
Cao Bin looked at the screen and didn't know what to say for a moment.

According to the backstage staff's prompt, he knew that something had happened to Zhao Lu, so he turned around.

Originally, in his opinion, the situation on Zhao Lu's side should be that she had obtained some new resources.

But what he didn't expect was that the situation turned out to be like this!

What is this?

Is it a threat?


Cao Bin laughed dryly,"It seems that Zhao Lu has really had some problems.

According to our understanding, Chen Chen was bullied by Qian Lin and Wu Long.

Not long ago, they were the ones who became popular.

Qian Lin stole Chen Chen's things, robbed Chen Chen's banana resources, and demolished Chen Chen's shelter.

This hatred is really too deep.

Now, Zhao Lu is here to take revenge."

"Isn't Zhao Lu's behavior against the rules?"

Xiao Lin suddenly said,"He killed bamboo rats in Wu Long's shelter, which would attract many animals.

These animals are likely to cause harm to Wu Long."

"This rule does not include this yet."

"Then I feel that this rule really has some loopholes."

Li Wei also said:"You see, Wu Long has no way to stop Zhao Lu's actions.

He can only watch the other party bleed in his own camp.

Then, there is only one result.

That is to abandon the camp and wait for a day for the smell to dissipate before coming back.

Isn't this a bit too much?

After all, this is simply unsolvable~

In this way, if other contestants also learn this trick and start to make trouble everywhere, then this show will really be a mess!"

"That won't happen."

Cao Bin smiled and shook his head."Our program planner has also mentioned this issue.

However, this is not a big problem.

Because this matter will test the ability of the contestants even more.

Moreover, running away is not the only way to solve this problem.

You can also use clean water to disperse the bloodstains, and then sprinkle some special spices on it to perfectly cover up the bloody smell.

Or, make more fires around, and you won't be afraid of wild animals.

Or, like Zhao Lu, make a thorn fence, which can also resist many wild animals."

"Hmm~ makes sense~"

Liu Yu nodded after hearing this,"I think this is indeed not a loophole.

Because with this attack method, this show will become more interesting.~"

"Yes~ If anyone can't stand it, they can just quit~"

Wei Ling also said:"I think this rule is quite interesting.

It makes me want to participate in this show"


While several guests were discussing whether this"bleeding" was reasonable,

Wu Long was shaking.

This was not fear, but anger!

What made him even angrier was that even if he wanted to take revenge, there was no blood to bleed! He couldn't bleed himself, right?

However, Wu Long was not a stupid person.

The next moment, he thought of a way to retaliate.


If you have the guts, don't leave."

Wu Long looked at Zhao Lu with a cold face and murderous intent,"If you leave, I will follow you. I want to see where your shelter is.

Then, hehe~

I may also throw something outside your shelter!"

"Oh? Welcome~"

Zhao Lu smiled and didn't care at all.

The program group's rules are very interesting.

When the owner of the shelter is present, other people cannot enter without permission or throw anything inside.

If the shelter has no fence, then the most that can be done is what Zhao Lu did, spilling blood at the door of the shelter.

But if there is a fence, then Wu Long is not even qualified to throw things inside the fence.

If he wants to throw something, he can either throw it directly outside the fence, or wait until no one is in the shelter and throw it inside the shelter.

Therefore, Zhao Lu is not afraid of the other party's revenge or anything.

More importantly, he didn't actually plan to lead the other party to his own shelter.

After all, Wu Long's accomplice Qian Lin is still in the trap at the door of the shelter!

"Chen Chen, we are leaving.~"


Chen Chen nodded. Although she didn't know what Zhao Lu wanted to do, she didn't ask.

"You guys are really brave!"

When Wu Long saw Zhao Lu and Chen Chen wanted to leave, he immediately became excited.

So he quickly packed up the more important things and followed Zhao Lu closely towards the shelter.

However, after following for a while, he realized something was wrong - Zhao Lu and Chen Chen were running too fast!

Moreover, the two of them did not make any marks, let alone look at the marks, they just ran so fast.

This made Wu Long feel a little creepy.

He didn't have a knife, and the hatchet and engineer shovel were all with Qian Lin, so he had no way to make any marks.

In his opinion, Zhao Lu and Chen Chen must have made marks along the way.

Otherwise, how would they get back to their shelter later?

So, He didn't need to make any marks at all, as long as he found the other party's mark, he could move freely.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party didn't make any marks at all!

This made him a little embarrassed.

But if he didn't chase, he would feel very angry, so he could only pick up a sharp stone temporarily, use it instead of the hatchet, and draw a slash on the tree.

But not long after, the problem appeared again.

When he ran, he always ran and stopped, then drew a line on the tree and continued to chase.

But Zhao Lu and the other person kept running and didn't stop at all. So, the distance between the two groups became farther and farther.

When the figures of Zhao Lu and the other person were about to disappear, Wu Long finally collapsed.

"What is going on?

How can there be such a BT person?"

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