
Whenever I come to Chen Chen's live broadcast room, I feel sad...

So pitiful...

She is really so pitiful!

Please accept my reward!"

"Poor Xixi...

Xixi has no shelter now, and it seems like she’s really going to become a mole Xixi...

Sister will give you money for a meal!"

"Xixi, don't cry! Big brother, I'm going to go to Qian Lin's live studio and start scolding him!"


A group of people giving rewards instantly appeared in Chen Chen's live broadcast room.

In just a short moment, he received tens of thousands of rewards.

At the same time, his popularity soared, and he was directly pushed to the 6th place!

This was also an unexpected gain.

After crying for a while, Chen Chen also recovered and stopped crying.

Instead, she sat on the ground, looking at the big tree in front of her, and was in a daze.

She wanted revenge, but she didn't have any good way.

"What should I do?

Should I ask Zhao Lu for help?

Suddenly, this thought came to Chen Chen's mind.

But the next moment, this idea was rejected by her.

"Forget it~

Zhao Lu must have teammates.

And I am his competitor, why should he help me?"

With a light sigh, Chen Chen slowly stood up.

Although it is very difficult, we still have to survive.

Looking at the sky, it feels that there is still enough time, so Chen Chen took her things and walked upstream along the stream.

She wanted to choose another place to build a shelter!

This is not to avoid those two people, but shelters are a must on a deserted island.



I will take care of you sooner or later!"

Chen Chen pouted and gritted her teeth.

If the audience who didn't know the truth saw it, they would definitely think she was being cute.

But she was really angry.

People who are originally cute will be cute no matter what they do!



Zhao Lu lay on the grass, gasping for breath.

Even a person like him couldn't bear the high-intensity work.

However, the harvest was also obvious.

After such a long time of hard work, he had dug a large pit of about 30 square meters and half a meter deep.

"Unexpectedly, this job is so difficult!"


"No... it's not easy! ?"

"Oh my god!

You dug for more than an hour without stopping, and you dug such a big hole!

You actually said it was not easy! ?

Master! You are electric, right! ?"

"Electric drill 6666!"

"Electric motor 6666!"

"The little electric motor clacks!"

"The little electric motor clacks!"

"Brothers~we've gone astray!"


Zhao Lu naturally didn't know that he had shocked a lot of netizens because of his big move.

At this moment, he was thinking about what to eat for lunch!

"Forget it, let's do some more work and then eat~


Let's have bamboo rats for lunch~

It's too troublesome to keep this thing!"

After making the decision, Zhao Lu immediately patted his butt and stood up.

Then he carried a bamboo basket and brought back two baskets of yellow mud mixed with straw stalks.

After putting the yellow mud away, he selected two bamboo rats that were not in good condition, killed them and cut them into pieces, added some mushrooms and bamboo shoots, and stewed them in the pot.

He began to build a simple brick kiln with yellow mud and thin wooden sticks.

The brick kiln is very simple.

It is a cylindrical kiln body, with firewood placed underneath for burning, and a partition with holes in the middle. Put the things you want to burn on the partition, and you can start burning things.

When he built a brick kiln, the bamboo rats stewed here were also ready.

So, a new round of eating broadcasts began!


While Zhao Lu was happily eating lunch,

Chen Chen found a pretty good place.

She planned to build a shelter here.

However, when she officially started chopping wood and building the shelter, she was embarrassed to find that her body was too weak to do anything.

Although she ate a few mangoes, it didn't work at all!

She hadn't eaten or slept well in the past few days, and she hadn't eaten salt, so she felt weak in her limbs and her body was weak to the limit.

"I...what's wrong with me?"

After chopping a few pieces of wood, Chen Chen sat on the ground weakly and didn't want to move.

"I...I can't do this...

I need to cheer up! Cheer up!"


"Alas, I have caused you trouble...……"

In a private house in a certain city, Liu Yiyi was sitting in front of the computer, watching Chen Chen in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, her heart was full of guilt.

Although she was a little princess-like sometimes, she was not a bad person at heart.

In her opinion, Chen Chen ended up in such a situation because of her. If she hadn't quit early, Chen Chen wouldn't be so miserable.

"If you can't hold on, just quit...

When you come back, I'll treat you to a meal and apologize……"

Liu Yiyi silently gave some money and then closed the live broadcast room.

She couldn't bear to continue watching.



Zhao Lu patted his stomach.

This meal was very good.

With the acquisition of various mushrooms and seasonings, the meals he cooked became more and more delicious.

"I can’t continue digging in the afternoon.

I need to continue looking for some resources~"

Sighing silently, Zhao Lu stood up and continued to build brick kilns.

After making three brick kilns in one breath, he used up all the yellow mud and lit a fire under the brick kiln.

After doing all this, Zhao Lu took the pot to the stream to wash his hands.

After returning to the shelter and packing up everything, he went out with a hatchet.

The first thing he did when he went out was to find the tallest tree, climb up to observe the surrounding situation, and then choose a direction to move forward!

However, he had already explored the places close to him.

So this time he walked in a certain direction for an hour before climbing up the tree to observe the direction.

Not long after, he determined his goal this time-a strange place with not many trees!

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