After Zhao Lu came out, he did not go back.

He strode out of the door with a military shovel in his hand.

It rains a lot in the tropical rainforest.

It didn't rain much in the past two days, which was good luck.

But it won't be like this in the future.

Zhao Lu observed the celestial phenomena and found that it will rain frequently in the future.

So, he has to do something before it rains.

For example, digging the foundation.

Zhao Lu has a premonition that he will enter a more intense competition soon.

Therefore, a relatively solid and large house full of"mechanisms" has become an indispensable thing.

"After the heavy rain, the land was relatively soft.

It was very easy to dig at this time."

Zhao Lu said, and began to dig quickly.

With the shovel, his digging speed was many times faster than when he used a wooden stick.

When it was getting dark, he dug out a large piece of land.


Zhao Lu took a long breath and stopped working. She carried a bamboo basket to the breadfruit tree and picked a batch of ripe breadfruits.

Then she returned to the shelter.

"Are you back?"

Chen Chen looked up at Zhao Lu. She felt like a young wife waiting for her husband to come home.

"Look at my harvest,"

Chen Chen said, pointing to the cotton yarn and cotton strips not far away.

"It's really good~"

Zhao Lu gave a thumbs up.

Then she took out two breadfruits, peeled them and cut them into pieces, and stewed them in the pot with mushrooms and fish.

She pinched out a piece of raw breadfruit and chewed it in her mouth. It tasted pretty good.

"Do you mean I have a good harvest, or that your breadfruit tastes good when eaten raw?"

"It's all good!"

"Why don't you give me a piece to try!


I haven't eaten raw breadfruit yet!"


Zhao Lu picked a relatively small breadfruit, cut it open, gave a small half to Chen Chen, and then walked straight to the farthest place where the cloth was placed.

"What kind of underwear do you like?"

"Cough cough cough cough……"

Chen Chen spat out all the breadfruit in his mouth and coughed for a long time before he recovered.

"How can you talk like that?"

Chen Chen blushed and looked at Zhao Lu fiercely.

I don't know if her face was red from coughing or from shyness, but it had nothing to do with Zhao Lu.

""Am I wrong?"

Zhao Lu said with a smile, but Chen Chen felt that the smile was malicious.

"Or how should I ask it?

Miss, can I see your panties?

I will copy them and make you a pair?"

"You will be harmonized if you talk like this!"

"How could it be?

The xx king is fine!"

"OK, OK, you are right!

But you can't ask like that.

How can I answer this?"

"If you are embarrassed to say it, you can tell me quietly.~"


"In that case, I will make one for you in my style.~"

"You don't have to do it!

I'll do it myself!"

"Can you do it?"

"Yes! Don't underestimate me!"

Chen Chen stared fiercely.

But Zhao Lu saw evasion in her eyes.

""Okay then~"

Zhao Lu shrugged without asking any more questions, then took out a vine, measured the length around his waist, and measured the thickness of his thighs and the depth of his crotch.

Then he used a carbon rod to mark the cloth with the vine.

After marking, he took out a hatchet and casually scratched the cloth a few times. Suddenly, a prototype of underwear appeared. Then

, he quickly cut out a wooden stick, and used a sharp stone to drill a hole at the end of the stick, threaded it, and used it as a wooden needle.

Waving the wooden needle, he quickly shuttled through the cloth strips.

After a while, a pair of underwear was made.

Then he used the scraps to make a cloth belt, which he wore on the underwear and used as a belt.


"So fast!"

Chen Chen stared at Zhao Lu in amazement.

Although he said it was slow, he was really fast.

At most, it was done in about 10 minutes!

"Of course~"

Zhao Lu held the new underwear in her hand and swung it for a while,"I asked you to tell me what style you wanted, but you didn't tell me.

Otherwise, I would have made it long ago!"

"Humph~ I can do it myself!"

Chen Chen snorted again.

Then he ignored Zhao Lu and grabbed a breadfruit and started to chew it.

"Mm~ this breadfruit tastes really good!"

"That's right~

But, what's your size?"

"Cough cough cough cough……"

Chen Chen sprayed again


Can you please stop talking so much nonsense?"

"Why did I say something weird?

I'm serious~"

Zhao Lu looked at Chen Chen"innocently", as if to say,"I'm just teasing you, but what can you do about it?"

"Don't you want a new bra?

I can make you a very comfortable bra out of latex.~"

"No need!"

Chen Chen shouted with a red face,"Even if I have nothing to wear and freeze to death outside, I will not let you help me do it!"


Zhao Lu curled her lips and said in a low voice, but in a voice that Chen Chen could hear,"In the tropical rainforest, the most abundant things are not plants, nor insects, nor animals.

They are fungi!

I heard that some fungi are very powerful and can make mushrooms grow there.……"

Zhao Lu muttered quietly and turned away, leaving Chen Chen in panic and worry, blowing his beard and glaring - although she didn't have a beard, she could blow her bangs!


"Zhao Lu: I have a big mushroom!

Chen Chen: Me too! And lots of big mushrooms!"

"There is no evidence to support the suspicion of the car!"

"Old driver 6666!"

"Ahahaha~ I seem to want to see the underwear and panties of cute girl Xixi.~"

"You think too much!

Watch more of the female players in other live broadcast rooms and you will know these things. They will never expose them to you!"


While Zhao Lu and Chen Chen's live broadcast room was bustling with activity, an unexpected guest came to the breadfruit tree resource point. Have fun reading books on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Top up now (Activity time: April 29 to May 3)

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