
Did the master just say he was waiting for the lions?"

"No way!? Did I hear it right!?

So fierce?"

"This is crazy, this is really crazy!

We actually have to wait for the lions, what is the master planning to do! ?"

"Are you going to drive the tiger to swallow the wolf?


Drive the lion to swallow the crocodile!"

"No way?!

Lions won't attack crocodiles on their own initiative, there's no way this can be done! ?"



Mo Xi was a little confused during the noisy discussion in the live broadcast room.

She didn't quite understand what Zhao Lu meant.

What did she mean by, they came just in time?

So you were waiting for these lions to come?

She had never heard of such a weird thing.

Mo Xi was a little confused.

"What do you mean?

What are you going to do?"

"You just need to watch it for a while."

Zhao Lu didn't say much, but started to prepare.

He took out two bamboo tubes from his backpack - the backpack was made of bamboo rat skin - and then took out the black soft things from the bamboo tubes.

"What is this?"

Mo Xi looked at the thing in Zhao Lu's hand with some curiosity.

At the same time, she sniffed it hard and smelled a very strange and pungent smell.

It was a bit fishy, but also a bit sweet.

Very strange.

"This is my secret weapon ~ one is sambar deer bait, the other is hare bait~"

"Sambar bait? Hare bait?"


Zhao Lu smiled and handed the bait to Mo Xi,"Take this thing, and then take a torch, I will teach you how to place it later.

I will help you guard while you place the things."


Mo Xi nodded.

She had heard Chen Chen talk about bait before, but she had never really seen it.

Unexpectedly, she saw this legendary bait in such a situation this time.

Holding the bait in one hand and the torch in the other.

Under Zhao Lu's guidance, Mo Xi came to the intersection of the"feast point" of the crocodiles and the burial place of the crocodiles. She began to spread the bait evenly here.

Then, under Zhao Lu's guidance, she placed a row of fires on the side where the bait was placed.

In this way, everything that was going to be prepared was ready.

At this moment, the lion group also appeared not far from the camp, secretly looking at this side.

The crocodiles also became cautious after the lion appeared.

However, they were not willing to give up the meat in their mouths and were still swallowing it in big mouthfuls.

On the other side, the initial battlefield.

It was already coming to an end.

The bloody smell of the dead crocodile attracted a bunch of honey badgers and hyenas, and these honey badgers and hyenas fought for food.

When casualties occurred, the smell of blood around became stronger.

As a result, many crocodiles were also attracted.

The war between the two countries escalated into a three-way war.

Groups of wild beasts fought fiercely.

However, now the honey badgers and hyenas have all died, leaving only a large number of crocodiles eating leisurely.

"The time is just right~"

Zhao Lu pulled Mo Xi back to the tent, then held the bow tightly and began to wait.

"Is this all right?"

Mo Xi asked curiously.

Although she was expressionless, she was still curious.

"As long as the water deer come over, it will be fine."

Zhao Lu nodded and began to explain in a low voice.

"When I came here this afternoon, I found traces of sambar deer and hares living here.

So I took out the bait I had prepared earlier.

We need to attract some herbivores.

After all, lions are too picky and only eat herbivores.

They basically don't eat mandarins, hyenas, crocodiles, etc.

If I don't attract these herbivores, I won't be able to use the strategy of driving the lion to swallow the crocodile."


I see." Mo Xi nodded expressionlessly,"However, will these herbivores come back?

There is a strong smell of blood around here.

After smelling the blood, they should not come back, right ?"

"If they smell the blood, they will definitely not come.

However, my bait is not given for nothing.

Before coming, I specially prepared such a bait just in case.

This bait cannot directly attract animals.

Only when the smell of this bait is combined with the strong smell of blood can it play a real role.

Therefore, those small animals will only smell the sweet and delicious food, not the blood.

When they come over, they will have no choice."


"Actually... actually there is such an operation! ?"

"What a miraculous choice, what a miraculous ability!"

"My master is still my master after all, and he will always be so awesome!"

"The reward has been received, just sit back and watch the show!"


"It's like this……"

While the live broadcast room was full of discussions, Mo Xi also looked at Zhao Lu in amazement.

She knew that Zhao Lu would mix some very magical baits, which she had never even heard of before.

It was truly magical!

However, no matter how much she thought about it, she could not have imagined that Zhao Lu could mix such a bait so wonderfully! She could even use the smell of blood to match other things to achieve the effect of bait!

"What a powerful reserve of pharmacological knowledge this is!……"

Mo Xi sighed silently. She really admired Zhao Lu.

This feeling reminded her of a poisoning method she had heard of before.

That is to use two non-toxic scents to poison.

If you smell only one of them, nothing will happen, but once you smell both non-toxic scents, then that person is dead.

She felt that Zhao Lu's method of preparing bait was similar to this method of poisoning.

""Here they come!"

Just as Mo Xi was thinking about it, Zhao Lu suddenly shouted in surprise.

In the distance, a group of water deer were running towards the bait.

"I'll go first!"

Zhao Lu said, and then he rushed towards the herd of water deer with a bow on his back and an axe in his hand.

"Mo Xi, put some more fires at the door, and be careful, stay in the tent and don't move!

I'll be back soon!"


Are you crazy! ?"

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