
That's it!?"

Zhao Lu was a little confused.

He was completely stunned by the imagination of the program team.

Such a big container, with only a token and a piece of paper in it!?

It's too simple.

But then he figured it out.

No matter what kind of vegetables they are, they can't be kept here for a long time.

It will go bad easily.

Moreover, because the door is not locked, it is easy for other small animals to eat them.

It is better to put a sign in directly, so that the contestants can ensure that the vegetables are fresh when they get them.

"Let me see what is written on this token and the paper~"

Zhao Lu strode to the place where the token was placed.

The token was made of wood and was very ordinary. There were three big characters written on it:——""Exchange Order".

The piece of paper under the token had a list of names of vegetables on it.

These were obviously the rewards that could be exchanged for this token!

"So many?"

Looking at the list and the number above, Zhao Lu immediately smiled with satisfaction.

"10 catties of long beans.

10 catties of chrysanthemum.

10 catties of spinach.

10 catties of cabbage. 10 catties of carrots. 10 catties of potatoes.

10 catties of soybeans.

10 catties of kale. 10 catties of celery. 10 catties of eggplant. 10 catties of mung beans.

10 catties of water spinach.

It's really a big gift package of vegetables!"

What Zhao Lu is most satisfied with are actually soybeans, mung beans and water spinach.

Soybeans can be made into soy sauce.

With soy sauce, his rice will be more delicious.

Mung beans can be planted directly.

In the future, he can have mung beans and bean sprouts to eat.

Water spinach is even better. As a vegetable that can reproduce asexually, although it has no seeds, it can also be artificially stimulated to grow roots and then planted.

Water spinach grows very fast, and the growth rate of plants in this world is fast, so it will be a major vegetable in the future.

The others either have no seeds or are not suitable for planting in the rainforest, so they can only be eaten as disposable vegetables.

"All in all, it's pretty good~"

Zhao Lu nodded with satisfaction, then put away the token and strode out.

Following the method she used when she came here, she changed the planks all the way out.

Then she paddled the raft back to the other side of the river.

"No vegetables?!"

Mo Xi looked at Zhao Lu with empty hands and asked with some confusion.

Zhao Lu didn't say anything, but threw the token out.

"These are the vegetables. You can exchange them with the production team when the time comes.

Keep them for now. We should go back.~"

"So that's it……"

Mo Xi nodded in enlightenment.

She was originally wondering what kind of vegetables could be kept in the container for so long.

It turned out that they were not vegetables, but redemption vouchers!

"So, such a large container is made just to attract the attention of the contestants?"

"That must be it~"

Zhao Lu nodded.

This place is very dangerous, so there is no need to hide the treasure.

It must be made bigger so that contestants passing by can find it.


The return trip sounds simple, but it is not.

Because Zhao Lu and his friends now have prey.

Hundreds of kilograms of tiger meat, hundreds of kilograms of tiger bones, and two tiger skins are not easy to carry.

For the convenience of transportation, they can only continue to take the waterway.

Go along the waterway, and when they can no longer take the waterway, they will make a small cart to pull back.

Because they wasted some time in the morning, when Zhao Lu and his friends got off the raft and made the small cart, it was already three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

"It seems that we may not be able to get home until the evening."

Zhao Lu frowned and began to look around.

They were out of torches now.

It would be very difficult to walk at night without torches.

Tigers don't have much fat on their bodies, and they had used it all up last night.

So, they now needed to find new torch materials.

"Now we need to make torches as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to make torches after the rain~" The sky is cloudy now, and it will obviously rain soon.

If we can't find enough firewood before the rain, the firewood will become wet and difficult to ignite.


What do I need to find?"

""Go find some dry firewood, thicker ones."

Zhao Lu said, and began to search in the forest.

He wanted to find some trees with resin, and then use them to make torches.

In the absence of grease, resin can also be used to make torches.


As she was walking, Zhao Lu suddenly saw a tree and stopped immediately.

"This is……"

Zhao Lu's eyes were slightly surprised. He walked over quickly, swung his axe, and chopped off many branches of the big tree.

He stopped when he could hardly hold them all. He then began to carry the branches back.

"What is this?"

Mo Xi had just picked up some firewood and saw Zhao Lu coming back with a bunch of chopstick-thick branches. She immediately asked curiously,

"Used to tie things?

Not really!"

"This is the best disposable toothbrush~"


Mo Xi was completely confused.

"Yes, there are many things in the world.

This is a branch from the toothbrush tree. Cut it short and put it in your mouth. Soak it in saliva for a while, and its top will split and become a thicker fiber.

These fibers contain a lot of soap and mint oil. Not only can you clean your teeth, but you can also feel cool and comfortable.

Very useful~"

"In other words, this is a toothbrush that comes with its own toothpaste?"


You can try it when you go back~"

Zhao Lu put away the toothbrushes with a smile.

Making toothbrushes is very laborious. With such a good thing, he is naturally very happy.

"In this tropical rainforest, there are countless magical plants~

You will slowly see this magical forest~"

"What a magical tree~"

Mo Xi sighed.

Looking at Zhao Lu's gradually receding back, she couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"You really know everything.……"

After sighing, she secretly broke off a small branch and put it in her mouth like a thief.

After a moment, her eyes suddenly widened.

She felt it!

The branch had changed!

It became a real toothbrush!

She brushed her teeth twice and immediately foam appeared. It felt just like a real toothbrush!

"So easy to use! ?"

Mo Xi suddenly found that he had fallen in love with this special toothbrush!

"It just so happens that I don’t have a toothbrush yet, so I’ll use this one from now on!"


While Mo Xi was happily brushing her teeth, Zhao Lu discovered something very good.

"BlueShit! ?"

Zhao Lu was stunned, then she became a little happy.

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