"I suddenly discovered a problem……"

Chen Chen was panting as he spoke

"Why are there no markings on the road?"

She had already discovered this question when she came with Zhao Lu.

But because she always thought that the destination was not far away, there was no need for markings, so she never asked.

However, contrary to her expectations, the destination was not close to where they killed the snake.

However, when she wanted to ask something, she suddenly found the small cotton field.

In her surprise, she forgot to continue asking about this matter.

Now she finally thought of this question, so she asked it out.


I never marked anything, of course not."

"Ah? You won't get lost?"

"Of course not. You will be fine if you follow me~

However, if you go out by yourself, it is better to make a mark.

Well, since you are not tired, then hurry up and follow me. We can go back early and do other things.

Follow closely, and you don't have to worry about poisonous snakes and insects."


Chen Chen responded blankly, and then he suddenly thought of a very critical question.


I haven't taken my stuff yet!"

After deciding to cooperate, the two of them went directly to explore the place Zhao Lu wanted to go.

Then they found that small piece of cotton.

They agreed at that time to explore first, and after the exploration, they would go to Chen Chen's temporary shelter to take away the few mangoes she had not eaten yet.

"Don't worry~

I haven't forgotten~

Now we are heading to the place where the snakes are killed"

"That's good~"

Chen Chen responded, and then continued to run forward with Zhao Lu.

Her speed was not very fast, but Zhao Lu also adjusted her speed according to her situation.

Not long after, the two of them returned to the place where they killed the coral snake.


Zhao Lu stopped abruptly before reaching the place.

She waved her hand, signaling Chen Chen to move more slowly.

"What happened?"

Chen Chen was a little panicked when he saw Zhao Lu's actions.

"Is there a wild beast?"

"Yes, but I don't know what it is.

It should be attracted by the snake blood and snake meat.

Don't move here, I'll go take a look."

Zhao Lu explained in a low voice, and then quietly walked over there.

Although his physical fitness has become much stronger under the effect of the strengthening potion, if the enemy is a bear, he is still not sure to win the opponent.

Therefore, he still needs to be careful in the forest.

Quietly walked over there, gently parted the leaves and looked over.

As a result, Zhao Lu was stunned at the first glance.

"What's wrong with this thing?"

On the grass not far away, there was a small animal that was completely black, but grayish white from head to tail.

The animal was eating snake meat happily.

It felt as comfortable as eating spicy noodles.

"Honey badger? What a good thing!"

Zhao Lu smiled and waved to Chen Chen.

Seeing this, Chen Chen hurried over carefully. He also lay behind the leaves to look, and was stunned when he saw it.

"Flat... Flathead Brother!?"

Chen Chen was a little dumbfounded,"How could it be this thing!?

Let's run away carefully, right?

I heard that this thing is very powerful!"

"Those are all rumors."

Zhao Lu waved her hand."It's true that this thing has a bad temper. It doesn't care about life or death, and it will fight if it doesn't obey.

But its combat power is really average."


"Of course, it is very bold, and it has a passive weak point attack, and a layer of skin that is not easy to be bitten.

It takes a lot of effort for large animals to kill it.

And it is easy to be bitten by it.

It takes a lot of effort, but in the end it is just for a few ounces of unpalatable meat.

So lions and leopards are very annoyed by this thing"


But if we encounter it, wouldn't it be difficult to get any benefit?"

"Don't be afraid, I can definitely beat it."

Zhao Lu smiled and shook her head,"Besides, it's a good thing!"

"nice one?"


I want to chase it and find its nest"

"What's the point of finding its nest?"


"whispering sound~"

"Well, you have two choices now. One is to wait for me here.

The other is to go with me.

However, I need to carry you on my back."


Chen Chen was about to say that she would choose the second one, but she heard the second half of Zhao Lu's words, and then she couldn't say anything.

She felt very shy to ask the other person to carry her on his back after just meeting him.

However, if she was asked to wait there, she felt very scared.

After all, she had just encountered the"three snakes siege" incident not long ago.

"Hurry up and decide, it's almost finished."

"Then you carry me on your back!"

Chen Chen gritted his teeth and finally made a decision.

The fear she felt from staying where she was was far greater than the embarrassment and shyness she felt from being carried on Zhao Lu's back.

""Okay, you carry this bamboo basket and I'll carry you."

Zhao Lu said, and handed the bamboo basket full of cotton to Chen Chen.

"Is this really okay?"

"As long as you don't talk, there will be no problem.

You have to trust your teammates.~"

"That's good~"

Chen Chen nodded, put the bamboo basket on his back, and then Zhao Lu carried him.

"It just so happens that it has finished eating, let’s follow it!"

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