Xiang Mo stopped walking when she heard that and looked at the parrot with some doubt.

However, she looked it up and down and could not find any way that the parrot could be bad to her.

"How is it bad for me!?"

""Not good! Not good!"

Xiang Mo had just finished asking, and Zhao Lu hadn't answered yet, when the silly bird over there started to call out.

Although it was the first time it spoke human language, its voice sounded quite clear and it seemed to be true.

"I didn't ask you!"

Xiang Mo turned his head and glared at the parrot.


The parrot was a little angry, but seemed to be at a loss for words, so it could only wave its wings and keep calling in its original voice.

"You guys are back~"

At this time, the"PING Value Girl" finally reacted, slowly stood up, and greeted the air.

Zhao Lu:"……"

"What kind of teammates are these?"

Zhao Lu covered her face.

The other side continued to talk.

"This is my new friend, Little Gray.

He is so smart!"

"Why can't I get closer to it?"


Zhao Lu listened to the chaotic sound in her ears, slowly put her hand down, and nodded to the"PING value girl"

"I understand. You take a rest first."

After saying that, he turned his head and looked at Xiang Mo again.

"This bird is a grey parrot.

It is one of the smartest animals in the world.

It is also the smartest parrot.

However, it has a disadvantage, which is that it has a lot of feather powder.

In addition, it is very timid and shy, so if you approach it rashly, it will be scared and flap its wings.

After that, you will inhale a lot of feather powder. Although it will not cause any problems for a while, it is still not good.

Moreover, if you scare the grey parrot away, it may come after you."

"Is this guy really smart?!"

Xiang Fang ignored all of Zhao Lu's words and got to the point.

Then his focus shifted.……

"So, it should be very valuable, right?"

Xiang Mo looked at Xiao Hui with a golden look in his eyes.

Xiao Hui panicked and shouted


After the little gray bird flapped its wings, it suddenly realized that something was wrong and froze in place.

Then it shamelessly flapped its wings twice and cried again.



"Are you sure it's really smart?"

Xiang Mo pointed at Xiao Hui with an incredulous look on his face.

"Why do I feel like it's really stupid?"

"It's not stupid, but it's true that it's not very expensive."

Zhao Lu shook her head and started to prepare dinner.

"Go get me some water, start cooking, and we'll eat later"


Xiang Erha glared at Xiao Hui fiercely, then walked towards the river with the pot in hand.

""Gaga, gaga~"

However, Xiao Hui didn't care about Xiang Mo's look at all. It seemed that it noticed Xiang Mo's low mood, so it became excited. It walked around on the branch and kept shouting.

As a result, it accidentally fell off the branch.



Zhao Lu suddenly began to doubt the bird.

"Could this really be a stupid bird? ?"

The grey parrot, in his previous life, was called the African grey parrot.

It is the smartest parrot in the world and one of the few animals that can really talk to humans.

But there are exceptions to everything. Maybe this little grey parrot in front of him is the dumbest one in the grey parrot family.

"Forget it, if you are really stupid, then just bake it when you get back.~"


Little Gray had just gotten up from the ground and wanted to approach this man who made him feel somewhat familiar, but he suddenly felt a bit of murderous intent and was stunned in his place.

Zhao Lu heard the voice, turned her head to look at him, and then started to speak casually.





"Yo~ Not bad~"

""Yo! Yo!"

As if sensing Zhao Lu's emotions, Xiao Hui also waved his wings happily.

"Here, this is a reward for you."

Zhao Lu casually threw the red arrowroot that she had just eaten a little over.


Little Gray ran over excitedly, grabbed it with his paw and bit it.


As soon as it took a bite, it froze.

Its little head looked left and right.

Its eyes were full of confusion and disbelief.

But after a moment, its eyes widened a lot.

Its movements became much faster, and it began to eat the arrowroot in big mouthfuls.

"Sure enough, parrots can also feel sweetness~"

Zhao Lu smiled and shook her head, and continued to make a fire and cook.


It was getting dark soon.

The three of them sat together, eating barbecue and playing with the parrot.

They were very happy.

"Zhao Lu~ I suddenly felt that Xiao Hui seemed to be quite smart.

It could actually sense our emotions.

Moreover, it learned to talk really quickly~

How could such a bird not be expensive?"

"Because... it's ugly!"

"Ugly! Ugly! Ugly!"

Zhao Lu and Xiang Mo:"……"

Seeing the silly bird proudly shouting"ugly", the two of them couldn't help laughing.


"What a silly bird~"

"Is it really because I'm ugly?

But I think I'm pretty good looking."

"Not all.

The main reason is that most of them are sick."


"Don't worry, it's not contagious.

This is their exclusive virus. Parrots with this virus are prone to sudden death before the age of 1.

This defect is too fatal.

So it can't be sold at a high price.~"

"Will it die then?"

"No, because I am here."

Zhao Lu shook her head, then turned to look at Xiao Hui who was staring at the fire.

"Come, Xiao Hui, come and shake hands~"

"Hey! Are you training a dog?"

Xiang Mo had just finished speaking when he saw Xiao Hui stretch out his wings and touch Zhao Lu's palm.

Xiang Mo:"……"

"Silly bird!"

"Ha ha ha ha~"


There was no conversation that night.

Because there was plenty of time today and the conditions were good, Zhao Lu cleaned up the bloody smell of the food.

Naturally, there was no harassment from wild animals.

They also had a good sleep.

Early the next morning, they set out again and walked towards the mountains.

However, this time, some problems occurred while walking.

"I'm dying, I'm dying!"

Xiang Mo stuck out his tongue and panted like a Husky.

"I'm dying! I'm dying!"

Xiao Hui on her shoulder also cried out in imitation.

Yes, their relationship has improved now!

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