the tiger actually took the initiative to attack!


"Danger, danger!

The master is in danger!"

"This is a real tiger! It is much stronger than the wild bull!"

"Master, please ask for help!"

"Something happened! Something happened!"


After the two tigers appeared, the comments in the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

Han Shang, who had been paying attention to the situation in the live broadcast room, also began to gather people and prepare to set off.

Zhao Lu didn't care about what was happening outside.

At this moment, his attention was all on the tiger.

"Things are getting serious!"

Zhao Lu was a little worried when he found two tigers.

This is a rain forest with many trees.

It is not easy to shoot a tiger that is very fast.

If it is just one, it is still easy to deal with.

But there are two here, which is too difficult to deal with.

So after discovering the two tigers, he raised his bow, put an arrow on it, and began to defend.

At the same time, he looked for opportunities and was ready to attack at any time.

The two tigers on the opposite side, for some reason, were approaching Zhao Lu and the others little by little.

"It looks like we have to take the initiative to attack."

Zhao Lu looked at the tiger that was getting closer and closer, and the fierce light in its eyes, and made a decision instantly.

"Mo Xi, please retreat quickly.

When I'm fighting, stay as far away from me as possible."

"What are you going to do?"

Mo Xi looked at Zhao Lu in shock.

"Do you want to fight a tiger!?"

"There is no time to explain, retreat quickly!"

Zhao Lu did not answer Mo Xi's words, but shouted directly, then drew the bow and shot an arrow!

Buzz~ whoosh!

After the bowstring trembled for a while, the feather arrow also shot out towards the tiger.


The tiger that Zhao Lu had locked onto seemed to sense the danger, and it roared softly, then dug its four claws into the ground and rushed towards Zhao Lu.

Seeing this, the other tiger also began to attack Zhao Lu along another path.

The two tigers attacked Zhao Lu from the left and right!

However, the arrow that Zhao Lu had just shot went straight through the tiger's afterimage and hit a big tree.

"So fast! ?"

Zhao Lu narrowed his eyes and did not rush to shoot. Instead, he began to analyze the speed of the two tigers.

At the same time, he also began to run away.

He was not surprised that he missed the first time.

Although he had full-level skills, he did not know the speed of the tigers on the other side.

So mistakes were normal and inevitable.

""All right!"

Zhao Lu analyzed and calculated the speed and position of the tiger while running.

The man and the two tigers ran like this for three breaths. Seeing that the tiger was getting closer and closer to Zhao Lu and was about to pounce,

Zhao Lu finally raised the longbow again.

Draw the arrow, draw the bow, jump, and shoot!

The four actions were completed in one go. The two feather arrows were shot out with the vibration of the bowstring.


Puff... accompanied by two strange light sounds, the two feather arrows hit the tiger almost at the same time.

Both shot into the tiger's brain from the tiger's eyes!

Killed in one shot!

The two tigers died without even having time to scream.


There was a sudden silence in the live broadcast room, and then the barrage of comments suddenly exploded!

"The master is awesome!"


"So cool!

He shot two arrows into the eyes of two tigers at the same time, killing them directly!

My master is so awesome!"


As countless comments were flying in the live broadcast room, a new situation appeared in the forest where Zhao Lu was.

A group of three people suddenly rushed out of the woods and ran towards the tiger closest to them.

"What are you doing! ?"

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